The next journey to collect medicinal materials was not so smooth. The process was almost easy, but it took a little longer.

Just as Chu Xun expected, the medicinal materials of Qi Ju Pill are basically rotten.

But as a treasure with aura, it is also cherished in the deep mountains!

Rotten Street is compared with other genius treasures.

Not hard to find, not hard to find either!

For the next few medicinal herbs, he managed to find all of them without even experiencing the obstruction of any tyrannical monsters.

But it took a lot of time, a full two days passed.

It was only because Chu Xun had a monster that could assist him in searching for medicinal materials.

Normally.Other players want to find these medicinal materials, let alone two days, two months may not be successful!

At this moment, he was slowly wiping the blood on the sapphire sword.

Chu Xun spent a little time on the last piece of medicinal material.

At his feet lay two giant insect-like monsters.

These two monsters provided him with 271 points.

And two wood attribute qualifications.

Chu Xun happened to use them to test the effect of the loess shield.

It was surprisingly good.

The two insect-like monsters are also of the first-rank realm, and they are not the type that are not lethal.

After Chu Xun released the Fajue Loess Shield, a light yellow long wall would float out beside him.

The two monsters attacked about four times before breaking the barrier.

This effect is actually pretty good, resisting four attacks from enemies in the same realm, even if you encounter a stronger enemy, the number of times will be less.

But it can save lives at critical moments!

good stuff!good stuff!

Then Chu Xun happily summoned the red-faced ape and the shadow leopard to beat the two worm-shaped monsters to death.

And Chu Xun also picked off the two money flowers that grew in the shade of a tree not far away.

At this time, he had gathered the materials needed for a Qi Gathering Pill.

After thinking about it again, he simply summoned the Golden Feather Eagle and quickly flew to a secluded place.

Then Chu Xun was ready to start alchemy.

There is a special alchemy furnace for sale in the system, but the price starts at a minimum of [-].

Even if Chu Xun is sold, he still can't get so many points now.

Fortunately, Chu Xun gained a lot of basic medicine refining knowledge by exchanging Qi Gathering Pills.

Without the alchemy furnace, there is still a way to make alchemy with bare hands!

Whether it's melting the medicinal materials, or smelting them into a ball.

It is not impossible to make alchemy with bare hands.

After all, Chu Xun got Danfang with 8000 points.

Let him be quite proficient in the refining technique of Qi Ju Pill.

Of course, there are still some requirements for alchemy with bare hands.

That is, you have to master a fire-type skill.

In addition, it is best to have a strong fire control technique.

Otherwise, the difficulty of alchemy will increase exponentially.

Although the difficulty and requirements of alchemy with bare hands are a little bit high...

However, Chu Xun is not incapable.

Soon, he directly used friction to start a fire, and a trace of flame condensed on the palm of his hand.

Then he was a little pleasantly surprised to find that the many fire attribute qualification points he had obtained earlier allowed him to easily increase the power of friction to make fire a lot.

And control like a finger!

"Good guy!"

Previous efforts to touch the corpse were not in vain.

Chu Xun's self-confidence suddenly rose.

This alchemy will definitely succeed!

Then, he threw portions of the ingredients into the medium pot and into the flames in his palm.

At the same time, the spiritual power mobilizes the extremely subtle aura to the medicinal properties of the flames.

The process was a little strangely smooth.

Chu Xun first boiled the money flower until the petals were burnt brown to remove impurities.

Leaving an altar of liquid like a clear spring.

Then pour in the purple grape grass and the knife leaves at the same time, and place them on both sides of the flame to heat until the medicinal power gradually evaporates.

Chu Xun slapped suddenly!

The medicinal powers of the two medicinal materials with conflicting medicinal properties were fused together at just the right time, and with the help of the liquid left by the money flower, they were slowly fused, and even showed a viscous state.

Finally, Chu Xun crushed the vitality fruit, wrapped it with spiritual energy and sent it to the area with the highest temperature above the palm.

He also actively reduced the power of friction to start a fire.

Reduce the temperature.

Afterwards, it was time to grind the kung fu with water, maintaining the small power of the flame, and slowly releasing the heat.

Look at Chu Xun's extremely skilled technique.

It really has the posture of a fairy and a master of alchemy.

Do ordinary people dare to make alchemy without using alchemy furnace?

Chu Xun said that under normal circumstances it would not work.

But if you are really poor and you are forced to rush, you can!

After that, Chu Xun concentrated his attention on mobilizing the growth of the flame power of the frictional fire.

Start micromanaging and adjusting.

About half an hour later, Chu Xun shook his hand!

Then he spread his palms.

As the fragrance of the medicine came out, there were three pills that were not yet formed.

Qi Gathering Pill, it's done!

After Chu Xun felt it, it seemed that the quality of the three Qi Gathering Pills he got from Zhao Qingchen was lower!


Each grade of elixir is divided into five grades: extreme, upper, middle, lower, and miscellaneous to determine the quality of a certain elixir.

The elixir in Chu Xun's hands is exactly the quality of "First Grade Lower".

Although it looks strange, the efficacy of the medicine is not as good as the three pills I took before...

However, it is the first time to make alchemy with bare hands, what more can one expect?

It’s good to be able to use it!

Chu Xun was also unambiguous, since he sensed that the elixir can be used, he is not welcome.

He directly swallowed these three pills into his stomach, then meditated on the Naling Jue and began to practice.

Chu Xun grasped the spiritual energy gradually generated from his body, and injected it into the spiritual source.

Cleansing his fascia.

With the support of medicine.

He doesn't need to carry the aura of heaven and earth slowly, but just control and capture the aura surging in his body.

Soon, one of Chu Xun's fascias was trained.

It became tougher and even showed a turquoise luster.

Then came the next place...

With the help of these three Qi Gathering Pills, the effect appeared.

Chu Xun refined six fascias in total.

Then, the aura in his body seemed powerless, obviously the medicine had been digested by him.

After a while, Chu Xun slowly opened his eyes.

Feeling the improvement of the cultivation base in the body, I am a little happy and a little helpless.

The effect brought to me by the three Qi Gathering Pills is probably to save fifteen days of penance.

If so...

"Even if I collect the ingredients for a furnace of Qi Gathering Pill within two days every time."

"Considering the attenuation of the medicine, it will take me about three months to break through to the second grade..."

Chu Xun felt a little embarrassed, logically speaking, the speed was quite fast.

But he still felt that the long time was a bit difficult for him.

So he quickly set a new goal, find a way to earn some points, and make some more advanced recipes!

The Qi Gathering Pill alone obviously can't satisfy my needs!

However, what is cheating is how to get points specifically.

Chu Xun didn't know either!

He was at a loss as to the conditions for the achievement to appear.

The system doesn't explain it at all.

The only stable income is the achievement of killing monsters that is refreshed once a week.

There is a minimum income of 2000 points.

Relying on this is not enough!

In the mall, the prescription of the Reiki Pill directly needs [-] points!

If relying on [-] monster killing points per week...

Chu Xun has already been promoted to the second rank by then, and needs a higher-level elixir! !

All in all, it is a pain and helplessness!

After complaining for a while, Chu Xun couldn't help it. After thinking about it, he patted the wooden camel beast's neck, signaling him to continue searching for medicinal materials.

Being able to take drugs regardless of the cost, take three months, and be promoted to the second rank is already a treatment that only the heirs of some top forces in the Eastern Region can enjoy!

After all, the medicinal materials Chu Xun needed for alchemy alone.

For the resources contained in the mountains, it can be regarded as a drop in the ocean

And those big sects have to supply hundreds of thousands of disciples in the sect to supply pills, it is impossible for everyone to distribute a large amount of Qi Gathering Pills!

It is not enough to exhaust the resources of the mountains in the Eastern Region and fish them!

Rounding up and converting, I can enjoy the treatment of the true disciples of those top forces.

What more bike.

Chu Xun comforted himself.

And among the players, even some geniuses can only practice at a speed similar to their own.

In this way, it is also acceptable!

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