Under the control of Hongmeng World, Zizi opened it in Chaoge City, sent Yinjiao, Concubine Su and others came out, and warned Yeshe Yunming not to mess around.

Yeshe Yunming Weiwei agreed, now that his big boss's family was crucified by Zishou, and his hometown was also destroyed by the Taoist master, Zishou is his backer, so naturally he dare not mess around.

As soon as he entered Chaoge City, Yeshe Yunming was shocked by many magical instruments, his eyes widened, and he thought that this Chaoge City was even more magnificent than the Demon City. No wonder Brahma set his goal on the wilderness.

Today's Chaoge City is completely different from the past. It has entered the era of industrial development, and high-rise buildings have risen from the ground.

As soon as Zishou came back, the immortal family of Fengxian Bang learned about this and came to see him one after another.

Soon, Grand Master Wen, Huang Feihu and other immortals gathered in Lutai to visit Zishou.

All the immortals went forward and kowtowed to the ground, and said in unison: "I welcome the return of the emperor! May the emperor live forever!"

"Get up!"

Zishou nodded, and with a sweep of his gaze, he found that many of these old subordinates had broken through to the Da Luo Golden Immortal. Even those who were mortals before their death had cultivated to the level of the Golden Immortal.

"The Immortal Conferment List has greatly improved aptitude. Originally, these people were not destined to be the quasi-sage of Da Luo, but now they can easily cultivate to a level that they could not reach before." Zi Shou thought to himself.

At this moment, Destruction Shiva walked out slowly and said, "Emperor, I have something important to report."

Destroying Shiva was beheaded by himself at that time, and he was included in the list of immortals, and he was completely controlled by himself.

Zishou pondered slightly, and said, "Say."

"Please retreat to the left and right, the emperor." Destruction Shiva looked at Zishou and said.

Huang Feihu frowned, and glared at Destruction Shiva.

Zishou waved his hand: "Huang Feihu, you all return to your respective positions."

After the immortals left, Destroying Shiva looked at Zishou's side Pingxin and Su Mei, hesitant to speak.

Zishou said angrily, "This is my wife, you have to speak up."

After Su Mei heard this sentence, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing a smile.

And Ping Xin glared at Zi Shou, and said in her heart when did I become your wife?

But she also wanted to know what Destroyer Shiva wanted to report, so she didn't leave.

Destroying Shiva said in a deep voice: "I have received a message from the Lord."

The main deity naturally refers to Shiva.

Shiva seems to be sealed in the Peacock Realm...Zi Shou asked: "Shiva is looking for you?"

Destroy Shiva for fear of being misunderstood, you already have me, and you went back to find your ex-girlfriend... the former deity, do you not love me anymore...

So he explained: "I still have some contact with the master, and I can hear his instructions under certain circumstances, but the master can't control me..."

Zishou didn't know the psychological activity of destroying Shiva, so he said, "What did Shiva say?"

Destruction Shiva's face became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "He mentioned the Taoist...he said..."


"The Taoist... is eternal...balanced, so the saint must not live forever..." Zishou rubbed his forehead and exhaled a bit uncomfortable.

Although the appearance of the sage did break certain rules of the universe: there is birth and death, and birth and death depend on each other.

But is it too much for the so-called Daoist to kill other saints with one word?

Why is this?

Pingxin's pretty face turned cold, and she snorted coldly: "Master, who is it in the parallel prehistoric world? I really want to beat him up!"

People like this who can dominate the life and death of a world are by no means unknown.

Every parallel prehistoric has similarities, and it is very likely that the Taoist master is exactly the same as someone in this prehistoric world, but there is a lack of information, and it is impossible to speculate.

Zishou said in a deep voice: "Now there is a serious problem before us. If it is true as Shiva said, what the Tao wants to destroy is definitely not a parallel peacock prehistoric! We have appeared in the peacock realm, and even used the primordial realm, The Taoist master has definitely discovered us, and perhaps Honghuang will become his next target."

Ping Xin was also aware of this problem, and she frowned slightly. The current strength of the prehistoric people is nothing more than a few with the strongest cultivation bases.

Except for the nine-turn saint Hongjun, the only remaining saints are Yuanshi Tianzun, Zhunti Taoist, Zishou and himself.

As for Hunyuan, although there are some, but the combat power is not high.

Such a lineup is far inferior to the Demon Kingdom, how can it resist the powerful Daoist?

Zishou reached out and tapped the table in front of him lightly, thinking about it, and said, "Do you still remember? We met Laozi, and Laozi recognized us. It should be the Taiqing of this world. When he went to the world under the Tiankeng, it should be Seeing the Taoist master, the improvement of his cultivation base is so high, it should be the handwriting of the Taoist master. Or he has already merged with another Laozi. But since he has the memory of the prehistoric, he will eventually bring the Taoist master to kill him. It's too long. Let Zhunti Taoist tell Hongjun about this matter, and see if he has any reaction."

Although he had a feud with Hongjun before, this kind of matter is related to Honghuang's life and death, so he must tell this Taoist ancestor.

Of course, whoever tells the story is undoubtedly the most appropriate one.

"Taoist, Taoist, who will win in a fight?"

Zishou thought, Daoist Hongjun should also be a person who stepped into that realm with half a foot. His cultivation base is higher than that of Brahma and Vishnu, and equal to Shiva, but even Shiva is gone. If the Taoist master took action himself, Lei Ze would be able to kill the Taoist ancestor.

After all, Lei Ze is even Nuwa's father in some legends.

"It's a pity that if this father-in-law sees me, he will probably hack me to death immediately." Zishou laughed at himself.

"Next, calm down and break through the eighth rank of the saint." Ping Xin said softly: "The current cultivation level is still low."

Zi Shou smiled wryly and touched his nose. He was already at the peak of Rank [-], and if he wanted to break through Rank [-], dual cultivation was useless.

After all, double cultivation is equivalent to accumulating true energy, but now that I am full of true energy, I have encountered shackles.

"Maybe if you want to break through the eighth round, you must cut the corpse. I have already killed the evil corpse. The next one to be chopped is the good corpse."


After talking with Zishou, Pingxin and Zishou left Chaoge, saying that they were going to the underworld to arrange some means to face the catastrophe in the future.

Destroyer Shiva also left Deer Terrace and returned to his post.

Seeing this, Su Mei threw herself into Zi Shou's arms with a smile, stretched her snow-white arms around his neck, exhaled like blue and said, "Emperor, don't worry, you will get through this disaster."

She said it with certainty.

Zi Shou smiled wryly, "Lei Ze alone makes me feel powerless, not to mention the Taoist..."

Su Mei raised her chest slightly, leaned over, put his head on her chest, and said softly: "Emperor, don't think so much, I will help you, now, I will reward you first..."

Zishou: "Ugh... I'm going to suffocate..."

The black will-o'-the-wisp soon enveloped Lutai.


After fighting for two days and two nights, Zishou carried Su Mei, who was limp in his arms, back to the room. Looking at Su Mei's face that resembled Nuwa, Zishou kissed her face lovingly, and said: " Next, I will try to cut another corpse, you should rest well..."

Su Mei murmured.

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