However, the casual cultivators who were fooled by Zhu Cheng at this time all had a broken mentality.

After all, they didn't stay in Kangping Town for too long. Even if they were winning successively against the enemy now, they were only slightly affected by the feeling of berserk, and they could still maintain their sanity.

At this time, many people shouted in collapse!

"Why are the bodies of these people melted directly after death!"

"What is this formation for? Sacrifice!!"

"We seem to be led to a dead end this time!"

"It's over! You shouldn't be greedy! Just run away halfway!"

"We can't go now!"

"I don't want to die!"

For a moment, all these casual cultivators showed a nervous breakdown, extremely fearful and uneasy!

They don't think that they can get out alive as long as they kill those violent monks!

Looking at the posture of this weird formation, everyone is doomed!

The casual cultivators all regretted it, why should they covet the benefits promised by Zhu Cheng.

However, it was impossible for them to resist and escape together from the beginning.

So the moment he was targeted by this third-rank monk, he couldn't get away.

Now, these casual cultivators can only wait for death!

And the two groups of unlucky people in Cuixia Village and Beigu Village are even more depressed!

I thought I could hold my thigh when I met a very powerful village head!

As a result, he performed a simple task of breaking through the village, and was arrested as a strong man!

Too pit!

They are really not greedy for any spiritual source!

Then, that village head Chu can also eat spicy food!

Now, it is the most aggrieved in my heart!

Even... At this time, Zhu Cheng's three second-rank subordinates were also stunned.

This... what's going on!

Didn't he return to the battlefield with the mayor and take Kangping Town?

Why did a large formation suddenly appear, blocking everyone's retreat?

"Master Zhu, why don't we retreat first."

"These first-rank monks, don't worry about it."

Zhu Cheng smiled slightly.

Now that I am seriously injured, these people are still useful.

So he spoke frankly.

"Everyone! This time it is indeed me, Zhu, who is wrong! I have brought everyone into danger!"

"However, this scarlet formation actually doesn't affect us at all! Don't panic!"

"I will definitely take everyone out!"

He first said a few words on the occasion, and then tried to see each other.

"Everyone, now is also a good opportunity!"

"Why don't we take advantage of the influence of the formation on the monks in the other towns and strangle them in one fell swoop!"

"Take the spiritual source! I, Zhu, will never break my promise, and give it all out immediately, without hiding anything!"

Zhu Cheng provoked a lot.

The casual cultivators below are also a little ready to move.

It's not that these people have not been affected by the formation, but they can still maintain their rationality, but many people's minds are already a little muddled.

Those first-rank monks had been affected for a long time, and they were extremely violent!

But although these casual cultivators were affected by the time period, they were directly disturbed by the blood sacrifice formation, and they were a little confused!

After hearing the spiritual source, everyone was instinctively excited!

This... is the most important cultivation resource!

If there is an opportunity, we must fight for it!

Everyone felt that what this third-rank monk said made sense.

Even in the face of the first-rank monks who came to attack, they no longer flinched.

Instead, he took the initiative to meet them and killed them with the advantage of his own sanity!

For a while, the battle situation became more and more anxious.

And Zhu Cheng even searched and looked around in mid-air with the help of the wing-shaped magic weapon on his back.

Then, he flew to the location of a stone mansion in Kangping Town!


Zhu Cheng chose the flight route very carefully, and the speed was not fast.

To put it bluntly, it was a circle around Kangping Town in the direction of the four confronting third ranks.

Make sure, after they all found their tracks, they flew towards the direction of the spirit spring in the town!

I almost shouted, I'm going to take away the spiritual source!

In an instant, these four third-ranks could no longer hold back!

Their sanity is already on the verge of collapse!

And Lingyuan is undoubtedly the main reason why these people want to occupy this town.

Although, at this time, Zhu Cheng took at most one month's spiritual source...

But it is enough to be the last straw that overwhelms the reason in these people's hearts!

After fighting in this town for such a long time, his subordinates suffered heavy losses...

Now this seriously injured rank three dares to bring a group of random cultivators to pick peaches?

This... can you bear it? ?

"Thief, dare you!"

In an instant, an old man with red face and gray beard among the four third ranks roared angrily!

The rationality in his heart at this moment was directly dazzled by the anger!

Then, the old man flipped his palms, and a few formulas came out together!

Those are flames that reflect each other and interweave like a net!

The blazing high temperature distorted the air!

Afterwards, Agni turned into a chain-like shape and flew towards Zhu Cheng!

No matter how this guy evades, the chains behind him will follow him like a shadow, and the dead are chasing after him!

However, Zhu Cheng just sneered.

"I'm afraid you won't make a move!"

he shouted in his heart.

Zhu Cheng directly gave up the idea of ​​going to the location of Lingquan, turned to the sky, and rushed straight up!

Flew to the front of another third-rank monk!


It was a woman in a moon-white Taoist robe, and she frowned.

Facing the terrifying raging flames, he could only hastily condense a thick barrier of earth attribute to resist it!

But this third-rank dressed in a moon-white Taoist robe, after releasing the spell! !

My heart suddenly panicked!The violent feeling that had been suppressed with great difficulty surged up again.

Bad thing!

The third-rank female woman in a moon-white Taoist robe also had some anger in her eyes!

She only felt a voice in her mind, shouting frantically!

Asking the monk in the moon-white Taoist robe to beat him up, he almost hurt his own person just now!

Even apart from this voice, she felt that there were no other voices in her mind! !

A strange voice repeated in the sea of ​​consciousness of the third rank in the moon-white Taoist robe!

In the end, she even heard clearly the content of the words shouted in her mind.

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"



In an instant, the female cultivator was fully fired!

She is not targeting a certain person, but releasing terrifying spells to the surroundings!

The khaki-yellow aura rushed around like a torrent crazily!

This is an all-round impact without dead ends!

Everything around this third-rank female was wrapped in earth-yellow aura.

It's just that the magic weapon on the back of Zhu Cheng was rubbed to a corner.

A large piece was petrified in an instant!

Moreover, the power of the earth element continues to spread.

Zhu Cheng had no choice but to discard the magic weapon!

Then he fell to the ground in embarrassment.

But at this time, he was extremely excited!

Because following the rampage of that female third-rank cultivator...

The peaceful situation that had been barely maintained could no longer be maintained!

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