Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 8 Zishou is digging a hole for himself again

The system is also really funny.

Want to buy my dream with a broken phone?

Zishou sneered in his heart, that's okay, as long as he fails this mission, he can go home.

"Okay, I'm tired of being alone, let's retreat!" Zi Shou waved his sleeves and left the Jiujian Hall without bothering to talk to the group of ministers.

Now he just wants to play some exciting games with Su Daji, a great beauty.

Zishou went directly to the Shouxian official.

In the Shouxian Palace, Su Daji came out to welcome Zishou, wearing only a thin veil on her body, her body was faintly visible, her curves were exquisite, enough to make the world look pale.

"Your Majesty, you are here!" Su Daji's cherry lips parted slightly.

Zishou said straight to the point: "I'll play chess with you!"

A trace of resentment flashed in Su Daji's eyes, and she said coquettishly, "My lord, did you come to see him just to play chess? Don't you want to do something else?"

"Can you do anything else?" Zi Shou was taken aback for a moment.

"My lord, it's a beautiful day, do you want to go to the cloud and rain together with my concubine~!" Su Daji lowered her head shyly and hinted, then looked at the soft bed not far away.

Zishou walked to Su Daji's side, and his voice became hurried: "Stop talking, I'm in a hurry, come on!"

As he spoke, he reached out and began to untie his crotch.

Su Daji raised her head, a trace of complacency flashed undetectably on her face.

So impatient?Sure enough, yesterday's integrity was all in disguise.

Even if you are an upright gentleman, don't even think about being Liu Xiahui in front of me!

"Come on!" Zi Shou untied his crotch and took out a huge chessboard: "Let's play chess quickly, and the battle will be more intense."

The smug expression on Su Daji's face froze...

Mmp, what are you doing hiding the chessboard in your pants?


Early the next morning, the city gate of Chaoge opened wide.

Today is the time for Fei Zhong to lead his troops to Beihai.

Fei Zhong put on the ill-fitting armor, took the memorial early, and asked Zishou to send him troops according to the list on the memorial.

Zishou opened the memorial and took a look, um, a dense pile of names.

Throw it directly to the attendant and let the attendant read it.

"Assisted by General Lu Xiong of the Left Army, and Fang Bi, Prime Minister Fang, and a vanguard..."

Zishou raised his eyebrows and said: "Old General Lu Xiong is too old to go out, stay in Chaoge!"

Just kidding, although the general Lu Xiong was frozen to death by Jiang Ziya in the original book, but after all, he is a general, what if he wins by accident?

Zishou wanted to gather an "elite army", how could he let Lu Xiong go?

"Fang Bi and Fang Xiang have also changed, and the general will keep it." Zi Shou continued to choose people, and he didn't want anyone whose name sounded familiar, so as not to get an S-level person.

If you have never heard of the name, let him go out with Fei Zhong to ensure that you will lose the battle with Beihai.

"These are not bad. Jin Dasheng, Dai Li, Wu Long, Chang Hao, and General Fei will take these to the expedition."

Zishou listened to the name and decided on it.

Kim Dae-sung?Dai Li, Wu Long?Very good, it sounds like a trick name.

Especially Kim Dae-sung, the name sounds like a character who died in the first episode of the TV series.

That's it for you!

Zishou nodded in satisfaction.

The ministers of civil and military affairs looked at each other in blank dismay. The few people the king said came to join the army yesterday, but in the end, he picked them if he didn't pick anything else?

"You are a fool, you are a fool!" The old minister Shang Rong cursed in his heart.

Grand Master Wen has not been able to pacify Beihai so far, but this faint army asked a courtier to bring a few boys with no hair to replace Grand Master Wen to attack Beihai?

Isn't this a faint king?

Originally, I wanted the veteran Lu Xiong to go with him. After all, he has experienced many battles. Although he is old, the veteran is still a veteran.

As a result, the stupid king directly left him behind.

After choosing the person, all the ministers wanted to dissuade them, but they all stared back at him coldly.

Am I trying to win?

I can't wait for these dogs to die on the front line, and I want to replace them?

Stop thinking, dream!

In this way, Fei Zhong set off with a group of "elite soldiers and fierce generals" selected by Zishou.

Zishou put on the royal robe, and pulled Su Daji to the city wall to see him off, followed by the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

Fei Zhong wore ill-fitting armor, rode a tall war horse, and bid farewell to Zishou with a dead mother expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, this time I'm going on an expedition, I'm sure I'll conquer Beihai." Although he was a little scared in his heart, Fei Zhong still said with a flattering smile on his face.

"Well, Fei Aiqing, let's go! I'm waiting for your good news." Zishou bit the word "good" very hard.

Go, bring me news of the defeat as soon as possible.

Fei Zhong left Chaoge with [-] troops and headed for Beihai.

The farther away he was from Chaoge, Fei Zhong felt more and more heavy. If there were cigarettes in this era, he would be smoking one after another non-stop.

Seeing the soldiers picked out by Zishou, Fei Zhong showed a bitter smile.

"General Fei, don't worry, I'm here for everything!" A newly recruited young general came to Fei Zhong on horseback, with an extremely confident expression on his face: "Your Majesty will rely on you, and Yuan Hong will do his best to conquer Beihai for your Majesty." !"

"Hehe, do you know how to fight?" Fei Zhong replied impatiently.

"General Fei, you will know whether Yuan will fight when you are on the battlefield." Yuan Hong was not angry, but smiled mysteriously.An iron rod was tied around his waist, shining with light.

"Haha, with our brothers here, General Fei doesn't have to worry. I think Yuan Futong is just a bit of a crook, and our brothers can be easily captured!" Jin Dasheng, who joined the army with Yuan Hong and was valued by Zishou, rode out on a horse.

"That's right, General, with the seven of us here, Beihai will definitely be conquered within a month!" Wu Long said seriously.

"Ha ha!"

Fei Zhong was very disdainful and scoffed, thinking that their newborn calves were not afraid of tigers.

If His Majesty hadn't named them, how could Fei Zhong like these people?

Seeing this, Yuan Hong smiled slightly and didn't say much.

Whether it is true or not, you will know it on the battlefield.


Leaving aside the matter of Fei Zhong sending troops to Beihai, after Zishou sent Fei Zhong away, he became very happy.

The old licking dog was finally sent away.

I keep all the generals you can fight, and the few who are left are not well-known. Let me see how you win!

But... watching Fei Zhong leave, why do I always have a bad feeling in my heart?

Zishou shook his head, but didn't take this feeling seriously.

After all, let yourself stay whoever you can fight, and those who can tell by their names that they are playing tricks will definitely not be able to fight.

Taking Su Daji back to the harem, Zishou said casually, "Go back first, I'm going to take a bath."

"Your Majesty~!" Su Daji held Zi Shou's hand, with a smile on her face and affection in her eyes, and whispered in his ear, "Your Majesty, don't you want to do something?"

Su Daji's voice was crisp, numb, and full of temptation, which could make people's bones soften.

"What are you doing? Aifei, do you want some chicken?" Zishou raised his head.

Su Daji, who has been a vixen for thousands of years, realized it all at once, blushing and shyly said: "My lord, you are really good or bad, blah blah~!"

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