[Kill the trial monster Frost Iron Bull, congratulations for getting 120 experience points! 】

[Kill the trial monster Frost Iron Bull, congratulations for getting 10 experience points! 】

The Frost Iron Ox has a combat power of 14 stars, which is comparable to that of the wolf king's left and right guards.

However, Chu Xun is no longer the previous Chu Xun.

After the blessing of the wolf knife and wolf armor, Chu Xun's attack power has a qualitative leap!

The Frost Iron Bull, known for its defensive power, could not escape the fate of being killed in seconds.

Bend over and touch.

[Successful collection!Obtained a level 1 skill - Frost! 】

[Frost: Trait, reduces the speed of all creatures within 1 meter of the body by 25%. 】

Isn't this the aura that Frost Iron Bull is proud of?


This is a new word.

After Chu Xun understood it, he learned that it meant something similar to passive skills.

Cannot be actively controlled.

However, unlike the passive, the trait is garish.

Under the Frost Iron Bull's feet was something similar to the Frost Formation, which could be seen by others at a glance.

As long as it is within that range, it will be slowed down.

If you want not to be affected, just leave the range of the frost formation.

And under Chu Xun's feet, there is also this frost formation at this time...

This is too loud!

Contrary to Chu Xun's low-key and steady philosophy...

The point is, even if you want to close this thing, you can't do it!

Moreover, if you don’t want it, you can’t do it!

Chu Xun suddenly discovered the disadvantages of his natal talent.

Instantly upset.

Fortunately, the depression only lasted for a moment.

Anyway, it's a skill.

No big deal!

Those who step on this halo and want to sneak attack themselves have to weigh it carefully.

Anti-sneak attack skills!

Thinking about it this way, it's still a good thing.

After clearing up his mood, Chu Xun prepared to kill monsters.

It suddenly occurred to him that there was still half an hour left in the competition, so there must be plenty of discussions in the chat channel, right?

"Little V, broadcast some useful information about the chat channel."

——"Okay master, ahem..."

Little V pretended to clear his throat, ready to broadcast.

Chu Xun, on the other hand, charged into the herd of cattle with a knife in hand.

The chat channel at this time is no longer deserted as before.

"The fire-tailed mink vomited from chopping. Don't tell me I'm tired, I feel like my whole body has been roasted!"

"Being scratched into a face by a poisonous cat, with a disheveled face from poisoning, forced to pass by..."

"Do you think the ice blade lizard is easy to kill? The cross-flower spiral blade will be crippled if it touches it!"

"Hahaha, let's kill level 3 monsters, brothers! The experience value is high, and the points are also high!"

"What does the experience value have to do with us? Points are also earned by the captains..."

"What the brother upstairs said is wrong. If you don't try your best to engage in high-level monsters, what will you do if you lose to Bangzi? We are a collective, we all prosper, and we all lose!"

"Stop making trouble, who dares to go to the level 3 area?"

"Glory aside, my life is my own. If I try my best to touch a level 3 monster, no one will save me if I die!"

"That's right, honestly get a few level 2 monsters to kill and go back to do business!"

"Big brother Chu Xun is now in the top 5 on the ranking list. I guess the S-rank in our village who has never shown up must be him, right?"

"Some people may not be aware that this Chu Xun was kicked out of the village by the village chief..."

"Hahaha, then Old Feng must be so regretful that his intestines are green now!"

There are three 10 minutes left and the game is about to end.

At this moment, in fact, the result of the game has become a foregone conclusion.

No information is important.

Half an hour won't change anything, even if there are plans, secrets, and the like.

Therefore, in the competition chat channel, many people from 7399 village have come to mock and show off.

"Huaxia shopkeepers, stop struggling, you have already lost!"

"Your SS-level master, your village head Feng Chengjiang, only has more than 200 competition points, and he is far from being a match for the two strong men in our village! Give up struggling!"

"I'm afraid they don't know that they have been sold by their own people..."

"Haha, the stupid Huaxia shopkeepers may not even know that the two villages can add friends to each other."

"You said it, they will know, maybe they are adding our friends now..."

"Maybe they want to snoop on our intelligence."

"Do you still need to inquire? Haha, don't bother, tell them directly! We are the top leader in the list, with 360 points and five points! The second list, 330 eight points!"

"Huaxia shopkeepers are afraid that they have been frightened when they heard the points value at the beginning of the three letters?"

"Hahaha, I heard that although they thought of forming a team to score points, they were divided into ten teams. Do they think they can win the top ten? It's wishful thinking!"

"The shopkeepers often have some brain-dead operations, and they have already seen it!"

"Fucking little sticks!"

The discussion in Village 7399 was interrupted by a statement from a villager in Village 2333 that was blocked by the system.

Since then, 2333 Village has entered the competition channel, and the scolding war has begun.

For the ridicule and showing off of the sticks, no one will be discouraged.

Loser is not lost!


He responded strongly to the sticks with his mouth, but he was worried about his own loss in his heart.

The punishment for failure is not unacceptable.

It's not that I can't afford to lose.

It's just that Bangzi Village's flamboyant appearance, if he can't fuck them up, the anger will be suffocated in his heart, which is really uncomfortable!

Moreover, they won the Huaxia Village once, and instead of being able to avenge their compatriots, they became a stepping stone for the other party, which is really aggrieved!

Some people who felt uncomfortable even went back to the village's exclusive channel and scolded Feng Qingjiang.

They didn't hate Feng Qingjiang, they just wanted to find an outlet.

But many people also know that without Feng Qingjiang, they would not even have the opportunity to speak in the chat channel...

"Everyone, don't panic! It may be difficult for us to catch up to the first place on the Bangzi side, but we will definitely work hard to win the second place!"

"No. [-] on the list does not mean victory! As long as we have more people on the list, we can still win!"

"As long as there is still a chance, don't give up! Old Feng won't give up, and we won't give up either!"

"keep it up!"

The village manager Wang Qi sent a series of sincere remarks on behalf of the village chief Feng Qingjiang and all the village managers in the chat channel.

The wave of shouting and cursing died down.

Most people's emotions are easy to be guided by others, but they are not people who don't know right from wrong.

Wang Qi's words made most people clear their minds.

The "thugs" who were assigned to the teams who were ready to lie down even closed the chat box directly.

They, prepare to try harder!

On the mountainside of Gufeng, Feng Qingjiang is also leading the village cadres to work hard.

They are fighting a leader-level monster in the form of a wheel battle!

Wang Qi was one of them who was temporarily replaced.

Leader-level monsters are worth 100 points regardless of their level, which has already been indicated in the points description!

As long as they win, their points will definitely be more than [-]!

Come on!


Countdown, there are still 10 minutes!

It must work!

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