Chu Xun didn't worry too much about these corpses.

His scalp was numb from the cold, and he couldn't take care of himself!

If it wasn't for the good luck when he was exploring the temple earlier, and got the blessing of water spirit, Chu Xun might be similar to those corpses, and he would be frozen to death alive!

Fortunately, when he turned his head to look around, he realized that his own fierce beast, Hao Zhi, seemed to have found something.

This little hedgehog, with a blood-red light ignited on his body, overflowed towards the bottom of the pool!

Soon, with Hao Shu's efforts.

There is a vague space crack, which is slowly torn open!

Chu Xun was a little surprised...

You know, he didn't notice any spiritual energy fluctuations at all before!

So much so that he thought that the bottom of the pool was not the place where the secret realm was hidden, so he had to search again!

Unexpectedly, the fierce beast he contracted directly opened the way!

Suddenly, Chu Xun was extremely confused!

This nested secret realm is hidden too deep!

When the space channel is not opened, there is no fluctuation or abnormality at all? ?

At this time, Chu Xun was even more puzzled.

This secret realm hides too deep!

How did the black-robed man who set up the formation in Shuilian County find out earlier?

However, Chu Xun was confused in his heart...

He looked at his little hedgehog and jumped into the space crack decisively.

Chu Xun also took three steps and made two steps, stepping into it quickly!

Chu Xun still trusts this fierce beast that has been contracted.

Since Hao Zhi dared to step into the space crack, it should be safe there^

In the next second, Chu Xun felt like he was stepping into the air!

At the same time, he felt the numbness of being frozen by the cold pool all over his body, and it disappeared instantly!

Then, it was dark in front of you!

It seems to have passed through some barrier!

Flying towards the unknown area, falling!

In the next second, the familiar system prompt sounded.

[Player Chu Xun, the area has been changed]


Chu Xun felt that his consciousness was blurred for a while.

Afterwards, in a hazy moment, I felt an inexplicable tingling and itching on my cheeks...


Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

Afterwards, Chu Xun discovered that it was the beast, the giant pig, rubbing against his face.

It seems that they want to wake him up...

And seeing his master wake up, this little hedgehog jumped up and down excitedly!


It seems that because of returning home...

It seems that Hao Zhi is in a very good mood!

And Chu Xun gradually became sober, looking around.

Sure enough, it's done!

I should have entered the hidden secret realm!

That's not it, it's about to be posted!

Chu Xun can be sure that the surroundings are completely another world!

Unlike when he entered the Black Emperor's secret realm, what he perceived was the scenery of a virgin forest.

This hidden nested secret realm gave Chu Xun the impression that he had returned to an ancient wild land!

Not to say how desolate it is here.

On the contrary, wherever Chu Xun's naked eyes can see, there are towering giant trees nearly [-] meters high!

In the sky, there are flying birds exuding a terrifying aura...

The various flowers, plants and trees around are also quite different from what Chu Xun saw in Mingcang Realm.

All flower beds are grotesque!

Some have huge mouthparts directly, catching all kinds of flying insects for food, completely like a rooted beast!

Some are inconceivably huge in size. The entire flower, including the rhizome, is full, the size of a mountain...

Even some flowers directly bear fruits that mimic the appearance of other creatures, which look extremely weird...


These various flower gardens gave Chu Xun the feeling that they were grotesque and bizarre, not like the world!

The plants in Mingcang Realm are much more normal than these things!

The feeling of this hidden nested secret realm is extremely weird! !

However, in this world, Hao Yan seemed extremely relaxed, having fun and galloping around!

However, Chu Xun was still quite puzzled, he didn't understand why there was such a big difference between the secret realm and the outside world...

He's thinking about...

Suddenly, Chu Xun turned sideways slightly, and suddenly stepped back, taking a few steps back!

With the sound of cracking the ground, a giant centipede suddenly jumped out from where Chu Xun was originally!


It wields its huge mouthparts and bites the air frantically!

Of course, this blow did not accomplish anything.

Chu Xun dodged earlier, and then cast the pupil of true seeing.

【Name】: Sickle weasel


【Strength】: 356★

A powerful, not too strong monster...

etc!no cultivation...

Is it a beast? ?

Chu Xun was stunned.

The centipede beast seemed to realize that the opponent it wanted to sneak attack was not so easy to deal with.

Immediately, dejectedly, he got into the soil and fled.

It can also be regarded as this fierce beast, luckily, it escaped unharmed.

At this time, Chu Xun was indeed a little confused, and had no time to chase after this fierce beast that was sneaking up on him...

Afterwards, he threw out the pupil of true sight to the birds in the sky...

Facing it, on the countless giant trees, a few ape-shaped creatures faintly shot out the pupils of true sight.

Facing it, some weird-looking insects hidden in flowers and plants release the pupil of true sight...

【Name】: Iceland Falcon


【Strength】: 469★


【Name】: Golden Cutting Ape


【Strength】: 667★


【Name】: Jue Evil Ant


【Strength】: 156★


Chu Xun was startled!

The centipede just now can still be said to be an isolated case.

But now, after careful inspection, he found that no matter what kind of creature it was, no matter how powerful it was.

In the column of cultivation base, it is all displayed blank.

In this hidden secret realm, there doesn't seem to be a single monster, it is completely a paradise for ferocious beasts! !

You know, in Mingcang Realm, ferocious beasts have already existed very rarely...

Now, there are so many here! ! !

Suddenly, Chu Xun felt a little strange.

This secret realm is like the scene of Mingcang Realm five or six thousand years ago in the myths and legends in the memory of the original body!

At that time, the monks of the human race had not yet risen.

The human race is just an ordinary race in Mingcang Realm.

At that time, although monsters had already flooded Mingcang Realm...

But ferocious beasts are still all over the world!

It is well deserved, the master of this world!

Then, the wheels of history rolled by...

The ferocious beast is finally on the verge of extinction in Mingcang Realm!

Monsters have become mainstream...

The human race even dominated the world and became the overlord...

But now, Chu Xun saw it in this hidden secret realm.

It was a scene where there were only ferocious beasts, but no monsters.

It's like going back to the ancient times in various legends!

and many more!

Ancient times? ? ?

Chu Xun suddenly turned his head and observed the surrounding flowers and trees.

He also dug up some corners and corners of the original body's memory. It seems that these plants...

It is also something from ancient times!

Chu Xun looked at the giant trees in the distance.

Slowly spit out a noun.

"Spirit Mountain Wood??"

Chu Xun didn't notice at first that the giant tree was special.

Now, after careful observation, I found that this plant was very similar to an ancient plant mentioned in the information that Yuan Bo had collected!

No, Chu Xun took a few steps closer.

He looked at the giant trees around him, and his heart was shocked!

Compared with the characteristics mentioned in the materials collected by the original body, these plants are exactly the same!

As high as ten feet!

No branches.

The skin is yellowish brown.

The top is in full bloom, with colorful flowers!

This is Lingshan wood!

In an instant, Chu Xun was extremely excited! ! !

Walk quickly towards a giant tree!

The reason is that the original body has studied and understood this ancient plant.

the reason is simple……

Before Chu Xun came, the cultivation aptitude of the original body's own aura system was not top-notch! !


Moreover, what is even more painful is that the original body has no ancient holy body.

But because countless cultivation resources from the ancient times in Mingcang Realm were extinct, they couldn't cultivate!

However, the original body is also quite resilient!

Surprisingly, I collected a lot of information...

I found out a lot of information about the special resources needed for the cultivation of the ancient Eucharist...

These messages were considered secret in ancient times.

But for the current Mingcang world, it is pure waste paper!

Therefore, it is easy to find the heir of the suzerain of a sect whose highest combat power is only the third rank.

But Yuanshen was disappointed in the end!

He found dozens, even close to hundreds of ancient holy bodies, which can be used for cultivation, even the names of resources that can be barely cultivated...

But it was discovered that none of these things existed in the world of Mingcang!

And Chu Xun was looking at the giant Lingshan trees growing, the reason why he was ecstatic...

That is, the original body had checked the information and knew a way to get started with the ancient holy body...

It is necessary, the resource called "Spirit Mountain Wood Heart" as an introduction!

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