The system announcement informs each villager in the two villages of the competition rules in detail.

After the competition rules were announced, the chat channel of 2333 Village scrolled instantly.

"It's over, it's over! How can I fight this? I can't beat it!"

"The attributes have been reduced this time! I abstain! Go to sleep!"

"I also abstained. What does map resources have to do with me as a waste?"

"Even if you are doomed to lose, you have to work hard! The bottom ten will be handicapped, and you still want to be promoted to level 11 after being handicapped?!"

"Nobody took it with me, and I didn't even get to level 11. I've already prepared for my soul to enter another world..."

"Hey! The gap with the opposite village is too big, it's hard to win..."

"I'm ready to work hard, as long as I don't do the bottom ten!"

The chat channel of 2333 village is low-spirited and generally in a downturn.

Because, while waiting randomly in the competition mode...

The competition channel has become a place where the two sides talk harshly and scold each other.

The network relationship between the two countries has not been very friendly.

When the two villages are matched together, conflicts are inevitable.

But at the stage of talking harshly to each other, the other party proudly revealed that their village has 6 talent owners above S level!

Moreover, there are two known SS-level talents!

Those two were still the top two on the 7399 village ranking list, both at level 6!

On their leaderboard, the last level 5 has been ranked No.19!

It is precisely because there are many people who have been promoted to level 5 that they have already gone through a round of matching.

In contrast, in 2333 village, there are currently only 10 level 5 villages, and none of level 6...

The overall strength is not as good as the opponent.

"It's all Feng Qingjiang's fault! If he hadn't relied on his talent to control us..."

"That's right! They were promoted ahead of schedule and made it to the list, what about us?"

"When eating, some people gorge on meat, but I can only drink broth! This is the rule set by Feng Qingjiang! Hehe!"

"If it wasn't for the hypocrisy of the old man surnamed Feng who stopped me, if I could kill a few wastes and level up in advance to establish an advantage, I would definitely be on the list now!"

The overall mood of the chat channel was pessimistic, and some people even blamed Feng Qingjiang for the overall low level of the village.

They believed that if it wasn't for Feng Qingjiang's efforts to unite the villages, the 2333 village might not have lost to the Bangzi village they were matched with now!

Although people with a discerning eye know that if it weren't for Feng Qingjiang, many people in 2333 Village would abandon their humanity...

However, more and more people complained about Feng Qingjiang.

Because many people don't want to be that discerning person.

They just want to vent!

The village is a collective, but the talent and strength have invisibly divided the villagers into ranks and ranks.

The gap in strength will make the collective resources uneven no matter how they are allocated!

Those with strength will think, why should I distribute to those wastes what I have tried my best to get?

And those who have no strength will think, I will do my best to contribute to the village, why am I still inferior?

In fact, these hidden dangers were doomed from the very beginning!

As time goes by, everyone's dissatisfaction is gradually piling up...

Sooner or later it will explode!

And because they were matched with Nanbang, the opponent's comprehensive strength was stronger, and the loss seemed to be doomed...

This made the dissatisfaction of the villagers explode in advance!

On the way to Gufeng, Feng Qingjiang stood by the side of the road dumbly, his cloudy eyes were full of confusion.

In the chat box, the words of the villagers venting their anger are like a sharp arrow, piercing through the heart!

In a trance, he felt...

All the effort is not worth it!

"village head……"

A call that revealed concern rang in my ears.

Feng Qingjiang turned his head subconsciously, and there were pairs of concerned eyes.

Although they didn't say anything, Feng Qingjiang understood the words in their eyes.

We understand you!


Feng Qingjiang tried his best to touch the wrinkles on his face, trying to make them smile.

In the end, it was a weak compromise to the facial muscles.

still old...

"I am fine."

He waved his hands freely, turned around, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked into the distance.

Once, he was a village chief who led the villagers to get rich.

On the way to getting rich, there is no lack of complaints and slander.

Even though everyone in the village is rich, there are still some people who are dissatisfied and think that Feng Qingjiang is richer!

Even for this reason, slander, report...

Feng Qingjiang has already seen through human nature!

He didn't think it was a big deal.

Someone has to work hard!

Since the country was almost destroyed, China has regained its self-confidence and regained the majesty of a great country in just a hundred years. Isn't it because of the hard work of those fools who are not understood by others but continue to work hard?

The ancestors spent thousands of years paving the way and building the bones for the Chinese nation.

How can later generations give up when they are in danger?

He, Feng Qingjiang, is willing to be that fool!

Before he came, he was waiting to die, thinking that after he died, the villagers would raid his home!

At that time, let them see what the family of the embezzler who is full of private pockets in their eyes is like, and let them know if they have lost their conscience!

In the end, death didn't wait, it came...

After the arrival, Feng Qingjiang discovered that he possessed abilities beyond ordinary people, and his physical fitness was even higher!

Even, have the opportunity to live longer!

In this way, he can shine again for the family left by his ancestors!

Someone has to be a fool!

Why can't it be him?

That being said...

But Feng Qingjiang's back, which had been trying hard to straighten since he came to this world, hunched down inexplicably.


Sighing, Feng Qingjiang tried to straighten his back.

Turning around, looking at the people waiting for him, he said calmly, "Send a message to the village management!"

The tone is not strong, but there is no doubt.

"Hey!" A village manager nodded happily.

This angry voice is still the village head!

"Forcing orders! All non-combat talent return to the village!"

"The combat talents regroup, with the A-level talent as the captain, form a sprint team, and start again!"

"Each team, feed all the monster killing rights to the A-level, and sprint to the team leaderboard with all their strength!"

"Those who are not talented in combat, there will inevitably be ten people who will become disabled in the end, so don't worry about them. After the competition is over, each village cadre will personally lead the team and take them to the next level!"

"Don't worry about the sprint team, the A-level fed by the whole team during the competition will feed back to the team after the competition!"

"If there is a team's A-level who wants to be a white-eyed wolf..."

Feng Qingjiang paused, his cloudy eyes narrowed slightly, and a flash of lightning flashed in them.

"The old man can kill too!"

Every village manager can feel the real murderous intent in the village head's tone.

The village head is serious this time!

"and also……"

"In such a critical time of life and death, if anyone disobeys the arrangement, they will all be expelled from the village and never re-enter the village!"

"Those who cannot share adversity cannot share happiness!"

"Okay!" The village manager in charge of sending the message nodded heavily.

And everyone present at the moment was full of excitement.

At the beginning, they chose to follow Feng Qingjiang's SS-level talent and awe-inspiring justice.

Now, they have chosen a decisive and convincing village chief, and they will continue to follow!

At this moment, they have reason to believe that this charismatic old man will lead them on a correct and bright path!

Feng Qingjiang turned around and looked at the lonely peak in the distance, his eyes were filled with lightning.

"Let's go!"

"We have to work hard!"

"In special times, the old man is not humble anymore, I hope you can give me the monster..."

Before Feng Qingjiang finished speaking, he was interrupted by a village official with a smile, "Of course!"

Everyone nodded in unison, "Of course!"

Then, everyone laughed.

"it is good!"

Feng Qingjiang's chest was turbulent, and his fighting spirit was huge.

"Let those sticks see..."

"We Huaxia, no matter where we are, are his ancestors!"

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