Chu Xun looked at the last part of the illusion indifferently.

Such a terrifying force was destroyed so easily...

He just felt how small he was...

In the illusion, the last scene is the raging flood, and several buildings that had maintained a certain integrity were smashed to pieces!

It seemed that someone in the building was screaming, but no one could save them...

In the end, only the temple he was in now remained.

Originally, Chu Xun thought that the last temple should have survived after a while of drifting away when the flood subsided.

In the end, he found a sigh coming from the illusion.


Then, several figures dressed in indigo-colored clothing and decorated with ink marks suddenly appeared.

This is... the uniform of the Spiritual God Sect!

Chu Xun was taken aback for a moment. He had seen this kind of clothing before in the illusion of the Tomb of the Spirit God, and now he immediately remembered it!

Later, he realized that these men and women were not so much disciples of the Spiritual God Sect.

It's better to say that they are probably the survivors of the spirit gods mentioned in the previous parchment!

They flew over the last remaining temple in the illusion.

The survivors of the spirit gods seemed to shake their heads sadly.

Then, they teamed up to trigger the Judgment in mid-air.

In the picture, the terrifying force forcibly split the hall and its surroundings at a distance of nearly ten thousand miles!

Turned into a piece of space debris!

Afterwards, these survivors of the spirit gods aroused some kind of power and threw the fragment directly into the void!

Then, the last scene in the illusion is that this dimensional fragment fell into another world, and directly bumped into a small secret realm that gradually formed with the evolution of the leylines...

This scene is extremely clear!

Chu Xun could even see that the location where the small secret realm collided was in this temple, about 3000 miles to the northwest!

Then the screen stopped abruptly!

And Chu Xun was even more confused.

He probably understood why, and he triggered another main task.

The reason is very simple, similar to the situation of being destroyed by the Spiritual God Sect...

This temple is also an unlucky one. It seems that it was destroyed because it offended the existence in the sky!

In the end, the only fire left was the temple where he was.

As for why, I met in the Black Emperor's secret realm...


Chu Xun also guessed now.

The survivors of the spirit gods will be equipped with dimensional fragments of this temple, and the different world they will smash into is Mingcang Realm!

And precisely, this dimensional fragment was transformed into the Black Emperor Secret Realm!

Chu Xun guessed completely wrong at first!

It's not that this temple somehow came to the secret realm!

Instead, the monsters, beasts, and plants native to Mingcang Realm invaded the dimensional fragments of the Sunlun Sect.

Originally, this secret realm should be an extremely barren and dilapidated destroyed world...

It was only because of the passage of time that it became what it is now.

And Chu Xun also understood.

In a sense, what Yan Cang said was right.

Indeed, many secret realms are manifested by the overflow of earth veins.

In the illusion, Chu Xun saw it all!

The dimensional fragments of the Sunlun Church directly hit a secret realm that was supposed to form a small scale!

Devour it!

That's why there is a saying that there is another layer of secret realm nested in the Black Emperor's secret realm!

At this moment, Chu Xun didn't know whether he should be surprised or not!

Through the illusion just now, he can basically deduce the location of the small secret realm.

Lying in Chu Xun's contract space is probably the little hedgehog with the key to the small secret realm.

It seems that this time he can really enter the secret realm that has been hidden for a long time and make a good profit! !

At the same time, a reminder sounded in Chu Xun's ear.

[Main task: Spiritual God Sect's counterattack (stage) has been completed! 】

[Acquisition Reward: Jue Ling Jue——Blessing Na Ling Jue Skill]

[Warning: Player Chu Xun is not strong enough to start the next stage]

[Main task: Lament of the Rebels!completed! 】

[Acquisition Reward: Sun Wheel Stone]

He hadn't had time to collect his income after watching the illusion - the confirmed location of the hidden small secret realm.

At this time, the big cakes obtained by completing the two main tasks fell on Chu Xun's head!

Chu Xun instantly sensed countless knowledge pouring into his mind!

He also immediately understood the effect of the Spirit Gathering Formation!

If it is said that Na Lingjue can help practitioners, they can forcibly absorb all the energy in the world to practice.

Even trash without aptitude can rely on this technique to force their way out!

Then the effect of Juling Jue is also a kind of overbearing!

It can make the practitioner's ability to extract and refine spiritual energy multiplied several times!

When cultivating, you can affect the aura around you, and gather all of them by your side!

Chu Xun is knowledgeable, this is equivalent to carrying a gathering spirit formation with him after practicing the gathering spirit formula!

To know the formation that can gather spiritual energy, the first step is the fourth rank!

The tyrannical effect of the Spirit Gathering Art is that as the practitioner's own strength increases, its ability to gather spiritual energy will also increase!It can even achieve effects that cannot be achieved by high-grade formations!

And it's not just a simple increase in the efficiency of gathering aura!

After cultivating the Spirit Gathering Formation, it can even help Chu Xun continue to rely on the particularity of the exercises to absorb spiritual power to practice during the battle.

On the other hand, the power released when the magic formula is released and the spiritual power is stimulated is forcibly absorbed back into the body.

In other words, after mastering this spell, it is equivalent to possessing the attribute of permanently passively improving the cultivation base!

Although the efficiency is not very high, it is still a terrifying figure if accumulated over the years!

At the same time, it can greatly improve Chu Xun's endurance in battle, far exceeding the same situation!

"Oh my God!"

Chu Xun was also slightly amazed at this time.

Although he already knew what kind of terrifying existence the Spiritual God Sect was, the exercises it issued would never be bad!

But it can be so strong.

It also made him feel stunned!

He even suspected that with the support of the two supporting exercises of Nana Ling Jue and Ju Ling Jue...

In Mingcang Realm, even the spells practiced by those masters of the eighth and ninth ranks may not have such miraculous effects!

Chu Xun was excited, and then resisted the urge to sit down cross-legged to practice immediately to experience the effect, and then went to check the rewards obtained from another main task.

[The Stone of the Sun Wheel (artifact): With this object, every time you break through a realm, you will get a special ability]


Chu Xun looked at the thing in his hand, it was a special thing that exuded a slight heat...

There is also a stick figure of the sun engraved on it, which seems to be a very common thing.

Moreover, this breakthrough realm obtains special abilities...

I don't know if the ability given will work.

Chu Xun pondered in his heart, but after much deliberation, the artifact should still be of a high standard!

The previous stone of fortune was so strong...

This sun wheel stone should not be a parallel import...

Now, after breaking through to the third rank, you will know whether this thing is strong or not!

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