
In the rock wall, a rather elegant crane-shaped monster fled in haste!

And behind it, there are arrow-like wood-attributed energy, impacting!

Although, the speed of this monster is not slow...

But under the dense arrow rain, it has no way to escape!

The dark purple flying crane was instantly hit hard!

On the white and lavender feathers of its left wing!

The disgusting dark green color appears!

It was the result of an arrow of wood attribute piercing through!

Then, the toxin spread suddenly!

This flying crane, although barely supported...

But it also seemed to lose strength, the frequency of the flapping of the wings became slower and slower, and it fell towards the ground!

Not far from the rock wall, a figure jumped down quickly!Jumping to the body of the crane-shaped monster!

At the same time, he condensed the imprint of the mysterious law, and probed——

Pressed on Feihe!

In an instant, a special connection was established between the figure and the monster!

Then, the crane seemed to have obtained some treasure from the shadow standing on it...

This monster swallowed a handful of blood-colored liquid, the wound healed instantly, and the toxin dissipated!

Dancing the wings directly, flying to the sky again...

Naturally, the person who subdued this crane-shaped monster with violence just now was Chu Xun!

His Golden Feather Eagle is dead...

Therefore, Chu Xun specially captured a flying monster again.

Before the fourth grade, he needed such a means of transportation.

No way, I can't fly!

【Name】: Lei Linghe

【Cultivation】: Second Grade Realm

【Strength】: 964★


Chu Xun nodded as he looked at the newly refined monster panel.

In addition to being used as a means of transportation, this monster is also capable of fighting.

At this time, Chu Xun was standing on the crane, and he really felt like a fairy who was floating in the dust...

However, within a few seconds...

Chu Xun lost his chic in an instant!

He almost bit his own tongue!

Chu Xun instantly felt dizzy!

It was as if I had been severely engaged and ejected! !

Then, he felt a trance...

Chu Xun came back to his senses again, and found that the surrounding scenery had changed!

I don't know where I fell into the wilderness.

The system prompt also sounded at the right time.

[Player Chu Xun, the area has been changed]

"It turns out...it's time."

Chu Xun reacted.

I was ejected from the Black Emperor Secret Realm...

Due to the feigned death, he couldn't grasp the exact time of departure, so he was teleported randomly? ? ?

"Alright, just ask Yan Cang to lead me to my town!"

Chu Xun was in a pretty good mood right now.

Secret Realm is just a side effect!

It will take at least ten years for the Black Emperor's secret realm to be opened again...

Before that, Chu Xun knew that the only chance to stably obtain a large number of spiritual sources was to join the official system of Mingcang Realm.

Although the amount of resources provided by the head of the two towns is already a bit small for him...

However, the victory lies in stability!

Moreover, Chu Xun gained a lot in the secret realm this time, in order to save time.

For example, Chu Xun hasn't started refining treasures such as two hundred drops of spirit source and marrow washing pill that can greatly improve his cultivation level!

Just wait, after taking office as the mayor, in the spiritual spring in the town, a wave of cultivation will be raised!


Therefore, Chu Xun is quite eager to return to his heart...

Although he was teleported to the wilderness, the map function attached to the intrusion system can guide him perfectly...

Lei Linghe flew towards the southeast.

Chu Xun was going to return directly to Changping County to find his immediate boss, Yan Cang.

Come to claim the position of the mayor of the two towns.

On the way back, he also took an inventory of what he had gained in the last period of time in the secret realm.

"Added a flying monster."

"Garbage formulas, more than a dozen, put them all on the auction house!"

"Dozens of first-grade and second-grade medicinal herbs..."

"These...refined into pills and then sold!"

Chu Xun is simply idle.

He simply exchanged several first-grade and second-grade pill formulas from the Points Mall, such as Lingqi Pill and Juqi Powder.

It cost Chu Xun more than 2 points!

Then, he took out the alchemy furnace that Chu Xun took out from the bodies of the two second-rank cultivators who had bumped into Cuixia Village and wanted to attack the village.

Directly, practice!

Lei Linghe's flight was very smooth.

As for Chu Xun, he could do alchemy with bare hands before.

At this time, after having the pill furnace, it is even more powerful, and it is extremely easy!

Dazed is high in the air, operating quickly!

Chu Xun refined medicinal herbs into pills, and then quickly listed them on the regional auction house of the invasion system...

To be honest, he felt that he really underestimated the enthusiasm of the players.

Chu Xun's refining efficiency is already high enough!

But even so, the batch of medicinal pills put on the shelf was not enough to last until he finished refining the next batch!

As soon as it was put on the shelves, it was snapped up by players within thousands of miles in an instant!

He went all the way, while refining the elixir, and put it on the shelves quickly.

While listening to the system prompts from the ear, the points balance continued to increase.

Chu Xun's mood became better and better.

The points on his body reached an unprecedented breakthrough of 24!

Then, after refining the last batch of elixir, hang it on the auction house.

Chu Xun stretched his waist, and his face gradually revealed a bit of surprise.

He saw ahead...

It was the outline of Changping County that gradually appeared in his eyes.


Chu Xun walked into Yan Cang's office in Changping County.

However, he missed it.

After an introduction from the monks near the office, Chu Xun knew that the county lord was still attacking the city in Zhongyan County!

Immediately, he had no choice but to hastily use the flying monster to drive towards the direction of the troops in Changping County.


Chu Xun was lucky. After arriving in the army, he met Yan Cang's personal guard who had seen him before.

Soon, he was led to the big tent of the barracks.

Chu Xun walked into it and found that a celebration banquet was being held inside.

On the tabletops lined up in two rows are Yan Cang's capable subordinates and core confidants.

Pushing cups and changing cups one by one, it was so lively.

At this moment, they seemed to have just returned from a big victory!The atmosphere in the camp was very lively, everyone was eagerly discussing various things after taking over Zhongyan County...

"This battle! It's a joy to win, another county has fallen into the hands of Master Yan Cang!"

"Yeah, it's just a pity that Zhao Lixin somehow got wind of it and let him run away in advance!"

"It's a hidden danger after all!"

"Hidden danger? For us, the biggest military achievement is probably gone!"

"Come on, fourth-rank monk! Even if you suffer serious injuries, killing us is like killing a chicken. It's a military merit!"

The chat was very lively, and Chu Xun also felt a slight movement in his heart.

This magistrate of Zhongyan County ran away?

Not caught? ?

Forget it, it has nothing to do with me.

Chu Xun thought for a while, feeling a little embarrassed...

There is obviously no place for oneself in the camp.

And that Yan Xianzun, I don't know where he went!

Fortunately, the monks didn't care. The extra person continued to chat enthusiastically.

The main topic, of course, is about rewards for meritorious deeds after the war.

"This time after the war, Lord Lu must be the number one reward for meritorious service!"

"Yeah! No matter what, I can get one more mayor!"

"Master Lu, this time he took the lead! You have made a lot of achievements!"

Interestingly, many people complimented the young man with long beard sitting on the left hand side of the middle position extremely!

All in a pleasing gesture.

However, that monk surnamed Lu had an arrogant attitude.

For the overtures made by colleagues, I turned my head back with disdain!

However, he still has some confidence on his face, and he also feels that he has contributed a lot this time!

But at this time, it happened to be outside the tent.

It was Yan Cang who strode in alone!

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