Chu Xun turned around immediately!

Then, he saw a scene that surprised him!

My own ferocious beast...

That little hedgehog!

The size suddenly swelled by more than four times!

Turned into a majestic beast! !

The whole body is covered with a blue-purple carapace, and the back is full of sharp spikes shining with cold light! !

Hao Zhi fell straight down, a giant spider with a miserable green body!

Chu Xun was taken aback for a moment, before realizing it.


The ferocious beast that I contracted is very fierce!

The fighting power is not low!

However, on weekdays, Haoyu has been acting cute and coquettish.

And in order to prevent the exposure of the little hedgehog, Chu Xun has been stuffing it into the contract space, resulting in no chance for this beast to make a move!

Only then did it appear that it was the same as a mascot.

In fact, as a ferocious beast, Hao Yi is extremely powerful in combat!

Even Chu Xun didn't even have time to throw out the pupil of true seeing!

The battle is over!

That miserable green spider was waving its tentacles frantically, and even a dark purple poisonous needle appeared behind it!

Sudden stab at Hao pig!

However, its trick has no effect at all...

The little hedgehog curled up his body a little, exposing the thick carapace on his back, and easily withstood the poisonous needle!

Then, it scrolls directly, press down!

The sharp spikes on its body pierced the spider with dozens of holes!

In an instant, with a violent howl, this miserable green monster has no ability to move!

Hao Yi even pursued the victory!

Wrap yourself into a ball, and use the terrifying physical power in a row!

Crazy continuous impact!

The speed of this ferocious beast turned into an afterimage!

In the somewhat narrow root tunnel of Lingshan wood, bouncing!

Every collision caused a burst of excitement!

The structures of countless trees were smashed!Sawdust splattered!

In the beginning, the miserable green spider still wanted to resist one or two, brandishing its claws and claws, trying to intercept the impact of this giant pig!

It's pointless!

With the first impact, the spider's three pairs of tentacles were crushed!

With the second impact, its chest and abdomen were split in two!

The third shock!The body of this insect-shaped beast has been shattered!

After just a few face-to-face meetings, this guy who wanted to sneak attack Chu Xun...

Instant death!

But at this time, Hao Zhi stopped his attacking action, restrained his strength again, and transformed into the previous petite and cute image...

It trotted all the way and climbed back to Chu Xun's shoulder.

at the same time……

It was even more of a chirping call!



It seems very proud!

"OK OK!"

"I know you are strong!"

Chu Xun teased his little pet a little.

He was even more emotional.

As expected of a beast!

No matter how harmless Hao Zhi looks to humans and animals on weekdays...

In fact, it also has a strong fighting instinct!

Although, as a fierce beast, Hao Yi cannot use magic formulas.

However, its skill and performance just now are enough to prove that it has exerted its various advantages of the body's advantage in fighting to the extreme!

Chu Xun even felt that it was necessary for him to train this fierce beast well!

In the future, Hao Zhi is likely to be a great help to me!

Anyway, there is no need to spend any extra money to breed this beast...

Just feed it the life force refined from the blood-transforming lamp!

Chu Xun sighed with emotion, then stepped forward and touched the corpse of the miserable green spider.

[Successful collection!Gain 1 point of wood attribute resistance! 】

resistance? ?

Chu Xun stared at the new term and was taken aback.

However, this word is not difficult to understand, it should be able to enhance one's resistance to wood attribute spells.

Ordinary monsters have the aptitude of the corresponding attribute, and ordinary fierce beasts have resistance?

Chu Xun thought silently, the beast cannot use the magic formula, and can only rely on its own body to resist the attack of the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth, and survive tenaciously...

What comes out is resistance.


Chu Xun didn't plan to try it either. With a little more resistance, did he really have resistance to killing and wounding the wood attribute spells?

He estimated that resistance was the same as aptitude, and it would take a little to add up to have a significant effect.

Now, don't worry about self-torture.

Afterwards, Chu Xun threw the spider corpse in front of him into the blood lamp.

After thinking for a while, he took out a large piece of refined life force from the lamp.

Submitted to that little hedgehog...

moment!This ferocious beast was stunned!

It looked at Chu Xun in disbelief.

Is this really all for me? ? ?


Hao Yi was so excited that he even threw himself on Chu Xun's face!


"Stop making a fuss!"

Chu Xun reluctantly took the little hedgehog back into the contract space.

He used the essence of life in the blood-transforming lamp to increase the loyalty of his beasts by a lot!

Therefore, Hao Zhi was also moved, and kept acting like a baby to Chu Xun.

So noisy!

Chu Xun threw the beast back into the contract space, and slowly digested the essence of life.

He himself walked in the direction of the surging river of sap in the root tunnel of Lingshan wood.

At the beginning, Chu Xun felt that the process of finding the heart of the tree would be extremely difficult!

I am like a headless chicken, how can I find it?

But now he suddenly found a clue!

Follow the direction the sap flows...

Very likely, you will be able to go to the center where the energy of Lingshan wood gathers!

At that time, the existence of Tree Heart will naturally be discovered!

Chu Xun was so excited!Be decisive and move forward!


However, then he also saw...

There are indeed countless beasts living in the woods of the Lingshan Mountain!

Chu Xun has encountered many of those ugly green spiders before!

He also played the Pupil of True Sight and confirmed its specific information.

It is called the poisonous wood spider, and it is a wood-type insect beast.

They are the largest number of aborigines living in this giant tree.

Every now and then, a few will jump out.

Combat power also ranges from more than 100 stars to nearly a thousand stars.

But for Chu Xun.

These guys are purely delivering food!

After Chu Xun activated various buffs and spells to strengthen weapons, to deal with this kind of insect, one by one!

And what surprised him even more.

The one that was killed by Hao Zhi earlier did not count.

After that, the beast he killed himself...

There are points!

Although, the upper limit of Chu Xun's points for killing first-rank and second-rank creatures has already been filled!

But the system keeps sending out reminders!

[Congratulations on achieving the achievement: Killing creatures, you have obtained 455 points! 】

[Congratulations on achieving the achievement: Killing creatures, you have obtained 189 points! 】

[Congratulations on achieving the achievement: Killing...]


It looks like a ferocious beast, but the points earned for killing this special creature are calculated separately!

In addition, after killing this kind of spider, you can touch the corpse to get wood resistance.

Chu Xun felt that his strength for swinging the sword was quite sufficient! !


Chu Xun held the Duancui sword in his hand and walked slowly.

In front of you is a cave-like structure.

And he followed the river of sap, like pouring into a cave.

Chu Xun cautiously took a few steps forward...

Suddenly, there was a noise ahead!

He raised his hand immediately!

sharp!Howling Front!blessing!

Blood gas control!Bloodthirsty battle!The sky is burning!start up!

Afterwards, his momentum soared!

With a fierce sword, stick out!

Then he nailed a poisonous wood spider that jumped out suddenly and wanted to sneak attack to the ground!

And this unlucky beast just struggled feebly for a while...

Several tentacles twitched crazily!

Then, he slowly lost all his strength.


At this time, the system's prompt was also long overdue.

[Achievement: Killing Souls [Ominous Beast (Brutal Level), Weekly Limit: 10000 Points]]

"Is this full?"

Chu Xun was a little depressed.

"Okay, anyway, it's a surprise..."

He quickly shook his head, feeling that the harvest this time was already good.

Counting the upper limit of the points of the second-rank creatures that had been fully collected in the secret realm before, the total points in my hand have already exceeded [-]!

The purse is a little bulging!

Of course, when Chu Xun thought about all the outrageously priced props in the Points Mall, he woke up again!

I am now a hammer rich!

You have to keep accumulating points! !

However, the word "barbaric" in the system prompt made Chu Xun a little confused...

"Is this the standard used by fierce beasts to divide their strength?"

"What is the range of the barbarian level??"

"So, just like monsters, the upper limit of points for killing higher-level monsters will be higher?"

As he pondered, several guesses arose in his heart...

At the same time, an energy fluctuation flashed behind Chu Xun!

But he seemed to be distracted because he was watching the system prompt intently!

Didn't even realize it was being attacked!

That is, the innate ability released by a poisonous wood spider that suddenly sprang out!

A ferocious beast is different from a monster...

Through practice, various spells can be displayed.

They often have only a few or even one accompanying innate ability.

It may not be possible to wake up!

It sounds like the fierce beasts are at a huge disadvantage!

But their innate abilities also have the power far beyond ordinary formulas!

That poisonous wood spider spit out a large cloud of poisonous gas!

It turned into an arrow-like structure and hit Chu Xun's back!

And, a successful hit!

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