Chu Xun also climbed along the pole...

He also didn't want to stay in this weird military tent for a long time!

Therefore, Chu Xun nodded immediately.

"Thank you, County Lord Yan, for your kindness."

Afterwards, he exchanged polite greetings with other monks.

"Today, Mr. Chu still has some personal matters to deal with, so let's go first!"

Turned around and walked out.

Only a group of monks with different faces were left, thinking about something.


However, just when Chu Xun walked out of the camp a few steps.

Instead, Yan Cang chased after him.

"Master Yan, what's the matter?"

Chu Xun was a little strange, was there anything he couldn't say just now?

And Yan Cang asked with a solemn expression.

"Little friend Chu, let me see your recent situation..."

"It seems that the realm of the Little Beast Control Art has not improved for a long time..."

"Is there such a thing?"

Chu Xun was also taken aback.

He never expected that Yan Cang ran over specifically to ask himself this.

Chu Xun was a little confused, and he didn't know how the county venerable saw it.

A formula that he has been using less recently, and he can find it? ? ?

"This... I'm not going to hide it from you, County Lord Yan."

"During the recent cultivation process, it is true that there are not many opportunities to use this method..."

"Besides, shouldn't our generation of monks pay more attention to the growth of our own strength?"

Yan Cang's question was not sharp, and Chu Xun answered truthfully.

Unexpectedly, the county lord was silent for a while, but still spoke seriously.

"Your statement is not wrong, but the little Beast Control Jue, this Jue is different."

"I learned something about it through certain channels."

"The magic of this method lies not only in controlling monsters, but also in the ability to refine and refine the spirit of a monk in advance."

"Little friend Chu, if you want to quickly break through to the fourth-rank and higher realms."

"Little Beast Control Art, never go to waste!"

He seemed to know a lot of secrets and taught them earnestly.

"Thank you Yan Xianzun, I will keep it in my heart..."

Chu Xun became more and more confused.

This Yan Cang...

Why, he especially emphasized the little beast control art on his body?

Could it be that this formula has some secret connection with this county lord?

Chu Xun couldn't figure it out for a while, so he could only nod his head yes, and at the same time prepare to practice this spell a lot according to what Yan Cang said after he took office as mayor.

He knew that to break through the fourth grade, monks need to make a breakthrough in the spiritual field.

And according to what the county lord said, the blessing of the Little Beast Control Art in this field is greater than Chu Xun imagined!

Seeing that Chu Xun accepted his opinion, Yan Cang nodded slightly.

Afterwards, he pondered for a while.

Yan Cang handed out another jade talisman.

Chu Xun took it smoothly.

But the county lord suddenly changed the topic and said loudly.

"Little friend may not know something, just now in the camp, many people are dissatisfied with you..."

"Among them, the road administrator seems to have the most intense emotion."

"This person has been with me for some years..."

"However, in recent years, taking advantage of his position, he has done a lot of deception and seeking benefits for himself!"

"It's inconvenient for me to deal with him personally..."

"If so, because of today's incident, this road administration is not good for you..."

"You can do whatever you want!"

"This talisman proves my attitude!"

Chu Xun immediately fell into the circle again!

Lu Zheng, he immediately realized that he was the guy who was flattered and flattered by many people at first, and then glared at him all the time...

Afterwards, Chu Xun felt a slight chill in his heart.

A second ago, the county venerable cared deeply about his cultivation.

Then, you will use your own hands to get rid of the old subordinates who are not going well? ?

In an instant, Yan Cang's warm image in his mind was suddenly shattered!

Sure enough, it was still that old fox!

Chu Xun, what can you say?

What Yan Cang said was true, he might indeed be targeted!

This jade talisman can only be accepted!

Sure enough, announcing his reward in the tent at the beginning was planned!

Chu Xun accepted the task with a nod, with a forced smile.

"Thank you for your trust."

"Definitely, I won't let you down..."


Farewell, Yan Cang is at the front line in Zhongyan County.

Chu Xun took the Lei Linghe and flew quickly to where his territory was.

Over time……

Chu Xun's mood became more and more anxious!

In Wonderful Manor, a bunch of resources are now useless...

He can't wait to go to his own territory and start the death test!Break through the third rank!

Rao is so anxious...

Chu Xun still showed strong self-management ability...

Halfway through the flight, he remembered that Xiaopang's ability to find gold had cooled down.

Think about the future retreat plan...

In order not to waste skill cd time.

Surprised, the talent of this gecko was activated again!

Xunjin produced a fourth-grade medicinal material!

Concentrate on the grass!

This is the elixir for the fourth-rank monks to strengthen their spiritual power, and the main material of the panacea pill! ,

Chu Xun hurriedly killed the monster guarding it, touched the corpse's three points of physical aptitude, and put away the medicinal materials...

A set of operations is extremely smooth!

Then, he boarded Lei Linghe again and flew to Nanhe Town which is closest to him...


Soon, you ask who are you?Chu Xun arrived at the place.

He flew directly to the sky above Nanhe Town, and found a square where many monks gathered.

Then, it fell from the flying monster...

Then, as soon as Chu Xun landed, he saw a group of frightened monks!

They gather in the square in the town!

Seeing Chu Xun's arrival, he immediately felt like facing a formidable enemy!

Incomparably frightened! ! !

"My lord, what's the matter with you?"

"We really have no resources! We can't get anything out!"

"My lord, please forgive me!!"

Although there were several second-rank monks nearby, they were extremely afraid of Chu Xun's arrival!

At the same time, there is no resistance!

It was as if he had been scared out of his wits!

Until, Chu Xun took out his official seal.

"I am Yan Cang County Honor, the new mayor who accepts his fate."

"Who's in charge?"

"Hand over to me."

He was dumbfounded, but he was still going to go through the process first.

After seeing the official seal, the terrified monks let out a sigh of relief, as if they were terrified just now!

At the same time, hearing that the person who came seemed to be the mayor who had accepted his fate, he looked at Chu Xun with great surprise!

A second-rank monk with an old complexion walked forward eagerly.

"My Lord Mayor, you are finally here!"

Chu Xun was a little surprised when he saw how excited these monks were...

What's the situation!

"Old man, why are you here?"

Chu Xun asked cautiously.

There is a posture of being ready to strike at any time...

Chu Xun felt that this town was quite weird, so he had to guard against it!

However, the old monk introduced it next.

Most of Chu Xun's good mood was ruined!

The reason why these people are terrified when they see the monks coming...

That is, after Yan Cang led people to occupy Zhongyan County.

The monks under his hands can be said to be burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil!

This has nothing to do with military discipline.

It is purely because of a practice after the monk troops broke through towns, villages, and counties.

If Zhao Lixin and Yan Cang surrendered to the same city lord, then the conquest between them would cause very little casualties...

Basically, it's just a competition of high-level combat power.

However, Zhao Lixin and Yan Cang are completely sworn enemies!

Then, after the monk troops broke the city, they wantonly seized property and cultivation resources.

This in itself is a kind of military pay!

After breaking the city, let the sword go for ten days.

It is the same as Chu Xun's hometown Huaxia in ancient times.

It is also common sense in the Mingcang world!

This Nanhe town has been looted for several rounds!

All the remaining monks have no resources!

And those who come to plunder resources will not believe this.

If you can't get something out, you have to kill the chicken to make an example to the monkey!

Nanhe Town used to have more than a dozen second-rankers, but now there are only seven left!

Except for the three who died in the battle to guard the town.

The rest were all killed by the army monks who came to loot!

"And in the past few days, for some reason, they have been robbed several times in a row!"

"The resources of our entire town have been drained!"

"Hand over all the herbs and mines!"

"If you don't come again, we really can't hold on!"

A group of monks even cried miserably!

They are really precarious!Life hangs by a thread!

"Fortunately, now the newly appointed mayor is here!"

"Nanhe Town, officially under the hands of Yan Cang County Lord..."

"It should be, no one will come to embarrass us!"

Beside Chu Xun, the elderly monk sighed with emotion.

The rest of the group also came forward and bowed to Chu Xun, all of them were extremely excited!

It's different, when Chu Xun served as the village head for the first time, there were still thorns jumping out.

Now he takes over Nanhe Town, easily and effortlessly!

However, looking at the dilapidated town after the war, he didn't feel much better.

Soon, Chu Xun put these meaningless emotions behind him.

"Old man, please take me to familiarize myself with the situation around the town..."

Chu Xun was not in the mood to embarrass these hard-working monks, and said in a pleasant manner.

And the old second-rank cultivator beside him hadn't had time to answer him.

All of a sudden, the other practitioners of Nanhe Town in the square were commotion and chaos again.

"They're here again!"

"Don't panic, isn't the mayor here?"

"It's okay! It's okay! If the mayor comes a little later, I don't know how many of us can survive!"

In an instant, Chu Xun was surrounded by a group of monks who were even at the same level of strength as if they were life-saving straws!

Before he could realize what happened, a group of monks carrying standard flying instruments suddenly landed in the air!

The leader is a middle-aged man with a third-rank cultivation!

Scarred on the face, hmm.It looks very vicious.

Chu Xun still has some impressions of this person.

It seems that before, at Yan Cang's celebration banquet, I had a relationship with Yan Cang once!

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