Chu Xun rubbed the envelope in his hand.

Immediately, I felt the extraordinary...

The envelope looked like ordinary or even slightly yellowed paper.

However, when Chu Xun slightly touched the envelope with his fingers, he could feel the strange aura circulating within.

Although the power is not great, it is arranged in a special way.

Once, trying to forcibly open the envelope will only cause this delicate thing to self-destruct directly.

And Yan Cang casually reached out and tapped in the void.

A flash of spiritual light flashed on the envelope, and then it opened automatically...

Inside, is a pure gold card.

"Invitation to the Black Emperor Secret Realm."

Chu Xun read the text on the card.

Looking at him, he still looks a bit puzzled.

Yan Cang continued to explain.

"There are a lot of spiritual sources stored in this secret realm. If you simply improve your cultivation, you should be able to benefit a lot."

"And all the things you get from exploring in the secret realm belong to you, and you don't need to share anything with your subordinates. This time going to the secret realm is a good opportunity for you."

"And the Black Emperor Secret Realm is very suitable for monks around the second and third ranks to enter and practice."

"For one thing, don't worry, you will encounter monsters that exceed the third rank inside."

"Secondly, in the secret realm, there are various magical weapons and spiritual weapons specially buried by the various forces of the Huaguang Mansion for the juniors."

"If you can get a few magic weapons, you don't have to worry about not having any weapons at hand in a short time."

Obviously, Yan Cang could also see that Chu Xun was slightly embarrassed, he had a good sword, but usually he could only use a long sword with a low-grade magic weapon.

"As for the Secret Realm, is there any hidden method of alchemy, formation, and qi training..."

"It's up to you to find out."

Although Yan Cang still looked majestic, there was even some expectation in his tone.

Chu Xun was stunned!

This secret place...

He understood it!

There is almost no danger!

It's just a third-grade monster!

His own hidden knife can kill stably!

Even if the hidden knife is used up, if Chu Xun wants to escape...

The two concealment techniques, which have gone through multiple third-grade tests, and the illusion technique can also keep him!

Moreover, not only is the danger low in the secret realm, but the benefits are extremely high!

The reserve of the spiritual source is estimated to be quite terrifying!

There are also various cultivation resources deliberately left behind...

Isn't this the Huaguang Mansion, a place specially used to train younger generations!

For myself, I can make a lot of money by going in!

Chu Xun looked at the county lord with something wrong...

At first, he thought that the position of mayor of the two towns was the biggest gain for him to work hard to report information!

It means that Chu Xun can obtain several drops of spiritual source in a month!

Cultivation to the third rank is almost smooth all the way!

But Chu Xun realized only now that the invitation letter from this secret realm is the real good thing!

In other words, this should not appear in the rewards of leaders and subordinates at all...

On the contrary, it seems that only the elders in the family will bestow support to the younger generation!

At this time, Chu Xun inevitably became suspicious again...

What the hell is this Yan Cang?

For's too interesting!

My original body, could it be his illegitimate child or something...

Chu Xun looked at Yan Cang's face with suspicion...

Fortunately, the county venerable didn't guess that the unconstrained imagination of the cultivator he was optimistic about just laughed.

"Don't put too much pressure on you."

"It's's a lie to say it's not precious, but it's really up to you to fight and fight for how useful it is!"

"With this quota alone, you won't get much gain in the secret realm."

"After all, many family forces in Huaguang Mansion and officials from various places will send their children to the Black Emperor's secret realm."

"All of them are also well-cultivated geniuses with extremely strong combat power in the same class."

"Although you are excellent, you may not be able to take advantage of it..."

Afterwards, Yan Cang thought about it.

"This time, you don't have to work too hard on the trip to the Black Emperor's secret realm."

"It's useless for me to hold this quota, but I'll make the best use of it for you."

"Resources, as much as you can get."

"Don't get angry with the book business, and fight recklessly with the children of those big families. They may not have fewer cards in their hands than you."

Speaking of this, Yan Cang even has a taste of earnest teaching

And what else could Chu Xun say at this time?Can only nod slightly.

"Master Yan, thank you."

His gratitude was sincere.

Since he entered the other world, Yan Cang is undoubtedly his greatest nobleman!

If it wasn't for him...

How could I have the opportunity to break through to the second rank at such a rapid speed!

You can even take advantage of the opportunity to explore the secret realm to quickly hit the third rank!

At the same time, Chu Xun was secretly shocked...

What is the origin of this county official!

You know, the secret realm, in Chu Xunyuan's memory, belongs to the legendary stuff!

Only vaguely heard of it.

But to this county venerable, it seems to be something that can be taken out at will? ? ?

A government-level secret realm!

It was easily taken out by a county-level official!

Is this reasonable?

Chu Xun, you can guess it, this county lord, probably has an extremely extraordinary status...

It is very possible that he is a child of some big family...

Come out and experience life? ? ?

If you don't work hard and lay down a piece of land, you have to go home and inherit the family property? ?

He was thinking wildly here.

As for Yan Cang, he has no time to continue chatting.

He said it bluntly.

"The time for the opening of the Black Emperor's secret realm will be about five days later."

"The entrance to this secret realm is not far from our Changping County, about 1 miles away."

"You can ask those clerks later, and they will tell you that you are going to Shuilian County in Sanyan City."

"Where is one of the teleportation points of the secret realm?"

"They'll give you specific directions..."

"At that time, probably the holders of the secret realm qualifications in Xuzhou City, Sanyan City and several surrounding cities will enter the secret realm there." "Young friend Chu just rush over with this invitation letter."

After Yan Cang finished speaking in a hurry, he stepped out of the room directly.

Finally, he went back and added another sentence.

"A trip to the secret realm, opportunity, don't force it."

"Ensuring that you survive is the first priority."

"This is my experience at the time."

"Little friend Chu, I can see that you are a person with destiny, so you don't have to be too attached to temporary gains and losses."

At this time, Yan Cang really left.

There was a wave of aura coming from outside the window, the county lord had already flown away!

And there were only Chu Xun and Zhou Zhengyi left in the room again.

They stared and stared in silence for a while...

Afterwards, Zhou Zhengyi finally summoned up his courage and wanted to come and make friends.


He hasn't spoken yet.

Then he found that Chu Xun had already turned around and walked out of the house. '

Immediately, the movements of the third-rank cultivator froze in place...

Extremely embarrassing!

On the other side, Chu Xun didn't even notice what happened.

He was too lazy to make friends with Yan Cang's subordinates.

Chu Xun's autism is definitely not just aimed at players, it is the same for these natives from other worlds!

Social fear? You can still stay alone, just stay alone.

This will make Chu Xun much more comfortable.

So he prepared to rush directly to the entrance of the secret realm.

He didn't bother to go back to Cuixia Village, he had already taken away the spiritual source, so what would he do now?

It's better to receive Yan Cang's reward directly after exploring the secret realm, and directly enjoy his own salary as the head of the two towns.

It's just a small village, no more!

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