Yuan Hong stepped on the cloud and rushed to the place where the thunder was blazing amidst the loud and clear singing, and smashed the horrible Chaos Thunder with the iron rod in his hand!

"Where the heels break through the mountains and clouds, the sea moon and autumn hang in the sky."

boom!A bang!

The Hun Iron Rod was directly sent flying by the Chaos God's Thunder, and turned into ashes in mid-air.

Yuan Hong's hands were almost scorched black, but he still sang loudly: "The mind and the horse are not afraid of the vastness of the world, and the mind is always worried about the past and the present."

Facing the half-human, half-dragon god, he rushed forward and swung his fists violently, as if trying to smash everything in front of him.

The half-human, half-dragon god grabbed the golden claws, and another Chaos God thunder blatantly fell!Completely engulfed Yuan Hong.

In the midst of the blazing thunder, Yuan Hong raised his head and screamed, his whole body was quickly shattered by the divine thunder.

The saint's powerful restorative power is restoring his physical body, but the speed of this recovery is far slower than the speed of the destruction of the divine thunder.

The clothes and hair on Yuan Hong's body turned into fly ash first, and then his flesh and blood.

The remaining skeleton still stood upright amidst the thunder, as if singing silently.

"A hero breaths out like a rainbow..."


Shenlei seemed to be enraged by Yuan Hong, and struck down again!

The last bones were also completely reduced to ashes.

Lei Ze shuttled through the clouds, swiped his golden claws, and a bolt of Chaos God's lightning struck towards the primordial world.

However, just when this chaotic divine thunder was about to split into the primordial world, the entire primordial world was suddenly closed, and it disappeared in an instant, leaving only a breath.

Lei Ze seemed to be enraged, and he showed his might in the clouds, and countless world-destroying thunders poured down from the clouds, destroying everything in the Peacock Realm.

The Peacock Realm, which has existed for tens of billions of years, began to be shattered in the thunder of the gods. From saints and Hunyuan down to livestock and ants, they were all reduced to ashes under the power of the thunder.

Mount Sumeru.

One by one chains shuttled around Vishnu's body, and occasionally strange lightning flashed past.

Vishnu's face was pale, covered in blood, and he looked at the white-clothed old man in front of him unwillingly: "You...how did you have such a cultivation level? Even if your cultivation base was higher than mine at that time, it was not much higher. I don't believe it. I don't believe that you have a cultivation level that far surpasses mine so quickly! Yuanshi Tianzun, what's going on with you?"

The old man in white clothed himself with heavenly clouds above his head, while he was stepping on an agarwood chariot under his feet, playing with the emerald jade Ruyi with his hands, and said with a smile, "Yuanshi Tianzun? I am not me, I am the Dao."

Vishnu's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he seemed to think of something for a moment: "You have become Tao, are you not Yuanshi Tianzun?"

The old man in white clothes did not answer, but said leisurely: "A saint who is not dead is a thief, a thief who steals the vitality of the universe. If there is balance in the universe, there will be no immortals. Taoist masters have life, and all saints cannot live forever!"

Vishnu suddenly laughed wildly, his face crazy: "I am a nine-turn sage, even if the peacock world is completely shattered, I will not die! Can you catch me and kill me?"

The old man in white smiled, shook his head, and turned his back slowly: "How many prehistoric worlds have been destroyed by the Taoist master over the years, why haven't you met an immortal saint? I have already prepared a place for you in the Thousand Corpse God's Cave. Above the god cave, there are gluttons, devouring the bones of saints every day and night, enough to bury you for billions of years."

Slowly pull the iron chain and drag Vishnu forward.

Vishnu was shocked and angry, and said: "No, Yuanshi, you can't do this! You are also a saint, and the Taoist is also a saint. If you don't let the saint live forever, what about you?"

Yuan Shi sighed softly: "Don't you understand? We are not saints."

"We are the Tao."

His face was calm, his eyes were deep and indifferent, without any human emotion, neither sadness nor joy, nor surprise nor worry.


Soul mountain.

Master Tongtian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, held the Qingping sword and walked slowly towards Shiva, who had his back against the mountain with a look of horror on his face.

"Tap, tap..."

As the leader of Tongtian approached Shiva, Shiva's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and he shouted: "Thousands of years ago, he was going to destroy the Peacock Realm, but then he suddenly gave up the Peacock Realm for some reason, erasing everyone's knowledge about him." He took that memory of you and took you away... I don’t understand, since he wants the saint not to live forever, why did he keep you? Can you live forever?”

Master Tongtian stopped, seemed to be thinking, then shook his head and said: "We are not immortal either."

"Just kidding, you can't live forever? How can you not live forever!" Shiva said hysterically: "I have practiced for tens of thousands of years before I got the body of immortality, and I was able to live forever. , can ruin my practice for thousands of years? What does the balance of birth and death of the universe have to do with him? Why didn't he kill himself?"

Master Tongtian looked at him indifferently, his eyes were motionless and emotionless, and he said coldly: "Goodbye!"

Qingping waved it in his hand, pressed it against Shiva's chest, and pierced through his back!

Shiva's eyes widened, and he felt the laceration from the primordial spirit. He was unwilling and angry, but at the same time he was powerless to resist.

"Taoist...Taoist...he is a god in another world. He pursues the so-called true immortality...He believes that true immortality lies in balance. The balance of the universe is broken... He hates the immortal saints, and vows to destroy all parallel worlds and bury all saints."

At this last moment, he sent his thoughts out to the last incarnation he survived, hoping that that incarnation could rescue him one day.

"If the saint is not dead, he will suppress all the saints. In the Cave of the Thousand Corpses, when the saint is resurrected, he will order the gluttonous to devour the saint's body day and night, so that the saint will not have a chance to wake up... He believes that eternity is balance. Only by destroying all the old world, A new world can be born and a balance can be achieved..."


In the endless void, the Heavenly Palace stands majestically.

The Taoist priest rides on the chariot, surrounded by Yinglong, Lei Ze, the four beasts, and the four evil spirits.

Later, Taiqing Laozi, Yuqing Yuanshi, and Shangqing Tongtian came back one after another, and stood around the chariot with their hands down.

"This world should be destroyed."

A cold voice came from the chariot.

Lao Tzu Taiqing raised his eyebrows slightly, but lowered his eyes still.

With a flash of gray light, the Peacock Heavenly Dao was destroyed first, and then the entire Peacock World began to be shattered. The creatures, the earth, all turned into ashes, and slowly disappeared.

"Auspicious days come to Chenliang, and Mu Jiang is delighted to come to the emperor. To caress the long sword and come to the jade, and the bells rang out."

"Yao table, jade bowls, and generals, Qiongfang. Hui delicacies steamed, orchids, osmanthus wine, pepper paste."

"Raise the drums and blow the drums, slow down the festival and sing an songs, and Chen Yu se the grand advocacy."

"Ling Yan Jian is beautiful and beautiful, and the house is full of fragrance and beauty. The five sounds are full of music, and the king is happy and happy."

In the void, there was a clear and crisp singing voice slowly, resounding in the broken world.


The biggest villain, the Daoist, is now on the stage. In fact, a lot has been paved for the Daoist. I don’t know if you can see it.As for the identity of the Taoist master, I think some students should have guessed it, right?

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