The whole people invade the other world, I feel the corpse and become stronger

Chapter 22 Searching for Gold and Guarding the Palace!

Across the river from the secluded forest and dense forest is a piece of green grassland.

On the grassland near the river, there are wolves and sheep.

Their territories are clearly defined, and they do not interfere with each other.

The wolf is the flame wind wolf.

The white and blue wind patterns turned into two eyebrows.

Between the eyebrows, there is a ray of red flame, which cannot be extinguished.

They are masters at controlling elements.

Although they look a bit like huskies, they are by no means harmless like huskies.

The sheep is a golden blade horn sheep.

Goat look.

A pair of long bladed horns with metallic luster, like two sharp knives, warning the coming...

They are not easy to mess with!

The Golden Saber is a symbol of strength and agility.

The muscular, strong limbs support their streamlined bodies.

The sprinting speed they burst out in an instant, coupled with the pair of long horns like sharp knives...

Its lethality is beyond doubt.

At this time, among the flock of golden sword horn sheep, there are two figures shuttling among them.

One, dressed in a tight black dress, showing off her curvy and attractive figure.

Holding a three-foot double blade, he turned into a phantom and attacked the sheep.

In just a few minutes, the attacked Golden Blade Horn sheep was covered in bloodstains.

But the muscular sheep with the horns on its head couldn't touch her at all, it could only rush back and forth impotently and furiously, thus hastening its own bleeding to death.

But the other person is much more chic.

As soon as he waved his hand, an X-shaped ice blade came out of his hand, spinning and shooting at a sheep who was watching its companion being killed in a daze.


After a crisp ice blade shattered, the lamb leg broke quietly.

It was only when the second ice blade cut off the second leg that the attacked sheep could no longer stand up and fell to the ground, did he feel the pain after the ice seal was lifted.


A scream attracted the eyes of the surrounding sheep who were grazing with their heads down.

Then, there was another group of sheep watching their companions being killed.

They just stared blankly.

It seems that they don't know what fear is, what death is...

These two people are Chu Xun's and Luo Ying's clones.

At this moment, Chu Xun was lying on his head with a big-eyed, small body and a thick tail.

It is the little guy who perfectly dodged the attack of Luo Ying's clone before.

It is also Chu Xun's first contract object, the first "tenant" of the contract space.

Contract space, as the name suggests, is a space.

But the prerequisite for entering this space is to sign a contract.

And the signing of the contract must be the willingness of both parties!

It stands to reason that Chu Xun should not be able to catch up with a monster whose speed is so fast that "Shadow Luoying" can't do anything about it.


However, Chu Xun took care of the little guy with one hand.

【Name】: Seeking Gold Shougong

[Level]: Novice level 1


——It has unique survival skills and special growth.

This is the information that the pupil of true sight saw.

With a half-star combat power, Luo Ying was helpless.

Certainly unusual!

Plus that distinctive appearance...

The "special growth" mentioned by the pupil of true seeing...

And the heart of keeping pets when I was an overtime dog...

Chu Xun should decide that his first pet beast is it!

As for why Xunjin Shougong was manipulated without any resistance...

Only after Chu Xun signed a contract with him did he know the reason.

【Reckless ridicule: Taunt the enemy to force him to attack himself; when the ridiculed enemy attacks himself, 100% dodge all the opponent's attack methods. 】

It was this skill that made all Luoying's attacks fail!

Although it is against the sky, if you are attacked by an enemy that has not been ridiculed, then...

The illusion of "invincibility" will be broken at the touch of a button.

Xunjin Shougong, the name is also very interesting.

Shougong is the ancient name of gecko.

In the pet market, the word "shougong" is used to distinguish ordinary geckos.

Shougong is also more upscale than the suffix gecko.

Xunjin Shougong is dressed in orange-red skin, with horizontal golden stripes on the skin.

If you look closely, the markings are composed of patterns in the shape of small gold ingots.

The word "gold" in "Xunjin" in its name may also have something to do with the pattern of gold ingots.

Of course, the word "seeking gold" is more because of its growth.

After signing a contract to become a beast, the talent owner can roughly know the future stage of the beast's development.

With the help of system digitization, this stage is specific to the level.

Seeking Gold Shougong, when it grows to level 5, it can acquire the skill of "seeking gold and treasure".

Although there are no skills detailed, the name is enough to perfectly explain.

It must be related to gold hunting and treasure hunting!

As long as the pet beast kills the enemy side by side with Chu Xun, it can gain the experience points required for upgrading.

Therefore, after leveling up and earning points, Chu Xun had another reason to farm monsters crazily—to bring Xiaopang to level up!

Xiaopang is the name Chu Xun chose for his pet.

Because of its round tail, it is too fat.

And this product is very cute, as long as you hold it in your hand, you will keep wagging the tip of your tail.

It can only shake the tip of the tail.

The main body of the thick tail can only move up and down, but not left and right.

When the taunting skill is activated, Xiaopang will stand up and turn his tail up to meet the ground behind him as a support.

The reason why Chu Xun decided to capture him to become a pet beast is largely because of its appearance with a tumor-tailed gecko.

[Kill the trial monster Golden Blade Horn Sheep, congratulations on getting 60 experience points! 】

[Kill the trial monster Golden Blade Horn Sheep, congratulations on getting 5 competition points! 】

After giving the horn sheep howling in pain a happy relief, Chu Xun skillfully reached out and touched it.

[Successful collection!Get 3 points of agility attribute! 】

This is the last sheep that can touch the carcass.

And Chu Xun had already touched the Flaming Wind Wolf.

They contributed to Chu Xun's level 3 "Wind Control" skill.

Yufeng can greatly increase Chu Xun's movement speed, and can float in the air for a short time.

Although it is not very effective in actual combat, it is a magic skill to travel long distances.

After groping the corpse, Chu Xun was going to go back and wipe out the wolves.

Although this group of silly sheep is not like a pack of wolves, they know how to cooperate and attack in groups...

But they are only level 5 monsters, and the flame wind wolf is a level 6 monster, which can contribute more experience and points.

After touching the sheep carcass, Chu Xun has 30 stars in combat power, and it will definitely be easier to deal with the wolves.

It's just that when I face five or six level monsters, I can't do instant kills...

What a pity!

As for Luo Ying's avatar, let's continue killing sheep...

Because, during this period, Chu Xun discovered another disadvantage of the avatar picture scroll—fear of fire.

I have to say, this A-level is getting worse...

Glancing at his own points, 118 points.

Shouldn't be too much...

After all, painting, trading, and signing contracts all took a lot of time.

It's a pity that there is no standings...

Otherwise, you can clearly know your ranking situation.

But there are still four hours before the end of the competition, so we must sprint anyway!

For rank, for honor, for generous rewards!

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