Seeing that Chu Xun was surrounded heavily and stood there, it seemed that he didn't even have the desire to escape.

Lu Zheng, a young man with a long beard, showed a satisfied expression.

He could see it.

This guy with a mere second-grade cultivation must have been scared out of his wits!

Also normal!isn't it?

Facing this desperate situation...

This guy who is favored by the county...

Probably also realized that he must die, there is no escape!

With six second ranks and two third ranks, even if this Chu Xun is extremely talented, so what?

Under the pressure of absolute strength, he couldn't struggle! !

Lu Zheng thought for a while, and even stepped forward.

"Brother Chu, you have worked so hard to cultivate, but it is not easy."

"How could you do such an insane thing?"

"I am the master now, and I will give you one last chance."

"If you can make up for this missing spiritual source."

"As a colleague, I can turn a blind eye to your matter."

He has a winning expression...

His tone seemed gentle, but in fact he wanted to force Chu Xun to death!

Such a number of spiritual sources...

130 drops!

Let alone a second-rank monk!

It is difficult for a third-rank monk, or even a fourth-rank monk, to take it out at once!

Lu Zheng just relied on the convenience of his position and felt that Chu Xun was overwhelmed!That's the way to say it on purpose.

Killing people doesn't count, but killing one's heart!

The group of second-grade cultivators around them made even more mocking remarks.

"Yes, Mayor Chu! This is the last chance, you should cherish it!"

"Hand over the spiritual source that you have stolen, and everyone will naturally let you go!"

"I don't know, Mayor Chu, are you willing to choose a dead end or a living?"

A group of people laughed and laughed, with contemptuous expressions!

In Nanhe Town, there is no spiritual source! !It's been scoured long ago!

In their view, Chu Xun has no chance of surviving!

Already a dead man!

At this time, Lu Zheng walked directly to Chu Xun's side and said in a cold voice.

"I know Lord Yan Cang values ​​you, there must be some reason..."

"Presumably, you are also a talent..."

"Boy, it's a pity you blocked my way!"

As he said that, his expression was even more malicious!

"Do you want to live?"

"Destroy your cultivation! Get out of Nanhe Town, and I will let you live!"

The road administration exerted wanton pressure!

He especially enjoyed the sight of this scene!

Under such monstrous majesty, anyone should know that it is absolutely a hopeless situation!

Therefore, he threw out this bargaining chip to keep the opponent alive...

If Chu Xun really abolished his cultivation.

Luzheng is not prepared to keep his promise, but can catch him more easily, so that he can suffer a lot!

A trace of hostility flashed in his eyes.

Trying to seize the posts of mayors of Nanhe Town and Jiangjing Town...

This is the road administration, something that has been planned for a long time!

In the end, he was cut off halfway by Chu Xun!

Lu Zheng took action against this genius recently cultivated by Yan Cang.

In addition to venting the anger in my heart!

He even expressed his dissatisfaction with that county official!

However, Lu Zheng did not get the desired response at all...

Instead, Chu Xun was deep in thought, looking absent-minded!

Completely ignored him!

Suddenly, this young man with a long beard became extremely annoyed! !

He shouted directly.

"Chu Xun, the mayor of Nanhe Town, has secretly hidden the spiritual source!"

"Cut according to the law!"

Immediately, a group of second-rank groomers and the middle-aged third-rank with a scar on his face immediately began to gather aura.

Now it's time to do it!

And Chu Xun...

At this time, he was also quite upset!

He realized that he seemed to have misunderstood Yan Cang.

Whether or not this road administration can be removed is just a small trouble for that county lord, and it will not affect the overall situation!

But for Chu Xun, there is such a person who is hostile to him and who is in charge of enshrining spiritual sources every month...

But extremely troublesome!

If the other party didn't come directly to make trouble today, but would come out to intervene every time he worshiped the spiritual source.

Ask Chu Xun to pay a few more drops of the spiritual source, or find something to excuse the enshrinement for a problem...

Absolutely disgusting people!

It is even not difficult to use power to exert pressure to separate the monks and Chu Xun from the two towns!

"At that time, the mayor's seat will not be secure at all!"

"This guy, because of Yan Cang's reward, I don't like it..."

"I can't keep him either!"

Chu Xun also has the heart to kill this young man with a long beard!

The position of mayor does not have a lot of resources, but in the future, he wants to seek positions such as county honor and city lord.

With a white body, it is extremely difficult to grab it by force!

Unlike other monks in Mingcang Realm, Chu Xun cultivated his own power.

Even if he is powerful, it is impossible for him to conquer a county or a city by himself!

In comparison, with the position of mayor, slowly annexing other towns and accumulating subordinates will allow him to become a county official in the future.

Then follow the gourd to draw a ladle, and then use similar techniques to seek the city lord and mansion lord!

Therefore, the positions of mayors of Nanhe Town and Jiangjing Town are also very important to Chu Xun!

The position of road administrator, managing the worship of spiritual sources, means...

Even if this young man with a long beard is just provocative at this time, he is not bringing someone to kill him!

Chu Xun wanted his life just to be safe!


Chu Xun had finished thinking in his heart, so he spoke suddenly.

"Actually, I have 130 drops of spiritual source."

In an instant, everyone present was taken aback.

This guy, want to ask for mercy?

Buy your life with spiritual sources?

But how can there be so many spirits in a second-rank cultivator...

The monks around were slightly distracted...

But at this time, Chu Xun made a bold move!

Although he felt confident that the current situation did not pose any threat to him.

But, if you can engage in a sneak attack, why do you need to be tough?

Chu Xun said that his style has always been——

Don't talk about martial arts!

He waved his hand, broke the sword, and unsheathed it!

Then, Lei Linghe was released by him from Wonderful Manor!

This monster pounced on the three on the left among the six second-rank monks.

In an instant, thunder flashed!

Chu Xun's orders to his monsters were simple.

Let Lei Linghe suppress these three second-ranks for a short time with the cultivation base that is about to break through the third rank, that's it!

At the same time, Chu Xun himself rushed forward!


Howling Front!

Blessed by two major buffs!


Bloodthirsty battle!

Blood gas control!

The sky is burning!

Several buffs are added!

Chu Xun's momentum skyrocketed!

He rushed directly to the front of the remaining three second ranks!

Anyway, kill the trumpet first!

lest you be besieged!

The tricks Chu Xun uses to face these monks who are in the same realm as him are very simple...

Slash horizontally, a sword!

Owl head alone!

Vertical cut, a sword!

A second rank was dismembered on the spot!

Diagonal stab, a sword!

The third person was poked a huge hole directly in the chest and abdomen!

It was the result of the howling front's violent wind blade breaking apart after being pierced by the sword body!

In an instant, the three monks of the second rank were killed!

But Chu Xun's ears sounded a pleasant reminder.

[Congratulations on achieving the achievement: Killing creatures, you have obtained 648 points]

[Congratulations to...]


In an instant, the points in the early [-]s were credited!


A trace of joy rose in Chu Xun's heart...

Coincidentally, this week's points limit has been refreshed again.

Although, for Chu Xun who has a regional auction house, these points are nothing.

However, the richer you are, the more you can't relax, the more you can't relax, the richer you are!

What the sage said.

Chu Xun thought so.

You can never have too many points!

He's still thinking about it here.

Beside him, the middle-aged man with the scar on his face turned red instantly!

"Shuzi, you dare!"

Although these second-rank monks are all for the young Lu Zheng with a long beard, they are all helping out.

But it was the confidant who was cultivated by this monk surnamed Qin!

Lose three at once!

How could he accept it!

In an instant, this annoyed man took out a long knife from the storage bag on his waist!

Suddenly struck at Chu Xun!

His eyes are full of killing intent!

If so, the middle-aged monk was just selling the road administration to save face.

Go strangle this second-rank monk who Yan Cang has taken a fancy to!

Now, it is he himself who wants to kill Chu Xun and then hurry up!

However, this middle-aged monk still underestimated the strength of the person in front of him!

What the monk surnamed Qin used was the secret saber technique he had learned in the sect before he followed Yan Cang!

Cut out!

It feels like the shadow of a knife is sweeping from all directions!Unpredictable, phantom erratic!

Even if it is an ordinary third rank of the same rank, it is difficult to avoid it!

The middle-aged monk even had a trace of bloodlust flashing in his eyes!

In his opinion, Chu Xun is only a second rank, and there is absolutely no possibility of evading this trick!

This person is sure to die!

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