Chu Xun casually hit a few pupils of true seeing and went out.

He was dumbfounded for an instant.

【Cultivation】: Second Grade Realm

【Strength】: 310★


【Cultivation】: Second Grade Realm

【Strength】: 308★


【Cultivation】: Second Grade Realm

【Strength】: 300★


Good guy!

All of them are at the second rank or above, how can I fight by myself?

Reluctantly, he directly started the bloodthirsty frenzied battle, the two magic arts that control blood energy.

Not much else to say.

One word, run!

Instead, those monks who came to chase him were stunned!

In their view, since they can be spies, the opponent's strength must not be weak.

The few of us have to be cautious and use the joint attack method in the army formation to make a decision.

to defeat it.

But never expected that Chu Xun would run away immediately!

They even froze for a second before reacting, and quickly chased after him.

However, fortunately, these few monks have not specialized in speed-enhancing spells, even if they have second-rank cultivation bases, they are still slower than Chu Xun, who is under full strength.

The distance is pulled away bit by bit!

However, this is not good news for Chu Xun.

Because the speed of pulling the distance is too slow.

His blood control can't be used indefinitely, he is consuming his own blood to fight!

A little longer, let alone a problem of catching up from the other side!

I have to die violently first!

Reluctantly, he turned off the blood energy control effect halfway through the run, but relying on his familiarity with the entire mountain when he was looking for herbs, he ran into the jungle.

Chu Xun wanted to take advantage of the favorable location to get rid of these pursuers.

And the rest of the monks also realized it.

It seems... the strength of this spy may not be strong!

A small team leader at the head groaned even more.

"Let's search separately, quickly deal with the spies, and go back to the battlefield to help!"

"There's no time to waste now."

Afterwards, everyone in the team also nodded. If they plunged into the jungle all at once, it might really be possible for that guy who fled in a hurry to slip away.

If you disperse the search, you should basically be able to cover the entire mountain!

Besides, just now Chu Xun had to run away.

The aura he exudes basically reveals his strength, only one rank!

The monks of the second rank are naturally full of confidence and feel that they can handle it easily.

Then, they scattered and rushed into the jungle.

And Chu Xun can't control the plans of the monks behind.

He just had an idea.


The farther you run, the better!

This time I almost overturned the car!

It's okay, let's join in the fun!

If the monks from both sides fight, they will fight!

I have to run over and have a look!

No!Something went wrong!

Chu Xun reflected in his heart.

Made a serious mistake myself!

Completely ignoring the core idea of ​​Gouzhu!

lead to danger!

Don't talk about it, let's take it as a warning!

The alarm bells are ringing!

Fleeing in embarrassment all the way, the branches and leaves in the dense forest even slapped many of them directly on his face, causing Chu Xun to sting for a while!

He thought about it.Don't even care about wasting it.

The cloud piercing falcon that was subdued two days ago was summoned, and the wounds on this monster were almost healed.

However, it was obviously still a little sluggish.

Chu Xun reluctantly took out a vitality fruit and let Chuanyun Falcon swallow it.

The energy of this flying monster was stimulated a bit.

Then, he let the Cloud Piercer hide in the clouds, observing the pursuers behind.

Tip yourself off!

This monster's concealment ability is extremely strong, even if the second-rank monks have a low chance of discovering it!

But Chu Xun can barely sense the message Chuanyun Falcon wants to convey to him through the spiritual connection in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Use this to know the location and situation of those pursuers.

This is the technique that Chu Xun recently discovered through the Little Beast Control Art.

Didn't expect it to come in handy now!

The next thing is simple.

Chu Xun fled all the way, and the monks behind him chased him all the way!

However, the former possessed the detection ability of the cloud piercer falcon, so he was in the mountains several times dangerously, avoiding the danger of colliding with those second-rank monks.

It seems to be going smoothly.

But Chu Xun felt bitter in his heart at this time, the group of people who chased and killed him deserved to be monks from the army.

The search is very methodical, directly occupying a position by one person.

Blocked the entire mountain range!

They may not be able to catch themselves in the secret order in the first place.

But it also blocked all escape routes!

No matter which side you go, you will encounter at least one second-rank monk intercepting you!

There is no escape!

What's even more outrageous is that after these people cut off Chuxiong's way to leave the mountain range, they gradually shrunk the encirclement.

Procrastinate any longer...

Sooner or later, I will be caught!

What does Chu Xun think?

At this time, I have no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth.

He even had a slight sense of despair!

Soon, Chu Xun regained his composure.

No, it's not time to give up yet!

Although the current situation is very tense.

But the siege of those monks has not been narrowed too severely.

Just move in one direction and break through a second-rank cultivator.

You can escape from birth again!

Although Chu Xun also felt that his idea was a bit too optimistic, at least he had two monsters of the same realm and three bat-winged demons who were good at sneak attacks.

as well as--

I have been accumulating momentum for more than ten days, hidden sword skills.

Just a second-rank cultivator...

Just to escape, there may not be no chance!

Chu Xun thought about it.


Gotta try it!

Otherwise, just waiting to die!

Soon, Chu Xun locked his breakthrough.

It was the cultivator who happened to have a combat power of 300 stars that the Pupil of True Sight had seen before.

The other party obviously just broke through to the second rank.

The gap with your own strength is the smallest!

It is also the place with the greatest chance!

And the orientation is on the right side of the mountain range!

After breaking through from there, Chu Xun can directly fly away on the Golden Feathered Eagle!

Immediately he stopped running, gritted his teeth and ran towards the monk who had just broken through to the second rank!

After a few steps, Chu Xun saw the target from a distance.

On the other side, the monk who had just broken through to the second rank was a little surprised!

This spy actually ran towards him!

It seems that the credit belongs to me! ! !

He is so excited!

However, looking at Chu Xun's hand on the handle of the knife at his waist and his fierce eyes.

The monk suddenly realized something again.

This spy is interesting!

Unlucky enough to bump into himself, instead of running away directly, he actually wanted to force a breakthrough from his side!

Immediately, the monk showed a sinister smile.


"Then let me play with you!"

He also directly greeted Chu Xun.

"Good! Good!"

"Then I'll let you know how big the difference is between the second grade and the first grade!"

In an instant, he, a cultivator who had just broken through to the second rank, pinched the magic formula!

In the next second, violent flames were accumulated in front of him!

Away from the fire!

This blow was exactly the monk's favorite move!

Ordinary second-rank monks would be severely injured if they were hit head-on!

He looked at the figure of Chu Xun rushing towards him, and his heart was full of malice, this spy would definitely be burned alive to death under his own formula!

Suffer incomparable pain!

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