Hearing Chu Xun's words, Xiaopang couldn't help but hesitate for a while.

It faintly feels that there are treasures everywhere...

But for a while, I don't know what to look for!

However, as a golden gecko, its instinct drives it to look for the best things...

Ever since, it sniffed east, sniffed west...

Then I wandered around several times, facing several directions, and hesitated for a long time.

Finally, with a determined look, he pointed directly in front of Chu Xun!

It feels that the treasures there are the most precious!

"Okay! Then let's go this way!"

Chu Xun is kind-hearted.

He still believed in Xiaopang Xunjin's level.

After all, in a sense, this little guy is his lucky star. Without his help after coming to another world, he would probably be in a much worse life than he is now!

Afterwards, Chu Xun did not summon his golden-feathered eagle, but released the grizzly bear he subdued earlier.

The speed of this monster running on the ground is much higher than that of his Golden Feathered Eagle, which has not yet broken through to the first-rank realm.

Soon, Chu Xun took Xiaopang on his new mount and set off straight ahead.

This time, the journey to find gold seems to be quite complicated.

The grizzly bear ran wildly all the way, attracting many monsters to glare at it!However, it does run fast enough!Surprisingly, no monster chased after him!

As for Chu Xun, he was gently bitten by the little fat man in his arms from time to time...

That was the little guy signaling to his master to change direction.

This also led to Chu Xun not having time to practice or ponder over formations due to the need to constantly adjust his travel route.

The grizzly bear ran for about an hour.

Chu Xun felt that he had traveled thousands of miles!

Finally, Xiaopang gently climbed onto his head at this time, signaling to stop.

And pulled Chu Xun's hair to look to the left.

"Okay, I get it!"

Chu Xun glanced in the direction, and found that what Xiaopang was pointing at seemed to be a bottomless lake...

The treasure is in the lake?


It's a pretty common setting.

"By the way! This is for you to try too."

Chu Xun took out the blood-transforming lamp, took out some of the life substances in it, and distributed it to himself, Xiaopang and Grizzly.

Previously, this thing was left to the greedy beast.

However, now that a large number of monster corpses have been refined in the blood-transforming lamp, there is no need to be so economical.

Chu Xun carefully tasted the bloody liquid, but as soon as he took it into his mouth, he felt a wonderful taste, which spread from his own taste buds to his whole body!

Even Chu Xun didn't even swallow, this special solution of life force had already turned into a ball of sweet air and filled his whole body!

Is it delicious?

Rather than saying it is perfect in taste, it is better to say that the whole body is jumping with joy after taking it!

No wonder, for the sake of this thing, Hao Yi did not hesitate to sign a contract with himself...

The power of life!The instinct of the flesh is thirsting for this energy!

Therefore, the brain will give a judgment that is extremely delicious!


Chu Xun was still a little intoxicated at first, but suddenly a loud noise came from beside him! ! !

He looked around speechlessly.

It was the grizzly bear howling excitedly in place!

After it has tasted this delicacy!Traveling in the sky, extremely intoxicated!

And the chubby guy next to him was hanging on the fur of this monster, rolling over and over again, as dizzy as a cat that had been hit by catnip!

Helpless, Chu Xun could only wait in place to let his two monsters return to normal.

In my heart, I feel even more emotional, this blood-transforming lamp seems to be...

It can be a means for me to lure monsters!

Chu Xun had just tasted a bit of the power of life refined...

It has a small increase in his physical fitness.

This increase, although not bad...

But if it can be used to lure some powerful monsters and beasts to fill in your own contract space, wouldn't it be more fragrant? ?

Sure enough, this is the correct way to open the blood lamp!

Chu Xun thought cheerfully.

To be honest, if the natives in Mingcang Realm would never use this method to use the blood-transforming lamp, they must use its effect of refining life force to improve themselves!

Anyway, for these natives, it is a magic weapon that can steadily improve their own strength!Simply priceless!

Even if the efficiency of the improvement is a little slower, it will be an extremely terrifying figure over the years! !

But for Chu Xun, a character whose strength has improved by leaps and bounds in a short period of time after coming to another world...

Use the blood lamp to improve yourself, the efficiency is too slow!

It's better to subdue more monsters, which can bring immediate improvement!

Accelerate your own development!

Chu Xun thought for a while, and Xiaopang and Grizzly finally returned to normal. They looked at him eagerly, and seemed to want some bloody liquid from the blood.

"Afterwards, if you perform well, you will have it!"

Chu Xun began to draw cakes on the spot.

His two subordinates believed in it very much, with an excited attitude.

Afterwards, Chu Xun drew a clone of Grizzly Bear with the scroll of clones, and took the monster back into his wonderful manor.

And Xiaopang was caught by him on his shoulder.

After completing the preparations, Chu Xun came to the riverside following the instructions of the Xunjin Shougong.

He looked at the blue lake.

"Are you sure it's below?"

Xiaopang rushed back and forth eagerly, expressing his confirmation.

Seeing this, Chu Xun nodded slightly.

"go with!"

With a thought, the grizzly bear clone quickly swam towards the water...

Soon Chu Xun came to a conclusion.


Chu Xun came to a conclusion.

Although it is said that the creation of the avatar picture scroll has no wisdom.

But Chu Xun sensed that the clone of the grizzly bear should not have suffered any damage...

The lake water is just ordinary lake water...

Of course, as a dog.

Chu Xun had already made up the setting that there were countless tiny parasites or terrifying piranhas hiding in the seemingly calm lake water.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

So he didn't hesitate anymore, and jumped into the lake directly.

However, Xiaopang roughly pointed out the direction to Chu Xun, and was taken back by his master to the contract space.

Chu Xun, on the other hand, commanded the clone of the grizzly bear first, explored forward, and followed after confirming that there was no danger.

The swimming speed of one person and one avatar is not slow, but it just swims towards the left side of the depth of the lake for about three to four minutes.

Then I saw a faintly damaged building, silent under the water.

It can be seen on the outer layer of the building, almost covered with water plants and the like...

And along with this, the treasure place pointed out by this chubby is getting closer...

Chu Xun suddenly felt something flash past in front of his eyes!

wait, is this?

Chu Xun seemed to realize something, and immediately shot out the pupil of true seeing!

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