Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 94 The Arrival of Shen Gongbao

"You have completed the mission, beheaded three Da Luo Jinxians!"

"Mission rewards have been issued! Yin Shang Luck +1000, Nine-turn Xuanyuan Kungfu fifth turn (automatic cultivation), Sanxiao Niangniang's favorability."

The system's voice sounded faintly, announcing the completion of this mission.

Zishou: ...

I don't want rewards!you take it!

"Forget it, the dog system can win me countless times, and I only need to win once!" Zi Shou took a deep breath and clenched his fists. Someone like me won't be knocked down!Wait for me!

Glancing at Ran Deng opposite, whose face was livid and trembling with anger, Zi Shou felt that this bastard was pretending to be himself!

If you let Lu press on, what the hell will I win?


Zhang Tianjun walked out from the red sand formation, raised his head and said: "Tianzun Daoxing is dead, who else dares to enter my red sand formation?"

"Brother Dao..." Ran Deng looked at Taoist Zhunti, his eyes full of pleading.

This Dixin is too hateful!Now even King Wu is also trapped in the red sand formation, only the quasi-raised hand can break the formation!

"In this case, let me help you break the red sand formation!" Zhunti took back the soul of Daoxing Tianzun and put it in the gourd.

Then he sighed helplessly, and walked towards the red sand formation: "Zhang Tianjun, now that Chengtang's luck is exhausted, and the Holy Lord of the Zhou Dynasty is rising, you set up this evil formation for no reason, reckless and murderous, I advise you, please accept it." If you break the red sand formation and release King Wu, if not, I will regret it when I break your red sand formation!"

"Hmph! Don't talk nonsense, if you have the ability, break my red sand formation!" Zhang Tianjun snorted coldly, turned and walked into the red sand formation.

Taoist Zhunti jumped in, and Zhang Tianjun stepped onto the earthen platform, splashing red sand!

The red sand all over the sky hit, and countless pink skeletons in the red sand also twisted their bodies and rushed towards Zhunti.

However, Zhunti's body emitted a layer of mysterious light, and the red sand turned into ashes as soon as it approached, and the pink skeleton turned into a wisp of black smoke screaming and wailing before it approached!

The body of a saint is so powerful!

The mere red sand formation, even if Zhang Tianjun changed it to be more treacherous and dangerous, it would not be able to hurt the saint.

"Zhang Tianjun, take your life!" Zhunti Taoist sacrificed the blessing pestle and landed heavily on Zhang Tianjun's forehead.

Zhang Tianjun didn't even have time to let out a scream, his head was smashed and he died violently on the ground.

Afterwards, Taoist Zhunti put away the blessing pestle, broke through the red sand formation, and rescued King Wu Jifa and Nezha.

"My Daoist brother, stop! Yaodao, you have injured three of my Daoist brothers one after another. I, Wen Zhong, swear to you that I will not give up!" Wen Zhong was so angry that he rode a golden mace and rode a black unicorn towards Taoist Zhunti. .

Taoist Zhunti stretched out his hand lightly and flicked, Wen Zhongru was hit hard, and he fell backward with his rider!

"This is a small punishment, if there is a next time, I will take my life!" Zhunti said calmly.

Wen Zhong's face turned red with anger, and there was a burst of cheers from Ran Deng's side.

King Wu was finally rescued, and the Ten Jue Formation was finally broken.

However, this time the teaching was also a great loss, as many as nine Da Luo Jinxians died in the Ten Absolute Formation, and the real Huanglong was hanged to death by Zhao Gongming, and now only the real Yuding and Lingbao are left among the twelve golden immortals Archmage.


Returning to the tent from the battlefield, Zishou told Yuan Hongshiji to retreat, and he didn't even want to eat. In his words, he was angry.

The masters of the Ten Absolute Formation are all dead now, but the problem with stepping on the horse is that they stabbed themselves severely before they died!

After all, let him carry all the rewards alone...



Zishou took a deep breath, he wanted to force himself to calm down, organize his thoughts, and think about what to do next.

The Ten Jue Formation is gone, Wen Zhong is now only surrounded by Zhao Gongming and Mo Lihong, and it stands to reason that he can't stand alone, but ten of the Twelve Golden Immortals on the Chanjiao side also died.

Now that he wants to lose, Zi Shou really doesn't know what to do.

"The next mission should also be about fighting... how to arrange it."

Zishou touched his head and thought for a while, but he had no idea.

"The Taoist who appeared today should be a saint, perhaps one of the two saints in the West."

From Ran Deng's attitude towards the Taoist, Zi Shou could easily deduce it.

After calming down, Zishou calmed down a lot. Since the saint also came out, it is more likely to lose next time.

He didn't believe that he could win all the time.


Although the Ten Jue Formation has been completely broken, Xiqi is also seriously injured. After the death of ten Daluo Jinxians, they are still recuperating after being resurrected.

The two sides chose to cease fighting tacitly.

However, this kind of peace is only temporary. After the ten Daluo Jinxians resume their lives, they will continue to go to Xiqi to avenge the Shang Dynasty.

Or when Wen Zhong finds new reinforcements, he will definitely attack Xiqi!

On the commercial side, Zhao Gongming recovered gradually, Wen Zhong was depressed all day long, and Zishou planned to go back to Chaoge first.

Now it seems that it will take some time for the two sides to start a war. During this period of time, it is better to stay on the battlefield than to return to Chaoge. By the way, let's see how Fei Zhongyouhun and those dogs are growing rice.

Just when Zishou was about to go back, a Taoist came to the business camp to find Zhao Gongming, saying that he was an old friend.

Zishou didn't bother, thinking he was just an ordinary fellow Taoist.

However, what Ling Zishou didn't expect was that this old friend was Shen Gongbao!

When Shen Gongbao came to the camp to recommend himself, Zishou had just woken up and was still in a daze.

"Your Majesty, Xiqiji is treasonous and is trying to rebel. Shen Gongbao must do his best to put down this thief! I will go to Wuhu and Sihai to invite fellow Taoists for the king, and I will definitely destroy Xiqi for the king!" Shen Gongbao was wearing loose clothes. Taoist robe, with a diligent face, almost has the word "loyalty" written all over his face.

"Go." Zishou didn't think too much, and waved his hand in agreement.

If you invite a fellow daoist, just invite a fellow daoist, what effect can a mere Shen Gongbao...

Only when Shen Gongbao left the camp did Zishou react.

Damn, that person just now was Shen Gongbao? !

What did he say he wanted to do?


The son was dumbfounded.

The son of the male leopard knew it too.

Shen Gongbao explained and taught his disciples, because he hated Yuanshi Tianzun for giving Jiang Ziya the list of gods, so he instigated and intercepted his disciples to help Shang against Zhou.

Although his own strength is not good, but because of the sentence "Daoist friends, please stay behind", I don't know how many immortals who cut off the teaching have been killed.

It is a very powerful person.

"Calm and calm, Shen Gongbao is just a mere Shen Gongbao, there is no splash..."

Zishou comforted himself, but the more he was comforted, the more uneasy he felt.

"No, no! We have to find a way to get Shen Gongbao back, and find an excuse to throw the ashes away!"

Zi Shou felt that he must pay attention to this person. This person is really strong as a fellow Taoist. Wan kept asking him to find a group of experts to help him...

However, before Zishou Yang got Shen Gongbao's ashes, something happened...

The next day, Shen Gongbao came back and brought...

Three women riding different birds...


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