As for the remaining two golden-armored giant worms, one was harassed by the green jade turtle.

Although this second-rank monster that has fallen to the first-rank realm is definitely not an opponent of the golden-armored giant worm...

But the green jade tortoise's defense is extremely strong!

When the golden-armored giant worm attacked fiercely, it shrank into the turtle shell.

The former is difficult to break through in a short time, the defense of this mysterious turtle.

Afterwards, if the golden-armored giant worm wanted to shift its target, the green jade tortoise would rush forward in a disgusting manner, poke its head out of its shell, and bite!

As a result, the two sides stalemate for a while.

And the other golden-armored giant worm was even more annoyed!

It was repeatedly harassed by the Cloud Piercer!

Although this bird-shaped monster is only a first-class...

But the extremely fast speed can still make it circle around for a while when facing a strong enemy!

However, the situation of Yunpier Falcon is still dangerous...

This product has almost been hit by the golden-armored giant insect several times!

If you hit it, it's a death!


However, although Chu Xun's two monsters were difficult, they finally bought enough time!

Their master has already killed the other two monsters first!

Now, after freeing his hands, the battle lost all suspense in an instant!

Chu Xun didn't go directly to deal with those monsters, he just lunged forward, and then jumped onto the stone pillar!

Previously, the four monsters guarded him, but he couldn't go up at all...

Two of them died, and there was a gap in the team guarding the stone pillar!

Chu Xun easily pulled out the broken sword!

Then, I held this spirit weapon in my hand and played with it...

"It's really good stuff!"

Chu Xun sighed with emotion, and even sighed!

It's not easy for me!

Before, there was no choice!

Otherwise, who would want to chop up to now with a low-grade magic weapon, the sapphire sword?

Chu Xun put on a new weapon, and then he had a thought...

The two skills of Howling Wind and Sharpness are blessed again!

The target this time is this low-grade spiritual weapon—the Broken Cuisine Sword!

As expected by Chu Xun, relying on better transmission of energy...

The Broken Cuisine Sword burst into glory in an instant!

The metallic sword glow produced by Fengrui is almost twice as solid as the version attached to the sapphire sword!

The Howling Front, relying on the excellent material of the Broken Cuisine Sword, compressed the gust of wind into a more concealed and tiny form.

Although Chu Xun released the two formulas, the spiritual energy consumed was about the same as before...

However, with the blessing of this more excellent weapon, the effect is far superior to the version of the magic formula attached to the jade sword!

Afterwards, Chu Xun casually played with swords and brought the two monsters back to Wonderful Manor.

Immediately, the hatred of the two golden-armored giant worms turned to him!

Then, suddenly rushed over!

However, under the blessing of this spiritual weapon, Chu Xun's lethality far exceeds that of before!

He didn't use much strength, he just casually slashed towards a giant golden-armored insect that was rushing towards him!

After that, it was like cutting off rotten tree branches!

Chu Xun cut this second-rank monster in half with ease!

The incision on the golden-armored giant worm is even smoother!

Until it, the two parts of the body rolled to the ground, and suddenly, the body shattered!Internal organs, blood, gushing out!

It was a miserable death!Um.

After that, the only remaining one, the golden-armored giant worm realized something belatedly...

Hurry up and run!

Unfortunately it was too late!

Chu Xun pointed directly, making a slashing gesture!

In fact, it triggered another effect of the Howling Front——

Turning the gust of wind that was originally wrapped around the blade into a terrifying storm blade, it swept forward!

That is the violent energy that burst out in an instant!

If he fights head-on, this second-grade monster may not be instantly killed by this magic formula...

But the moment it chose to escape, its fate was already doomed!

The strong wind directly engulfed this monster completely, and then swallowed it completely!

Its hard carapace can withstand the cutting of wind blades.

But in the storm, the golden-armored giant worm has to bear countless times of chopping and chopping every second.

But under dripping water, no amount of defense can resist it!

With a torn wound from the beginning...

Afterwards, the defensive carapace on the entire golden-armored giant worm was directly cut into golden powder and fragments!

In the end, this insect-shaped monster was directly rolled into a messy stump in the storm!


A reminder came from the ear.

[Congratulations on completing the achievement: Killing creatures, earning 800 points]

[Congratulations on completing the achievement: Killing creatures, earning 794 points]


A total of more than 3000 points to start with!

And Chu Xun nodded contentedly.

It's not for points, [-] points can't do anything in the mall!

He is feeling...

Sure enough, this Duancui sword is quite extraordinary!

Magical artifacts and spiritual weapons, such things are also an important part of a monk's combat effectiveness!

I have been using a low-grade magical weapon before, and it is really a bit of a drop in price. Now after replacing it, my combat power immediately soars!

At the same time, Chu Xun was even more emotional!

What is the gold content of a secret realm? ? ?

I just came in for a stroll, and in less than two hours, I have already gained a lot!

This is just the beginning of the exploration of the secret realm!

After that, the benefits I will get are obviously far more than the current one!

It's done!

At the same time, he was even more excited!

The ordinary places in this secret realm are like this!

What about the nested secret realm that has always been hidden in the legend? ? ?

Absolutely took off!

Chu Xun was extremely excited!

He didn't waste it, and first touched the corpses of several giant beetles one by one.

[Successful collection!Obtain 5 points of metallic qualification! 】

[Successful collection!Obtain 5 points of metallic qualification! 】

[Successfully picked up...]


Twenty o'clock, metal qualifications, start!

Chu Xun weighed it for a while, and felt that if he activated Feng Rui's spell at this time, his power would increase by about [-]%.

Not bad, but also a good harvest!

Now it seems that [-]% of the blessing is not too much.

But as long as he keeps touching the properties of corpse metal, his aptitude will continue to accumulate!

It won't be long before Chu Xun feels that the sharpness in his hand will directly double the power!It's not impossible!

Afterwards, Chu Xun touched the corpse, but it wasn't over yet...

He took out the blood lamp.

With the infusion of Reiki!

The blood-transforming lamp emitted light, and quickly absorbed the corpses of several monsters into a strange space inside the magic weapon that could be used for storage.

Then, the formation of the space is to turn the corpses of these monsters into the purest life force.

"Sure enough!"

Chu Xun, have fun!

What is knocking the bone and sucking the marrow? This is knocking the bone and sucking the marrow!

Chu Xun felt that he was about to win!

For ordinary monks, the income after killing monsters is nothing more than some materials...

But myself, the points of the system are a kind of...

Another kind of income from touching corpses!

In the end, you can use the blood lamp to completely refine the corpse!

Three wins!

Chu Xun directly won three times!

Afterwards, he thought about it, and simply cleaned out the corpses of many monsters that he had stored since he entered the foreign world from the manor, and injected them into the blood-transforming lamp uniformly.

It can be regarded as saving a lot of space for his manor grid with only 1000.

To be honest, the number of monsters that Chu Xun had killed before was quite a lot.

And every time, in order to avoid waste, he harvested a lot of materials, and even threw the entire corpse of the monster into the manor.

Taking them all out at this time will almost fill up the space inside the blood-transforming lamp!

After some investigation, he sensed that the blood-transforming lamp was working hard to refine the corpse.

Chu Xun also nodded in satisfaction.

In this way, the little hedgehog's ration will not have to worry about for a long time.

By the way, I can also use the resources produced by the blood lamp to practice.


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