Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 77 Didn't My Letter Deliver?

"My lord, Yuan Tianjun is going to manipulate the ice array, do you have any plans?" Shi Ji couldn't help asking Zi Shou, who was leaning back on the chair and playing games.

Zishou: ...

arrange?It has been arranged early, Yuan Tianjun must die today!

"There's no need to make arrangements, just tell me what's going on." Zi Shou said lightly, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart. The ice formation will definitely be broken today.

What Yuan Tianjun relied on was this ice formation, and his own strength was no more than that of a true immortal, but now that Xiqi already knew the flaws of the ice formation, it was equivalent to one side preparing the exam questions, and the other side had already memorized the answers.

It would be a ghost if he could win!

If he can win, he really has to suspect that the Twelve Golden Immortals are also twenty-five sons.

On the battlefield, Xue Ehu rushed towards Yuan Tianjun with his sword in hand, Yuan Tianjun blocked it for two rounds with his sword, and then ran into the ice formation.

"Yuan Tianjun, don't go!" Then Xue Ehu aggressively chased into the formation, and Yuan Tianjun had already reached the earthen platform in the center of the formation, shaking the ice flag.

For a while, there was a strong wind, and an iceberg appeared above Xue Ehu's head, knocking down rumblingly, and countless ice cubes like sharp blades appeared under his feet, bumping upwards.

Poor Xue Ehu's cultivation base was relatively shallow, he screamed, and was immediately crushed to a pulp by the iceberg.

A soul flew out and headed towards the Conferred God Stage.


"My lord, Xue Ehu went to break the formation and died in the ice formation!"

When Yuan Hong rushed into the camp to report the news, Zi Shou was stunned for a moment, and slowly typed in his heart:?

Nani?what's going on?

I told Jiang Ziya the flaws in the ice array, can he still kill people?

Calm down, calm down, Xue Ehu should be just cannon fodder.

Reassuring himself, Zishou pretended to be calm and asked: "Xue Ehu? Whose disciple?"

"As far as I know, Xue Ehu is a disciple of the Twelve Golden Immortals, Dao Xing Tianzun, and Han Dulong's junior." Yuan Hong explained with his head.

"Oh!" Zi Shou immediately realized that these two brothers...are all cannon fodder, right?The main reason is to go to Shijuezhen to die.

"Well, go out and have a look." Zishou waved his hand easily and said.


On the battlefield, Yuan Tianjun stepped out of the icy formation, and said with a sneer, "Daoist Ran Deng, don't let your three generations of disciples come to die, quickly let your twelve golden immortals come!"

Taoist Ran Deng looked at Master Pu Xian and said, "Go and walk in the formation!"

Daoist Pu Xian nodded, raised his sword to kill Yuan Tianjun, and said in a loud voice: "Yuan Jiao, why did you commit crimes and set up this evil formation? A poor man came to this formation, one is my commandment to kill, and two is your life. One death! If you listen to the persuasion, close the formation and leave early."

Before the fight, Chanjiao had to try hard to persuade him. It seemed to be for the other party's benefit, but these words often only had the opposite effect.

At that moment, Yuan Tianjun took two swords and ran into the ice formation: "Reverend Puxian, if you have the ability, come in and meet my ice formation!"

"Why are you afraid?" Master Puxian smiled slightly and walked into the formation.

Yuan Tianjun had already arrived at the earth platform in the center of the formation, and waved the ice banner, the iceberg on the top was knocked down rumblingly, and the ice thorns from the bottom pierced upwards.

However, Master Puxian smiled and showed no fear.A white light appeared above the head, and an octagonal golden lamp gushed out of the white light, and a bright divine fire was lit on the golden lamp!

The temperature of this fire is extremely high, although there is only a small wisp, the iceberg is melting at an extremely fast speed!

However, at this moment, half of the iceberg melted, during which five or six sharp blades fell down!Each sharp blade is an acquired spiritual treasure. Although the grade is not high, but with the blessing of the formation, the power becomes extremely terrifying!

The sharp blade slashed on Pu Xian's body in an instant, and blood spurted out immediately!

Immortal Puxian didn't expect this, he screamed, the golden lamp above his head flickered, and went out, the iceberg crashed down, and in the next second, Immortal Puxian was crushed into a pulp!

After Master Puxian died, a soul flew to the Conferred God Stage.

Outside the formation, Daoist Ran Deng saw it, and held his chest, trying not to spit out a mouthful of blood: "This formation has damaged my junior brother again!"

At the moment, Daoist Ran Deng didn't care about other things, and rushed to the Conferred God Stage with his escapism to prevent the soul of Daoist Puxian from entering the list.


"Mission completed!"

When Zishou received the system prompt, cheers erupted from outside the camp.

"Another immortal! Haha!"

"Yuan Tianjun's ice array is really powerful, we admire it!"

"Thinking that Master Puxian entered the formation carelessly, he was chopped off by the ice formation, haha!"

Zishou raised his head, the expression on his face gradually became blank, and a terrible thought came to his mind...

Win again?How can this be?

Lao Tzu wrote down the flaws of the ice formation and shot them into Xiqi City!

Didn't Jiang Ziya see it?

Wait, wait... Could it be that Jiang Ziya really didn't read it?

Zishou calmed down and thought about it, it's really possible to pay him back!

This dog is better than Jiang Ziya. He gave you the answer and still can't copy it?You won't be a traitor sent by the business camp, right?

"Calm down, calm down..." Zi Shou took a deep breath, not to be angry!Life is like a play, and there is no one to replace your body when you get angry...

Although the damned Jiang Ziya didn't read the answer, he must not give up!

I must turn the tide!


"Scholar Chanjiao, since you can't break through the ice formation, who dares to meet my golden light formation?" The Virgin of Golden Light rode a five-spotted leopard horse, stepped forward and shouted with a flying golden sword in her hand.

Jiang Ziya said with a livid face, "Come and break the formation tomorrow!"

Seeing the death of another Da Luo Jinxian, the others were not in the mood to stay any longer, and withdrew their troops and returned to the city depressed.

Back in the Prime Minister's Mansion, from Wu Wang Jifa, to Ran Deng, to Jiang Ziya, all of them can only be described as "gloomy".

It's so hard!

The promised Lord Xiqi has been born, will he replace Cheng Tang?

As a result, four Da Luo Jinxians died in four days?

Not to mention the death of four Da Luo Jinxians, and none of the Ten Jue Formation has been broken?

What is this called riding a horse!

That's the Twelve Golden Immortals!Any one of them is at the level of Da Luo Jinxian, and four of them died in the past four days. Could it be that they are really so weak, are the Ten Juezhen so strong?

It shouldn't be!How could it be such a dismal start for the rise of the Heavenly Zhou Dynasty?

"I asked Puxian about it, and he said that there were many changes in the ice formation. Although he burned the iceberg with a golden lamp, five sharp blades emerged from the formation..." The Taoist burning the lamp said with a sad face: "It seems that the ten unique formations There have been new changes.”

None of the crowd spoke, Jiang Ziya narrowed his eyes, but a flash of light flashed in his mind.

Eh?Ice array, golden lamp, sharp blade?Where do you seem to have seen it?

So the question is, where did I see it?

"Crack!" Jiang Ziya patted his forehead, his eyes lit up, wait a minute, Bubo in the morning? !

Immediately, he hurried back to the room, found a piece of tattered cloth in the corner, and opened it again.

Well, twisted and ugly words, but for Jiang Ziya at this time, it is like a treasure!

"Ice array, golden lamp, and divine fire can be restrained, but you have to be careful of the hidden sharp blades in the array..."

"Golden light array, fairy clothes and magic robes can be restrained, you have to be careful of the flames in the array..."

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