"Barbarian king?"

Chu Xun was also a little curious.

There is a memory of this person in the original body, but it is only briefly mentioned that he is a peerless powerhouse.

Beyond that he didn't know.

And Yan Cang took out a jug of wine from the storage bag, and while drinking heavily, introduced it to Chu Xun.

He didn't inform directly, but went in a circle first.

"Little friend, do you know the biggest force in this world?"

"East Dragon Imperial Court?"

Chu Xun said hesitantly.

In his memory, apart from this dynasty, who can be considered the greatest.

Yan Cang shook his head lightly, not satisfied with Chu Xun's answer.

"Then do you understand why the imperial court allows officials from all over the world to attack each other?"

"Even the lord of a city and a country can be easily replaced?"

"Isn't it convenient for them to recruit all the talents in the world into their own system?"

Chu Xun felt something was wrong while talking.

Indeed, the system of Conquest and Conquest can ensure that the officials under the Donglong Imperial Court system are all the strongest in the world.

But these strongest people have no reason to say that they have to obey his orders when they become officials of the imperial court!

Is it normal to listen to the tune but not to the announcement?

Even, since he is the strongest in this country and region anyway, it is not impossible for him to disobey his orders at all if he eats and uses the resources allocated by the Eastern Dragon Court!

Of course, the premise of these is, will the Eastern Dragon Court punish those courtiers who disrespect themselves?

If he can easily abolish the officials who resist him, that's okay.

If they don't care much...

Chu Xun thought about it and felt that he seemed to have guessed quite a few things.

And Yan Cang was even more outspoken.

"The battle of conquest, in the past, has not been so intense!"

"After all, not all strong men are able to manage their territory well. Even with the assistance of personnel sent by the imperial court, some people still extort money."

"And some people, even if they are weaker, can make the people under their rule more stable. If you were the imperial court, which one would you prefer?"

Chu Xun responded subconsciously.

"Although mortals are weak, many of the resources needed for cultivation have to be produced bit by bit from them."

"Although these people are not important, they should not be easily abandoned."

This knowledge is basic for him, a player who invaded.

Is it related to productivity?Junior high school students know it.


Yan Cang's eyes suddenly changed. He didn't expect this little monk of the first rank to have such insights, and he admired Chu Xun a little more.

"Not bad!"

"Since hundreds of years ago, the Eastern Dragon Emperor's Court has almost stopped making moves!"

"In the past, it was an official position that considered a certain degree of governance ability, but now it has completely become a way for the strong to collect resources."

"Because of this, the battle of conquest is everywhere!"

When Yan Cang said it happily, he was even more energetic!

Although the current world is corrupt, it also gave me a greater chance...

Come for a higher position!

"So you asked me earlier, where is the biggest force..."

Chu Xun was thoughtful.

But Yan Cang thought about it and said.

"That's right, although the world is still governed by the Eastern Dragon Imperial Court!"

"It's just because no one knows how many cards are hidden in this terrorist force that has been passed down for countless years!"

"So no one will challenge its majesty on the bright side."

"But in fact, the twelve domains of Mingcang Realm have already been divided into five parts of the world!"


"Appreciate further details."

Seeing what Yan Cang said, Chu Xun's eyes lit up. He himself is quite interested in the various mysteries hidden in these other worlds.

At this time, someone popularized science for him.

Chu Xun was naturally willing to listen.

"Today, the forces in the world are roughly divided into five, and there are four saints in one sea!"

"These four saints are Qin Emperor Long Qingyang, the Eastern Saint, Hu Wuyan, the Northern Saint, Demon King Ouyang Jue, the Western Saint, and Dandu, the Southern Saint and Barbarian King."

"They ruled the three domains respectively."

"Except for the barbarian king Shandu, the other three are all ninth rank! They have reached the top of the world!"

"As for the character that Yihai... refers to, his cultivation has even broken through the realm of ninth rank!"

"Its name, even me and other mortals can't call it directly!"

When Yan Cang talked about heroes in the world, he was also full of pride!

Although he didn't dare to pretend that he could also join the ranks of such peerless powerhouses, the county lord still felt that one day, he would also be famous in Mingcang Realm!

Make a career out of it!

And Chu Xun also sighed slightly.

How powerful is a character who can't even mention his name lightly!

A man should be like this!

If he can achieve such strength, Chu Xun feels that he is also satisfied!

At least, within Mingcang Realm, no one can threaten him anymore!

But then, he reacted again.

Who is this barbarian king?

Same as the other three saints!

Completely ruled the land of the three domains!

However, why did Yan Cang say that except for the barbarian king, the other three saints are all ninth rank? ?

Could it be that this barbarian king is weaker...

Chu Xun asked with some doubts.

"The barbarian king has not reached the ninth rank, so his strength is not as good as the other three saints?"

Yan Cang shook his head seriously, and said loudly while drinking.

"Little friend, you are joking!"

"The barbarian king said that he has not yet reached the ninth rank...you can say the same thing."

"However, how can this person's strength be insufficient?"

"Our country of Yan is one of the nine kingdoms of Shenbu among the six tribes of the Winter Region."

"And the Eastern Territory is just one of the three domains under the command of Eastern Sage Qin Emperor Long Qingyang. It can be seen that the territory under the hands of Eastern Sage is huge!"

"And the barbarian king, being able to occupy the same three domains, proves that he is the same level of powerhouse as the other three saints!"

When Yan Cang talked about the barbarian king, there was a hint of admiration in his eyes at this time.

And Chu Xun was also quite interested and listened fascinated.

At this moment, Yan Cang changed the subject and got to the point.

"Little friend lamented that his aptitude is poor, and it is difficult to become a master, but it is not the case!"

"Do you know that the barbarian king belongs to the barbarian tribe, and is an existence that is innately cut off from the spiritual energy, and there is no way to cultivate at all!"

"Compared to your situation, I don't know how much more difficult it is!"

He seemed to really think that Chu Xun was annoyed by his spiritual root, and acted like an elder, opening his mind.

"Even the Barbarian Domain at that time."

"It's even called Absolute Territory. Most of the human races and beasts living there are like barbarians who have difficulty communicating with the aura of heaven and earth!"

"The usual human monks would not easily set foot in it!"

"Because in that weird world, not only are the natives unable to communicate with the aura of the world, but even outsiders who stay for a long time will damage their cultivation!"

"People who don't have a special physique can hardly live in the Absolute Territory for a long time."

"And this barbarian king Shandu is a man of insight among the barbarians, even though the world rejects the barbarians as barbaric, ignorant, and incapable of cultivation."

"Purely an inferior race!"

"However, this barbarian king is unable to cultivate, so he just searched around in each of the twelve domains!"

"Learn the art of physical training, various ancient martial arts cheats."

"Countless people laughed at his persistence during the period."

"There are also constant risks along the way, and many times he almost died. No one knows when the barbarian king created the cultivation method suitable for barbarians."

When Yan Cang talked about being excited, his eyes became even redder, and he drank fine wine!It seems that he can't wait to replace the experience of the barbarian king Shandu!

"I just know that 60 years after the barbarian king came out of the Absolute Territory, the barbarian tribe has emerged a group of top experts who they call - absolute martial arts!"

"These so-called absolute martial arts can fight against eighth-rank monks with pure physical strength!"

"And that barbarian king himself has gone one step further on the path of absolute martial arts! He can even defeat a ninth-rank monk!"

"In the next few decades, under the leadership of the barbarian king, the barbarians unified the Absolute Domain and renamed it the Barbarian Domain."

"Subsequently, the Barbarian King Shandu's power expanded even more within a hundred years, and finally occupied the three domains!"

Yan Cang shut his words, and a row of wine jars had already been placed in front of him, all of which were drunk by him!

There was even a look of reassurance in his eyes.

"Shan Du went from being an abandoned clan member with no cultivation talent to one of the four saints who overwhelm the entire Ming Cang Realm!"

"His starting point is low, and his situation is poor, far better than Xiaoyou!"

"Why do you underestimate yourself!"

And Chu Xun "..."

What else can he say?My reason is blocked!

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