Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 81 Yao Tianjun understands, the king is proficient in the way of formation

Taoist Ran Deng broke through six formations in one day, which greatly reversed the unfavorable situation. Hearing that the grand master was angry with the bullfight, he immediately found the other four heavenly monarchs to discuss matters.

"We lost six fellow daoists today, Wen Zhongqi couldn't bear it! Four fellow daoists, go back to the island! Wait for me to fight to the death with that old man Jiang Ziya!" Wen Zhong said bitterly.

Taoist Ran Deng obviously borrowed Yuanshi Tianzun's magic weapon to break the formation today. If not, how could he break six formations in one day with his strength?

Now that the sages have taken action secretly, it is useless for Lord Sitian to stay here any longer.

"Brother Wen, you don't have to do this, it's determined by the sky, we have our own opinions." The remaining four masters shook their heads and said.

"Oh, it's a pity that Qin Tianjun was hung outside the city by a burning lamp. It's really hateful!" Wen Taishi became more and more angry when he thought about it, and suddenly thought of Zhao Gongming, a good friend of Luofu Cave in Mount Emei.

This person has attained the Tao since the Emperor's reign, and his cultivation is as high as the heavens and the earth. If he helps, he will definitely be able to turn the tide of battle.

At present, it is heard that the grand master ordered Ji Li and Yu Qing to guard the camp, and he himself rode a black linqi to Mount Emei to invite Zhao Gongming.


Zishou didn't know that Grand Master Wen was going to invite people in the camp, so he just wanted to see Chanjiao continue to break the other four formations.

"Your Majesty, don't worry about it." Shiji said understandingly: "I heard that the Grand Master left the camp and went to the island, so he must have gone to ask for reinforcements."

Zishou: ...

well?Please help?What kind of reinforcements?

Zishou touched his chin, who is this old man Wen Zhong going to invite to be on the list?

Forget it!

Anyway, no matter how many people are invited to come over, they still kneel.

Think about how to deal with the remaining four heavenly monarchs!

"There are still four formations of Lieyan, Luohun, Hongshui, and Hongsha that have not been broken. Are there four of them now?" Zishou raised his head and asked.

"The four of them are practicing formations in their respective formations." Shi Ji blinked and asked, "My lord, do you want to go and have a look?"

"No." Zishou resolutely refused, what the fuck?What's so good about these dogs.

But these four dogs are scared after watching the burning lamp break six battles in a row today?In a hurry to strengthen their respective formations?

It's too late, wait for your death!

Zishou tapped the table with his fingers, still worried. Although Daoist Ran Deng broke six formations in a row today, the other four formation masters obviously realized that their own formations were not strong enough. What if they really researched some strengthening formations? method?

What should I do?

The previous situation must never happen again!

Changing teams, changing players, or even being a traitor won't work.

"Wait... I seem to have thought of something..."

A flash of inspiration flashed through Zishou's mind. Now that six out of ten formations have been broken, the masters of the remaining four formations must be burning with rage of revenge, trying their best to strengthen their respective formations.

I must stop them from studying the formation!

No matter what, they can't let them continue to strengthen.

"Yes!" Zishou's eyes lit up, and an almost perfect solution came to his mind.

The best way to destroy a person's fighting spirit is nothing more than money and beautiful women, just like the dog system keeps smashing sports cars and harem for itself.

If it weren't for his strong will, he would have succumbed to the sugar-coated shells of the system long ago.

"If these four people can be stuffed into Gentle Township next time, and let the beauties and wine disintegrate their fighting spirit every day, without Xiqi's hands, these four people will also be useless! Once they face Xiqi at that time, they will be easily knocked off! "

"A person's will will be corroded if he immerses in the gentle village for a few days. When these four people indulge in the gentle village, not only will they have no time to practice the formation, but their own cultivation will also deteriorate. Don't say that the Twelve Golden Immortals will make a move." Once the formation is broken, anyone can kill them.”

Zishou clapped his hands, um, it's decided!

"Go, let Yuan Hong come over." Zishou waved his hand and fell into deep thought again.

After Yuan Hong came over, Zishou waved his hand: "Si Tianjun practiced the formation for several days too hard, before the two armies are at war, you take them to Chaoge City to find a place to relax, and find a place for each of them by the way. The last beauty, no, three...four for one person! Four for one person, served with good wine and good food."

Yuan Hong:? ? ?

what's going on?

Yuan Hong hesitated to speak: "Your Majesty, cultivators...are not close to women, besides, now..."

"Huh?" Zishou's face gradually became unfriendly: "Just say it's Gu's order!"

"Okay." Yuan Hong could only bite the bullet and agree at the moment.

"Go ahead and take them to have fun for a few days. To be a man, you must know how to combine work and rest." Zishou waved his hand.

A bunch of dogs, don't play with beauties and formations?

Even if I can't make you obsessed with women, I definitely can't let you get in touch with the formation!

When Yuan Hong told the news to the other four Heavenly Monarchs, they had question marks all over their faces.

"You mean, this is what the king meant?" Yao Tianjun asked.


Yao Tianjun: ...

Yuan Hong thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty told you to relax..."

Lord Sitian's face darkened, Your Majesty, do you regard them as ordinary generals?

People who practice Taoism don't let out a little bit of Yuanyang, so naturally they don't touch female sex.

Not to mention beautiful women, money, and status, they all look down on them!

"Wait, I understand! Di Xin didn't mean that at all!" Suddenly, Yao Tianjun stood up suddenly and said, "Have you forgotten what kind of person Di Xin is?"

Everyone was slightly startled, and Yuan Hong was full of question marks: "You understand? What do you understand?"

Yao Tianjun tapped his fingers on the table and said, "Di Xin is planning a ghostly plan, how could he really find a few women for us? General Yuan, think about it, what a smart man your king is, this move... has other cleverness !"

Yuan Hong was startled, "What's brilliant? Tell me quickly, Yao Tianjun."

Yao Tianjun showed a confident smile on his face: "I think, the king asked us to go to Chaoge to express that he wants us to combine with the beautiful woman Yunyu, yin and yang, and actually tell us the method of formation formation fusion!"

Yuan Hong:? ? ?

Can you still understand it this way?

"That's right, the real purpose of your majesty is to give us a way to change the last four formations! Maybe your majesty wants us to incorporate beauty and seduction into our respective formations, and use them as strange formations! Maybe it is to tell us how to use the formations The Dharma requires the combination of yin and yang, and the mutual generation of virtual and real, and this is one."

Yao Tianjun analyzed: "Secondly, it is to let us leave Xiqi first and give Jiang Ziya an illusion that we are afraid and leave! When we come back again, the twelve golden immortals will be caught off guard. How can we be our opponents?" ?”

Everyone was surprised, Di Xin was also proficient in formations?

Yuan Hong was dumbfounded, is this really the case?

It seems that it really makes sense!

"General Yuan, without delay, let's go!" Yao Tianjun patted Yuan Hong's shoulder.

Yuan Hong nodded thoughtfully, so...

Your Majesty asked us to go whoring just to let us improve the formation?


Yuan Hong led Si Tianjun away, and the next morning, Shiji brought hot water: "My lord, I heard that the grand master has returned, and he brought a fellow Taoist with him."

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