Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 83 Master Wen understands Zishou's guidance

"Please tell the king clearly!" Wen Zhong immediately asked seriously.

He was really scared into a cold sweat by these words. The king is conspiring, and if he says that it will cause a catastrophe, it will definitely cause a catastrophe!

"Master Huanglong!" Zishou tapped his fingers on the table, and reported with a blank expression: "Zhao Gongming just wants to destroy the prestige of Chanjiao, just beat up the immortal Chanjiao, and hang Master Huanglong in the camp. Now, think about it for yourself, does this really destroy the prestige of explaining education?"

Zishou stunned Wen Zhongwen for a moment.

Wen Zhongdao: "But Jiang Ziya also hung Qin Tianjun on the top of the wall."

Since Xiqi hanged Qin Wan up for a demonstration, they also hung up the real Huanglong, which was also a means of demonstration.

You can hang my people, and I can hang yours too!

"Childish!" Zishou shook his head and said, "The dog is barking at you on the road, do you really squat down and yell back? Just think about it, Jiang Ziya hangs Qin Wan up to demonstrate to you, and you hang the real Huanglong to Chan Teaching demonstrations, what is the difference between this practice and children? This is a war, not a child's play!"

Wen Zhong was full of bewilderment, and couldn't help but said, "How can you relieve your anger like this!"

"You do what the other party does?" Zishou sneered: "If one day Ji Fa raped our Yin Shang women, would you grab a few Xiqi women to rape them just to understand?"

This Wen Zhong actually dared to refute, but he said something, which really relieved his anger.

Wen Zhong was reprimanded by the quilt, his face was red and black.

"Can't we know the same as those people in Xiqi?" Zishou knocked on the table and said earnestly: "They hang people up to demonstrate to us, that's their business, we can't imitate them. We are a big country , you must be measured, and you can’t learn from a small country like Xiqi that every vengeance must be vengeful. When doing things, you must take a long-term perspective!”

Wen Zhong nodded thoughtfully: "I seem to understand..."

"Think about it, he hanged people up to demonstrate, and you hang people up to demonstrate, Xiqi will definitely continue to think of ways to hang our people up in a fit of anger, but you continue to grab each other's people and hang them up, back and forth, hanging all over the city Everyone is human. In the end, both sides will suffer, so what's the use of dying together?"

Zishou analyzed sternly: "Although this approach is indeed to relieve anger, it will not be beneficial in the long run, and it will only make us appear cruel and heartless!"

Wen Zhong nodded, as if he understood what the king wanted to say.

Well, in fact, Zishou only has one meaning, stop hanging people, wouldn't it be nice to put real Huanglong down and put him in the prison car?

"Well, do you understand now?" Zi Shou glanced at Wen Zhong and asked.

Wen Zhong nodded: "Understood, thank you King for your guidance!"

"Okay, let's do it if you understand!" Zishou nodded in satisfaction, a child can be taught!

Hurry up, put real Huanglong down and put him in a prison van, even if he is a hostage, he must be humanitarian!

Daoist Huanglong took the opportunity to escape?That's right!

Run now!

"Yes, Your Majesty." Wen Zhong turned around and wanted to leave, but suddenly thought of something, and asked curiously, "Your Majesty, what would you do if you were barked by a dog while walking on the road?"

"Does it need to be said? Kill the dog and eat it." Zi Shou waved his hand without thinking.

Wen Zhong's heart was shocked, and his eyes lit up!

I understand, so this is what the king meant!

Well, what the king means is that if the other party is ruthless, we want to be even more ruthless!We have to be a hundred times harder than Xiqi to scare them!

"Resignation, old minister." After Wen Zhong finished speaking, he turned and left the camp, found Zhao Gongming, and told him what Zi Shou had said.

The more Zhao Gongming heard it, the more moved he was, and he said deeply: "That's right, we hang him alone, and he hangs us both. It's really useless if it goes on like this. The Western Zhou Dynasty will find someone to save him."

Wen Zhong nodded and said: "The dog is barking at us on the road. What we have to do is not to squat down and curse back, but to kill and eat the dog! This is the way of war! If the enemy is ruthless, we will be more ruthless. That way Only then can you relieve your anger, you are worthy of being a king!"

Zhao Gongming nodded, showing a cruel smile: "In that case, let me go and nail Huanglong to death on the banner pole!"

Wen Zhong agreed: "In this way, we won't be afraid that they will rob Master Huanglong."


Besides, in Xiqi City, in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Everyone in Chanjiao got together to discuss matters, and when Zhao Gongming was mentioned, they all shook their heads.

This person's cultivation base is also a Daluo Jinxian, no different from them, but the spirit treasure in his hand is too powerful, and anyone who hits will be hurt.

Da Luo Jinxian couldn't stand it either!Jiang Ziya was touched and was still lying on the bed.

"Hmph! They hung the real Huanglong on the pole! It's really hateful!" Fear Liusun gritted his teeth.

"Don't worry, Yang Jian, you sneak into the business camp at night and rescue your uncle." Master Yuding shook his head and smiled lightly, "With Yang Jian here, why is it difficult to save people?"

At one o'clock in the evening, Yang Jian changed into a mosquito and sneaked into the business camp, came to the side of the hanging real Huanglong, and said in a low voice: "Master, my disciple is here to save you!"

Master Huang Long remained motionless, and Yang Jian called several times, but no one responded.

Then Yang Jian took off the talisman on the top of Master Huanglong's head, but there was no response.

Yang Jian took a closer look, and couldn't help trembling with fright. He saw that real Huang Long was nailed to the flag pole, his face was pale golden, and he had died for a long time.

"It's over! Uncle Huang Long is dead... Conferred God Platform! Go to Conferred God Platform!" Yang Jian hurriedly flew to Xiqi City.

The Conferred God Platform at this time.

Bai Jian, the god of Qingfu, was standing in front of the stage, but he saw Master Huang Long coming in a daze.

Bai Jian was stunned for a moment. Although the Twelve Golden Immortals were guilty of murder, it is impossible for them to be included in the list of gods!

The only possibility is that another accident occurred!

At that moment, Bai Jian hurriedly waved the soul-calling flag to prevent Master Huang Long from entering the list, but what kind of cultivation is Master Huang Long?

Although he is the weakest among the Twelve Golden Immortals, he is still a Da Luo Golden Immortal after all!

How can Bai Jian stop it!

Real Huang Long bumped lightly, and Bai Jian flew upside down.

"Not good! I can't stop it! If Master Huang Long enters the list, it will be over!" Bai Jian complained in his stomach, seeing that Master Huang Long was only seven steps away from the list of gods, it might be too late to inform Jiang Ziya at this time!

"Hurry up, stop my uncle from entering the list!" At this moment, Yang Jian rushed over!

It turned out that he originally wanted to go back to Xiangfu to report to his master, but then he thought it would be too late to go back to Xiangfu and then to Fengshentai!So he rushed directly to the Conferred God Stage.

"Uncle Master, wake up! You can't enter the list!" Yang Jian dodged to block the real Huanglong, and swung the three-pointed and two-edged sword.

However, after Master Huang Long was crucified to death by Zhao Gongming, his consciousness was still hazy and he couldn't hear Yang Jian's words at all.I just felt that the Conferred God List was attracting me, and I continued to take another step forward.

Master Huanglong knocked Yang Jian back three steps, and then he took two steps closer to the Conferred God Stage!

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