Chu Xun was quite excited at this moment.

Although monsters are different from human monks, they can pass on orally and teach formulas.

But, in essence, human beings, the original formula also came from imitating monsters!

Therefore, many monsters, because of their special physique, such as the water ghost that Chu Xun killed just now, can practice many special spells...

Chu Xun even recalled many messages in the original body's memory.

According to the legend, there are some special monsters whose whole bodies are composed of elements, and they can use some magic tricks that can easily attract celestial phenomena!

There are also some innate and extremely tyrannical monster races, and there are also some special moves that human monks can't match anyway!It is easy to make a government and a country, and countless people die tragically!

Those moves even only exist in myths and novels!

Originally, it was an area that human monks could not touch!

But now Chu Xun said that he can grasp it!

Although he reckoned that some special abilities like the Green Jade Black Turtle could assist cultivation, it would be useless for him to touch it out, and he would definitely not grow a turtle shell on his body.

However, even if this kind of magic art that requires a special body structure to practice is excluded.

Some special moves that can be obtained can also give Chu Xun the ability far beyond ordinary monks!

Suddenly, he was excited!

Chu Xun once again set a small goal for himself, besides looking for opportunities to touch the corpses of those ancient powers...

I try my best to collect some rare monsters and kill the corpses!

Spiritual root aptitude needs to be developed, this is internal strength.

Juejue and mantras must also learn the best!This is external work!

Only by working together can you make yourself reach the top in Mingcang Realm!


Of course, Chu Xun is just thinking about the future method of touching corpses...

The magic formulas that powerful humans cannot practice are only possessed by those top monsters.

My current strength, in their mouths... is purely a piece of meat delivered to their door!

Let's just look at reality.

Chu Xun finally heaved a sigh of relief after solving the grudge ghost.

At least it's safe along the way.

He continued to swim towards the sunken building. Although he had obtained the ability blessed by a water spirit, if he encountered such a water ghost again, he would be completely worthy.

But, after all, now that there is no clone of Pathfinder, Chu Xun still feels very insecure!

He swam to the front of the building.

Look carefully at it.

Afterwards, Chu Xun discovered that the underwater ruins were quite damaged.

However, people can still vaguely recognize that it is roughly a temple-like structure.

The sunken building is completely enclosed, and the outer brick walls are purple and bright red.

However, due to soaking in water for too long, serious fading has appeared in many places.

Outside the building, there are dozens of stone pillars, engraved with some scenes similar to gods and demons fighting.

Chu Xun also took a few glances with great interest.

But soon he felt bored, no different from the old fairy tales of his hometown.

In a word, the above is the words of Che Jilu, which shows how great the gods in this temple used to be!

However, this kind of rhetoric may be able to fool some people from other worlds. Chu Xun, who has received a materialistic education, will only sneer at it!

Later, he found two statues hidden in armor on the left side of the dilapidated building, which seemed to be guarding something.

Then, Chu Xun raised his head, and found a giant door that was visibly vicissitudes.

On it was painted a somewhat realistic painting with thick oil and heavy colors.

A mysterious figure whose face cannot be seen clearly is surrounded by countless angel-like existences with wings on their backs!

Originally, this might have been a sacred scene, but the years have taken away too many things, and now this painting is just a tattered thing...

What surprised Chu Xun was that there was actually a formation that exuded a slight wave of aura at the door...

It seems that I don't know how many years it has been maintained!

Chu Xun looked at the formation with some curiosity.

In the next second, his complexion changed drastically!


Chu Xun felt a buzzing in his head!

Most people pay attention to the fact that the formation may not be affected due to its brokenness.

But as a Chu Xun who has mastered the fourth-grade formation, he can barely be regarded as a certain level...

He wanted to observe the pattern of the formation in front of the temple, but was almost dazzled by the extremely vast and complicated information!

Feeling dizzy for a while!

"This is at least the fifth rank... No! A formation above the sixth rank!"

Chu Xun's tone couldn't hide his excitement!

The stronger the effect of the guardian formation outside the temple, the better the treasures hidden inside!

Fatty is really awesome!

Chu Xun glanced at the gate of the temple.

Although, he felt that he could easily break through this extremely broken seal and force his way in.

However, Chu Xun still stopped.

Go treasure hunting first!

After that, if you have the opportunity to study this large formation, it’s not bad!


What a pity!

He casually swam around the huge building.

Under the effect of the magic formula blessed by Shui Ling, Chu Xun felt that his body was extremely relaxed!No discomfort at all!

At the same time, the efficiency of finding things in the water is also extremely high!He soon saw a lot of cracks in the buildings on the edge of the sealed formation.

Big ones can even let people get in directly.

"I don't know how many years ago this building was..."

Chu Xun sighed and swam towards the biggest crack.

"In the secret realm..."

"Why is there such a thing?"

Under the blessing of the water spirit, Chu Xun was extremely relaxed, so he even thought of a blind spot in his free time...

According to Yan Cang, the secret realm is a special area composed of the manifestation of the power of Mingcang Realm similar to Lingquan...

There are fierce beasts, and there are also monsters.

But there is no original human race in it...

Why, under the lake here, is there such a temple? ?

In the secret realm... lived before? ?

Chu Xun's thinking diverged.

After remembering to enter the secret realm, there was no other player in the chat box of the system except him...

He always felt that the secret realm was not as simple as his immediate boss said.

Of course Chu Xun didn't feel that Yan Cang was lying to him.

The county lord had no reason to do so.

Chu Xun brainstormed for a while, and at the same time, his physical movements didn't stop.

Has passed through a crack and entered the interior of the temple.


Chu Xun fell directly from the sky!

This huge underwater building has been abandoned for an unknown period of time.

However, after entering, Chu Xun discovered that something inside seemed to be functioning...

For example, at this time, the lake is completely drained.

"how did you do that?"

"Water-proof array?"

"But there is no trace of the formation?"

Chu Xun looked around.

It can still continue to function after being abandoned for an unknown number of years...

It must be a formation!

However, he didn't notice any of them!

Helpless, Chu Xun could only sway around for a while.

He was surprised to find that the architectural style in the temple was quite different from that in Mingcang Realm.

The latter is pure fantasy style, but here are some buildings that are similar to the western fantasy style that Chu Xun felt when he was in Xinshou Village.

Then, Chu Xun was suddenly attracted!

He was a little surprised to find that the walls of the temple were filled with a large number of gems of all kinds!

These gemstones are inlaid on the walls, forming a series of wonderful scrolls!

But like the totems carved on the pillars outside, they are all old stories about the confrontation between gods and evil.

Chu Xun just looked at those gems with concern.

Before he came to the wall, he clearly sensed that these gemstones once contained enormous power...

But now, it seems that in the infinite years, it has turned into an ordinary stone without extraordinary power.

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