——"The master drew the loli just now, right?"

Chu Xun: "..."

——"Master really likes the petite and cute type!"

"Didn't I tell you not to talk?"

Chu Xun sighed and stopped writing to explain, "I decided to draw her because she has the strongest combat power!"

After using the "clone picture scroll" talent and the appearance of painting tools, some information related to the talent was engraved in Chu Xun's mind as if he was born with it.

Clone can last up to seven days, but only one clone is allowed to exist at the same time.

Painting utensils, one pair can be generated every day.

After successfully drawing a clone picture scroll, the clone drawn last time will automatically dissipate.

The painting object can be dead or alive.

Draw the avatars of ignorant dead creatures, which can be manipulated consciously and share vision.

Drawing intelligent animals cannot be manipulated.

The clone will have all the abilities and characteristics of the painted object.

If the object of the painting is a dog, after drawing, the avatar will not only have the dog's sense of smell, but also have the dog's fighting power.

Drawing different types of dogs will also cause the clones to inherit their own different personality traits.

For example, Erha is wise, Teddy is active and so on.

Similarly, if the avatar is a person, it will also draw the different personalities and characteristics of each person.

It seems that it is against the sky.

However, this is only an A-level talent.

Therefore, this talent has many constraints.

The premise of drawing a clone picture scroll is that you must see the main body of the painting target with your own eyes when painting.

If the combat power of the painting target exceeds that of the painter, the drawing will directly fail!

Moreover, painters will suffer backlash and will not be allowed to paint within seven days.

How can a talented person who has a "picture scroll clone" know whether the combat power of the painting target is high or low?

Can only rely on blind guessing!

Or choose some "not very strong looking" objects as targets.

If you guess wrong, it will be seven days...

But Chu Xun no longer has such worries!

He has a lot of talent and can always find complements.

The pupil of true seeing can just make up for the shortcomings of the avatar picture scroll.

—— "Those cat ears, the owner painted them so meticulously!"

Chu Xun: "..."

——"The master's heart beat faster because he likes cat-eared girls?!"

Chu Xun: "I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

——"Actually, little V also likes the petite and cute girl with cat ears!"

Chu Xun: "..."

Finally, after Chu Xun's strong order, Xiao V can no longer discuss topics about keywords such as loli and cat-eared girls.

Then there is nothing to say!

As a result, Chu Xun was able to paint quietly.

In fact, he has no talent for painting...

But this talent endowed him with the ability to paint.

Besides, whether it looks like a painting has nothing to do with the ability of the avatar.

Avatar picture scroll, the most important thing is avatar, the secondary condition is to see!

To put it simply, it is to select the target and then draw the clone.

Chu Xun even painted some parts differently on purpose, just to see if there would be any difference in the final product!

When Chu Xun finished his last stroke, the entire easel turned into a golden light, and then slowly dissipated...

Only then did Chu Xun know what ghosts and gods are made of!

It's exactly the same as the girl on the other side of the river!

The moment she appeared...

Chu Xun felt that this talent, even with so many prerequisites, was definitely not limited to A-level!

That fragile skin...

Those eyes that are as pure as water...

Those real cat ears...

So realistic!

However, when Chu Xun wanted to touch it, he realized...

Touched a hand oil paint!

The other party is real!

But to the producer Chu Xun, she is just a picture scroll!

Sure enough, making a daughter-in-law or something is a delusion...

Chu Xun was a little disappointed.

After a brief understanding, I was even more disappointed...

Although the avatar has the character and ability of the original owner, it does not have the original owner's thoughts.

Therefore, this is a tool man.

However, optimists are good at emotional regulation, self-comfort, and thinking about problems from another angle.

Soon, Chu Xun stopped worrying about the disappointment brought by the clone.

Originally, I just wanted to draw it to fight monsters for myself!

"Go all out to fight monsters!"

After Chu Xun sent his avatar to kill monsters, he plunged into the trading house.

"Chu Xun of the trading house, a fisherman, don't trust him!"

"Yes, I exchanged three wild fruits, but he directly refused!"

"I changed to the equipment of Chu Xun! The two upstairs are stupid, laughing to death! But anyone with a brain will know that if people want wild fruits, they must need valuable wild fruits!"

"I've changed it too, to justify the name of Chu University! Others collect metal ore, gold and iron ore, can it be a concept?"

"Damn it! It's really changed? This Chu Xun must have the ability to distinguish the effect of wild fruits?!"

"It should be a growth talent! He wasn't in the rankings before, but now he's in the top [-]."

"I was still in the top [-] before, but now the bosses are working hard one by one... Sigh! If you talk too much, you will be in tears!"

"It's a good thing for the bosses to exert their strength, let's get rid of those arrogant sticks!"

"He is arrogant and has the capital to be arrogant, alas..."

"As long as everyone works together, nothing can't be defeated. With the village chief leading us, can't we win against a group of miscellaneous soldiers?"

"Yes! We have a lot of people and great strength! Bangzi's village only has more than 400 people, and we have more than 800 people. We must win!"


Chu Xun completed the transaction in the chat message that Xiao V read out with changing accents.

A total of seven wild fruits were harvested.

There are two 0-level, four 1-level, and one 2-level!

I am preparing to take out the obtained wild fruit from the trading space...

In the ear, there was an electronic sound suddenly.

[Congratulations on reaching level 5!Successfully opened the base function! 】

[The base is your safe zone, a safe haven from danger! 】

【It will be your only home after entering the different world!Build hard! 】

Chu Xun was taken aback by the sudden electronic sound.

Afterwards, he saw the upgrade prompt slowly passing by in his field of vision.

【Congratulations on your upgrade! 】

[All your attributes increase by 5 points! 】

Upgraded so soon? !

You should have to kill four or five monsters to upgrade, right?

Four or five monsters, just trade this little time, it's me, just this killing speed, right?

But, I am a spike!

This chameleon, with its own sword, can't even do instant kills!

That kitty is only 13 star combat power, why is the speed of killing monsters so fast? !

look up……


On the crooked neck tree in the distance, a black figure was waving the double blades in his hand, flying up and down.

After a chameleon died, the black figure bent its knees and jumped to another adjacent bent-neck tree like an arrow from the string.


who is it? !

At this moment, Chu Xun, who had already reached 73 points of spirit, felt that his thinking was slow.

After the woman killed the monster with double blades, she received a training reminder.

This proves that, that is my avatar!


Look at that striking, curvy figure beneath the black tights...

And the slender, vigorous and imaginative long legs that are tightly wrapped...

Who is this tall guy?

Is it 1.8 meters?

——"1.7 meters six, master!"

——"She is the little cat just now~"

——"1.5 meters five seconds to 1.7 meters six, I was shocked by the little V just now!"

——"Look, that round face has turned into an oval face, the small nose has become a high nose bridge, and the corners of the eyebrows have also become heroic!"

——"Also, the triangular ears have turned into round ones too! It's cool and cute, hehe!"

——"Master, she can transform! Don't miss it!"

Chu Xun: "..."

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