However, Chu Xun didn't bother to worry about the other players for too long...

Even if he doesn't rely on the points mall that invaded the system, he can survive comfortably.

Soon, he put his little worries behind him.

When Chu Xun inquired about the status of the players within the ten thousand miles, it took quite a long time.

Therefore, he could already see the location of the teleportation point in the secret realm, the outline of Shuilian County from a distance.

As soon as Chu Xun arrived at the place, Chu Xun sensed at least a dozen auras of monks above the third-rank realm, and locked himself!

Until, the invitation envelope that he hid in his arms gradually emitted light.

Those locks were slowly dissipating.

Then, Chu Xun found that in the county seat, a fourth-rank monk lingered in the air and came in front of him.

"This is Yan... County Lord Yan, the person recommended?"

"Chu Xun? Master Chu?"


Although this cultivator is also a fourth rank, but when he mentions Yan Cang, he is quite respectful...

It seems that he knows the identity hidden behind this county lord...

As a result, the realm of Chu Xun's second-rank monk has received his extremely respectful attitude...

Then the fourth-rank monk introduced himself in a friendly manner.

"My lord, Zhang Chengzhi, the magistrate of Shuilian County."

"County Zhang, please come and welcome me."

Chu Xun quickly returned the gift.

The latter smiled casually.

"How can there be no work or no work?"

"I am only a fourth-rank cultivation base. It is my honor to welcome you, the future's favored sons of heaven, and to form a good relationship."

Zhang Chengzhi looked humble.

Chu Xun froze for a moment, and seemed to have guessed something about the truth...

The fourth rank is just a county lord, the fifth rank is the city lord, and the sixth rank is the palace lord...

Compared with the children of the city lords in Huaguang Mansion, an ordinary fourth-rank county lord really dare not put on airs...

It seems that the county magistrate of Shuilian County is also quite unlucky...

If it weren't for the teleportation point of the secret realm here, with Zhang Chengzhi's cultivation base, how could he be so humble to a group of juniors...

But the benefits are not without.

It would be nice if we could make friends with those second generations of Xiu.

Many of these people, as long as there are no accidents and setbacks in the future, most of them can use the positions of their parents and ancestors to cultivate to the fourth and fifth ranks.

At that time, the good relationship formed now will benefit Zhang Chengzhi a lot, so he can be regarded as painful and happy.

Saying so, the county lord led Chu Xun to the county government office.

Then Zhang Chengzhi pointed to a series of yards that had already been built in the rear and said.

"Young Master Chu, you can choose an uninhabited place to live in."

"For the Black Emperor's secret realm, it will be opened in about two days."

"You can rest here for a while during this period."

Chu Xun also nodded his thanks.

"Excuse me."

Then Zhang Chengzhi cupped his hands slightly.

"Young Master Chu, another invited person is here. I have to go to greet you, so I can only neglect you."

"It's okay, it's okay."

"Mianzun Zhang is busy with your affairs first, I'll just find a place to live by myself."

After a few words of politeness, Zhang Chengzhi flew into the air again and flew away from the ground.

Chu Xun casually looked at the row of courtyards.

The construction is quite exquisite, and even beside this row of well-arranged and charming courtyards, the county government office looks rather shabby and dilapidated.

At this time, Chu Xun also confirmed the previous guess...

It doesn't look like a dangerous secret place here, it's like a place for people to vacation!

The Black Emperor Secret Realm is specially used for the powerful children to play and collect various resources at the same time!

Indeed, with the identities of these disciples, even fourth-rank cultivators would not be able to offend them!

"Among these people, I'm afraid I'm the one with the least background..."

Chu Xun thought about it and became vigilant.

Afterwards, he found a courtyard and took the initiative to run in.

After thinking for a while, he simply locked the doors and windows again, and prepared to retreat directly until the secret realm opens!

Chu Xun still has one very important thing to do at this time, that is, he wants to comprehend a few basic magic circles as soon as possible!

Improve combat power!

Of course, in addition to this, as a person in the Way of Gou, he also has some unique understandings.

Chu Xun's thinking is very clear. Generally speaking, under such circumstances...

An inevitable bridge in all kinds of novels is that the protagonist has the opportunity to get in close contact with a group of second-generation Xius with deep backgrounds.

Then it must be a match!

The protagonist makes troubles everywhere to make publicity, and ends up making enemies with those second generations of Xiu!

Hit the young ones and come back to the old ones!

Then he was hunted down miserably!

Although in the end the main character is able to fight back...

But Chu Xun shuddered just thinking about it!

He doesn't want to be enmity with the second generation of Xiu, things that are not conducive to his development, he must resolutely put an end to them!

In the past few days, he has made up his mind to practice directly in this courtyard, and start to go to the secret realm!go out again!

Besides, Chu Xun is not at a loss if he does this.

There are still a few drops of spirit source on him that have not been refined, and these courtyards seem to be specially used by those second generations of cultivators, all of which are made of high-quality wood, and there is also a jade platform specially used for meditation and cultivation...

Anyway, Chu Xun feels that the efficiency of training here is much higher than in other places, and these two days are not difficult at all...

However, he soon realized it.

What do you mean if you don't ask for trouble, trouble will come to you on its own initiative!

Chu Xun meditated cross-legged, and Zhang took the spiritual source...

When you are ready to close your eyes and open them, coming and going is a day of practice...

Suddenly, I felt the direction of the aura around me, something was wrong!

Almost instantly!The world suddenly changed color!

"Someone has arranged a formation that affects the entire county!"

Chu Xun's complexion changed instantly!

This... what the hell!

Isn't it a group of second-generation Xius who are practicing?

Can anyone dare to do tricks?

Something is wrong with him!

The reason why Chu Xun confirmed that it was someone's tricks, not that the county lord Zhang Chengzhi wanted to arrange a formation to ensure the safety of the second generation of repairs in the county.

Because the quality of this formation is actually not high, only about the third rank...

In the backcountry of Yan Country, it's still quite powerful...

But for Chu Xun, who has fully mastered a fourth-grade magic circle, he can still see some clues.

This circle has three functions.

One is reconnaissance, within the scope of the array, the condition and strength of all creatures will be captured by the caster...

Of course, for Chu Xun, he just pinched a few formulas casually, and successfully shielded himself from the formation, and at the same time created a fake aura of a second-rank monk in his yard.

This is the advantage of a formation with a higher level of technology!

At the same time, the second function of the array that acts on Shuilian County is hypnosis.

And it spread this effect on all monks equally.

This means that the effect of this magic circle will also take effect for those second generations of Xiu!

Chu Xun felt that it was impossible for him to do such a thing based on the cautious attitude of the previous county lord...

This will undoubtedly anger those second generations of Xiu.

So it is basically certain that it is a person with ulterior motives who made a ghost.

But the third role made Chu Xun feel a little familiar.

The formation can arouse the hostility in the hearts of the monks in the formation!

It is different from the previous blood-stained formation that made the practitioners lose their minds and were enthusiastic about fighting.

This formation is more inclined to make people fall into a state of madness!

It will be filled with a strong desire to destroy everything around it, not just life and even dead things!

Under these three effects...

Chu Xun can be sure that someone wants to be a demon!

Thinking and thinking, he simply stopped practicing.

Chu Xun mobilized the spiritual energy in his body, and applied the concealment technique and illusion technique to himself at the same time...


In this situation, he also wants to make trouble, and wants to fish in troubled waters!

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