The cute little hedgehog in front of him doesn't match the name Hao Shu at all!

At this time, it behaved extremely well-behaved!

It seems that he can perceive Chu Xun's actions, and there is no harm to him.

However, just after Chu Xun completed the last hiding circle, the little guy's eyes lit up and he raised his head suddenly!

Becoming dishonest again!

It desperately drilled into Chu Xun's arms, as if it was looking for something...

It is amazing to say that when this hedgehog-like beast takes the initiative to get close to people, the needles on its body are very flexible, and there is no sign of hurting people at all...

But in the end, this ferocious beast, after working hard for a long time, got nothing...

Chu Xun didn't even have a storage bag on him!

Howard just instinctively felt that the human being in front of him had something that was of great benefit to him.

But it just can't be found!

In the end, Hao Yi ran around anxiously, and the last one didn't pay attention, his body tilted, and he fell off Chu Xun's body.


It hit the ground, rolling like a rogue, and even a few tears dripped from the corners of its eyes.

A look of being bullied.

"As for?"

Chu Xun saw that this ferocious beast was so fun...

For Hao Zhi's terrifying 500-star combat power, I feel a little unreal, this guy is purely cute!

Then, he seemed to think of something.

"By the way! Howard seems to be looking for something on my body..."

"But I didn't find..."

"Could it be that what you want is something from my wonderful manor?"

Chu Xun thought about it, and casually took out a Qi Gathering Pill from the manor and handed it over.

But unfortunately, this ferocious beast glanced at it very disdainfully, swung its head proudly, and even stretched out some fat and tender front legs, directly pushing the elixir to the ground.

As if to say, what rubbish? ?

"Still kind of rude?"

Chu Xun was overjoyed.

However, it is also reasonable.

He realized that the Qi Gathering Pill probably didn't appeal to Hao Shu.

After all, ferocious beasts don't need to absorb spiritual energy at all...

So what does this little guy want? ?

After thinking for a while, Chu Xun really had an idea!

For the ferocious beast, there is one thing in his hand that is worth coveting...

Exactly, that blood lamp.

To be precise, it is the resources produced in the blood lamp.

When Chu Xun read the introduction of this magic weapon earlier, it mentioned——

The blood lamp refines and transforms living beings, and the special substance produced can be absorbed by all living beings!

Whether it is a monk, a monster, or even a beast that does not rely on spiritual energy, it can use the refining product of this magic weapon to improve its strength!

Therefore, Chu Xun thought about it at this time, and he had some guesses in his heart.

I'm afraid this is what this ferocious beast wants...

He took out the blood lamp.

In the lampstand part of this magic weapon, some blood-colored substances have already accumulated.

This is not the case, it was refined by Chu Xun.

In fact, he hasn't used this new magic weapon yet.

It's just that the blood sacrifice circle used to repair this magic weapon before the completion of the last wave absorbed the life energy of many third-ranks at the same time.

As a result, some extra life force was formed by the transformation of the blood lamp.

In the end, a bright red viscous liquid like lamp oil was condensed.

"What a pure energy..."

Chu Xun sighed with emotion.

The liquid produced by the blood lamp has similar properties to the spiritual source.

However, this bloody liquid is not made of aura, but the extreme concentration of vitality!

Great benefits for any life!

At this moment, Chu Xun himself had an urge to swallow this thing into his belly! ,

However, he can only think about it...

And the cute little hedgehog on the side is even more excited!



Hao Zhi found that what he had been looking for finally appeared, and he was very excited!

It jumped onto Chu Xun's arm and hugged him tightly!Calling happily.

Acting like a baby, being cute!

The purpose is clear, that is, to turn the bright red liquid in the blood lamp!

"Okay, it's not that I can't give you a little..."

Seeing this ferocious beast begging for himself, Chu Xun also found it a bit funny.

More than 500 stars of fighting power, only cute? ?

With a thought in Chu Xun's mind, he took out traces of the blood-colored liquid in the blood-transforming lamp, and squeezed it into a sticky ball with spiritual energy, which floated in the air.

In an instant, the hoot screamed even more!Excited!

It can't wait to rub against Chu Xun. It seems that because of the reason why it helped him to cover up his breath earlier, this little guy has a good impression of Chu Xun. At this time, he has no intention of using his own strength to snatch it. He is crazy about being cute...

"Okay, let me give you a taste."

And Chu Xun simply flicked these few drops of bright red liquid into Hao Zhi's mouth.

Hao Zhi opened his mouth instantly to catch the bright red liquid, and couldn't wait to swallow it into his stomach.


Then it shouted even more joyfully, and its body flushed red!A trace of white steam was revealed!

Chu Xun keenly noticed that this little hedgehog seemed to have grown a little bit stronger...

However, it is not easy to check...

But Hao Zhi didn't have such complicated thoughts as Chu Xun.

It just showed an extremely satisfied look, humming comfortably.

Chu Xun also noticed that for this ferocious beast, the energy produced by refining the blood lamp has improved, but it is very little!

Compared with its own strength, it is nothing at all!

Simple, it's just that this hog likes the taste of the refining product of the blood lamp!

After the little hedgehog happily rolled around on the ground for a few times, he looked at Chu Xun greedily, as if saying that what he ate just now was not enough!Still want more!

As for Chu Xun, an inexplicable brilliance shone in his eyes.

An idea came to his mind!

Although this fierce beast has a combat power of more than 500 stars, it doesn't look particularly smart...


Think of a way to subdue the contract?

Chu Xun thought about it.

He knew that according to the effect of the Little Beast Control Art, refining a beast with a combat power of more than 200 stars beyond his own was basically a dream!

However, there are not so many restrictions on the contract of the contract space.

In principle, as long as the target of the contract itself is willing.

Then there are no restrictions!

So, looking at Hao Zhi's appearance of being cute and begging for food.

Chu Xun simply took out a contract from the space, and said in a somewhat seductive tone.

"The things in this magic weapon are very precious!"

"We are not relatives..."

"If you want more, I can't help it..."

"Giving it to you for nothing, isn't it too bad for me!"

As he spoke, he observed the appearance of this fierce beast, for fear that this beast would suddenly go berserk and get angry!

However, Hao Zhi still looked ignorant.

It rolled directly on the ground and continued to act cute...

It seems that Chu Xun may not understand what he said...

And Chu Xun is not annoyed, it's best to be stupid and cute like this!

Otherwise, how can I deceive myself... No, how can I persuade me!

With another thought, he took out a few drops of bright red liquid from the blood lamp...

Pure life aura swayed around.

That ferocious beast was so intoxicated that it jumped straight at the few drops of spiritual liquid floating in Chu Xun's hand!

But Chu Xun dodged casually, and then picked up the back of Hao Zhi's neck with one hand.

This ferocious beast could only kick its legs weakly in mid-air.


The little guy looked eager.

"If you are willing to sign this contract..."

"We are good friends now."

"I can give you more of this delicious food."

Chu Xun looked at the little guy with some trepidation.

What he took out was the master-slave contract...

Although this little guy looks very stupid and cute, no one can say for sure if something like a beast has any innate intuition...

They can avoid disasters, and they can also see the sinister intentions in this contract.

Chu Xun was also a little worried about whether his actions would anger the beast...

After all, this little guy looks cute, if he really fights...

With a combat power of more than 500 stars, Chu Xun had to deal with it.

But obviously, he was worrying too much!

Hao Yi agreed to Chu Xun's request very simply, and agreed to the contract without hesitation!

A few rays of light flashed in an instant, and Chu Xun had an inexplicable connection with this fierce beast.

He was also stunned and stunned, it's that simple? ?

I seem to have overestimated the intellectual level of this hog...

It's just a simple greedy mouth, selling yourself directly!

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