Chu Xun quickly sift through the area chat box.

I want to see what the nearby players are missing, so I can make a targeted market layout...

In the chat box, the voices complaining about the lack of resources are indeed not small.

"I'm crying, there is no ammunition, and the speed of cultivation is too much!"

"Yeah, where is the channel to get the elixir, brothers! I don't have the resources, the second grade, I can't get it for a few years!"

"Damn it! I'm still worrying about breaking through the first-grade realm! Who can give me a Qi Gathering Pill, I'll call him Daddy!"

"The price of the elixir is too expensive! The point mall is so black, so let's not talk about it! If you want to buy it from the sect you belong to, you have to do a lot of tasks!!"

"The government's treatment here is not good! I have been a fast catcher, and it has been two months, and there are only five Qi Gathering Pills!!"

"Don't talk about pills, why do I feel that the environment in the other world is too bad? I have all kinds of equipment and skills to fight monsters in Novice Village! Now I don't have enough materials for cultivation! I haven't even touched the magic weapon! "

"Fajue is also cheating! According to the progress of the professors in the sect, I feel that I can't learn one in a year or two!"

"I am also convinced by these powerful forces, are they all so black-hearted! Crazy squeeze us!"

"Are some of you going to the regional chat auction house, squatting? Will some big bosses put up formulas and the like?"

"Don't be dreaming upstairs, there are also magic formulas on the shelves? Last time, I don't know which alchemy master put some miscellaneous Qi Gathering Pills on the shelves, and they were instantly sold out! Even if there are magic formulas, they are reserved for those who are watching the auction 24 hours a day. Those who can do it!!"

Chu Xun looked at these discussions thoughtfully.

Most people are lamenting that there are not enough cultivation resources, even for the lowest-level Qi Gathering Pill, the market is very broad...

Magical artifacts are also missing!Many, players don't even have a low-grade weapon!

The formula is even more, not enough!

Although players have the help of the intrusion system, they can quickly learn formulas and exercises.

Before there is no proficiency, the magic formula cannot form combat power!

Moreover, there is an even bigger problem, whether the players are attached to the sect, or mixed into the government...

All of them are needed, what kind of contribution points have been accumulated bitterly, in order to exchange for the magic formula...

Their means of attack, defense, and treatment are all extremely inadequate!

Chu Xun felt inexplicably dazed looking at the miserable state of these people.

Players, are you living in such dire straits? ?

Chu Xun felt that things like pills were rubbish!

Don't even bother to eat!

It's better to have a spiritual source, so as not to let the poison erode your body, thanks!

But the players are struggling to find the most trashy Qi Gathering Pill, even if it is a miscellaneous product!

Chu Xun himself felt that the spiritual weapons were just so-so.

He also has high-end goods such as the winter cicada knife and the blood-transforming lamp!

However, among ordinary players, owning a magic weapon is still enviable!

And the pile of rubbish spells that Chu Xun found out in Kangping Town back then.

They are also things in the army or sect that require a certain contribution to exchange for!

Ordinary players can't wait for it!

After thinking about it, Chu Xun could only smile helplessly.

"In that case, then I will help you as a senior."

He, his series of unused resources are all on the shelves!

Qi Gathering Pill, 700 points per piece!

Bigu Pill, 60 points per piece!

Healing Pill, 1200 points per piece!


All kinds of miscellaneous pills were thrown by Chu Xun!

The price is also very conscientious.

In order to quickly exchange these useless resources into points.

Chu Xun's bidding price was nearly 5% lower than the historical transaction prices shown in other auction houses!

That's right!

5.00%, not a lot!

Chu Xun thought silently, and felt that he really was willing to help others!

Afterwards, he also threw a bunch of formulas on it.

[Wind Blade Technique: Create a sharp gust of wind to kill the enemy], the price is 3000 points!

[Fire Shield: Create swirling flames, absorb damage, and finally release flames to burn enemies], buy it for 4800 points!

【Thunder attachment...】


Chu Xun directly packed up all his useless trash and put them on the shelves!

He figured it out, if all these things could be sold...

I can get a total of nearly 10 points! ! !

In an instant, get rich!

So many points are enough for Chu Xun to be in the points mall...

He still can't afford anything! ! !

Points mall is too dark!


For the next almost a whole day, Chu Xun explored in the Lingshan wood.

On one side, open the page of the regional auction house.

I want to see how the sales of the things I put on the shelves are like!

Unsurprisingly, as Chu Xun expected, it sold very well!

Every so often, a reminder came, and even in less than half a day, all the consignment formulas, elixirs and other materials were almost sold out!

[The item you consigned at the regional auction house... Qi Gathering Pill, has been sold]

【Points earned: 700 points】

[The formula you consigned at the regional auction house... Wind Blade, has been sold]

【Points earned: 3000 points】

[The props you consigned at the regional auction house... Qi Gathering Pill,...]


Listening to the pleasant reminders, Chu Xun felt that his wallet was getting richer and his mood was getting better!

He looked at the unchanging Lingshan trees, the root tunnels, and felt that they were not so boring!

It seems that this channel of sap, which is almost carved out of a mold, has gradually undergone several changes...

No, it really has changed!

In an instant, Chu Xun couldn't care less about the auction house's problems, and ran forward quickly!

It can be vaguely seen in front of it, it is an extremely empty and vast space!

Chu Xun was a little excited and a little unbelievable!

He reached the end of the road ahead and took a closer look!

"Finally found!!!"

The open area ahead is the end of countless rivers of sap!

At Chu Xun's feet, the rather wide river of sap also fell towards the open area in front of him!

It turned into a waterfall-like scenery with the sound of rushing water!

And there are thousands of waterfalls made up of falling sap like this!

This is just what Chu Xun saw at a glance!

After he turned his head, he realized that there were countless rivers converging here!

Countless falling torrents filled the bottom of this vast space with sap full of life energy!

Formed like a lake-like existence!

And above the lake stands a small island!

An extremely strong life force and aura came from above!

Chu Xun's eyes were even a little crystal clear!

Finally found? ? ?

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