Just a few face-to-face down.

The second generation of Xiu, they are all dead!

The giant eagle was also severely injured under the dying resistance of the young city lord of Qingzhou city!

His whole body was dripping with blood, and his momentum was weak.

And the only remaining middle-aged man was completely stunned in place at this time...

"It's over!"

With a pale face, he spit out two words.

Suddenly, he let out a miserable laugh, and flew towards the giant eagle directly!

"Die with me!"

Then, he activated the gas splitting stone in his hand!

The speed of the middle-aged monk has always been the fastest among several monks!

It can even barely keep up with this monster!

Previously, because of the giant eagle, it had been shuttling around those second-generation Xius.

That's why the middle-aged people are stretched and tied!

At this moment, he had no more scruples, and under the burst of all his strength, he actually grabbed the giant eagle's wings fiercely!

Then came—


The gas cracking stone was detonated!

The entire square was shaken!

The flames flowed crazily, emitting terrifying energy towards everything around them! ! !

It's like a scene that destroys heaven and earth!

Even the formation used to block the spiritual spring is almost overwhelmed!

A large area is broken and cracked!

The middle-aged monk was at the center of the explosion and was burned to coke on the spot!

Even the coke was burned in the end!

Turn into fly ash!

And that giant eagle, even though its physical strength far exceeds that of a human monk...

However, under the effect of the close-range explosion of the gas splitting stone, it was also severely damaged in an instant!

However, the power of that disposable spiritual weapon is far more than that!

After the giant eagle was hit by the flames, it struggled a few times, barely trying to stand up.

But in the end, it failed!

Fall to the ground!

Already dead!

The reason is also very simple, the flame after the explosion of the gas splitting stone is only one aspect of its power.

What's even more frightening is that the jade that originally made up the shell of the air splitting stone was blown into fragments, and then under the impetus of energy, it turned into particles similar to the fragments in a grenade, and instantly penetrated into the body of this monster. in vivo!

Destroy the giant eagle's internal organs and brain completely!

No matter how powerful this monster is, it won't be able to withstand this move!

Killed on the spot!

And Chu Xun, who was hiding in the corner of the square, had an even more bewildered expression!

At first he thought he was going to pray for the mantis to catch the cicada, and Suzaku was behind!

In the end, the two parties actually died together directly!

He looked inexplicably upset!

The middle-aged man finally chose to die by himself...

It makes sense!

Several of his masters are dead. If he lives alone, he will be dead anyway after leaving the secret realm!

Might as well just fight to the death!

Maybe my family can get some protection...

Chu Xun guessed what the middle-aged man was thinking.

However, because of this, he was in a slightly happier mood before, but he was a little upset again!

These second-generation cultivators can make civilian cultivators die voluntarily for themselves!

They even forced the families of commoner monks to be buried...

What an injustice! !

"Forget it, what does it have to do with me..."

However, Chu Xun was silent for a while, feeling slightly upset.

Finally, he said something in a cold voice.

Those second-generation cultivators do enjoy extremely favorable conditions...

But so what?

Not to mention, Chu Xun easily used a small piece of obsidian to bury everyone!

These second generations have traveled all the way, with their current cultivation base, how many treasures have they eaten?How many commoner monks were allowed to die voluntarily for them?

It's pointless now!

In the face of death, these second generations are also equal!

Chu Xun is in a much happier mood!

Afterwards, he went to the square and found with some regret that the middle-aged monk's body had been completely burnt into fly ash,

I can't touch it myself!

But the good news is that Chu Xun just used a small piece of obsidian to successfully kill all the enemies!

Now there is still a third-rank monster, a third-rank cultivator, and two corpses of a second-rank cultivator, which can be touched by him!

Chu Xun rubbed his hands!

It's the exciting part of touching the corpse again!

He first put his hand on the giant eagle.

[Successful collection!Obtain bloodline - dragon's blood blessing (1%)! 】

In an instant, Chu Xun felt as if he had fallen into the boundless world, and then a winding dragon slowly wandered past him...

This is the image of the blue dragon in mythology?

Chu Xun seemed to realize something, the next second, he found that the giant dragon rushed directly into his body!


He woke up like a dream, only to realize that he was in the same place...

The heart is already shocked!

I just touched a dead body, and I fell into a strange state for no reason...

It seems that this dragon's blood blessing is extremely unusual!

Chu Xun rummaged through the attribute panel for a while, and sure enough, a new blood unity column appeared.

[Dragon Blood Blessing (1%): All attributes are increased by [-]%, and the speed of cultivation is increased by [-]%, regardless of the coercion of any monsters. 】

It seems that this effect is quite powerful!

Chu Xun was a little surprised, the bonus brought by this bloodline is not low!

Moreover, he noticed the 1% value marked in the bloodline...

I have some expectations...

Clearly this lineage can still grow!

1% has such a miraculous effect, how strong will 10% or even 100% be?

Chu Xun was breathing heavily!

If he can kill more monsters with dragon blood, and his ability is improved again...

Chu Xun really felt that he was about to take off!

Maybe, one day, he will be able to transform into the image of the green dragon that he saw in the inexplicable illusion just now!

Then Chu Xun looked at the giant eagle's body, thought for a while, and still didn't want to throw it directly into the evolutionary blood lamp.

The materials on this monster are still valuable, so keep them!

Chu Xun took the corpse in front of him to Wonderful Manor.


He is even more excited!

Chu Xun walked to the side of the young city lord of Qingzhou City!

First touch.

[Successful collection!Obtaining the magic formula-protecting the body]

Chu Xun's eyes lit up!

Listening to the name is a defensive formula!

Yes, I am missing it!

Chu Xun really doesn't have any defensive formulas available up to now!

Then, he took advantage of the opportunity to open the introduction in the property bar.

[Body Protection: Create a defensive power to protect the body, which can withstand a full-strength blow beyond one level of oneself at most! 】

High-end goods!

Seeing the effect, Chu Xun was pleasantly surprised!

Originally, he thought it was just an ordinary protective spell...

It turned out so magically!

Withstood a blow from a monk who was one realm higher than himself!

It can be used to save lives at critical moments!

good stuff!

good stuff!

After that, Chu Xun was not in a hurry to take care of the other two second grades...

Instead, he took off the storage bag of the young city lord with some excitement!

Although he hasn't opened the magic weapon yet, he already has a premonition in his heart...

I'm afraid I'm going to get rich!

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