At this time, Yan Cang sighed slightly while slapping the giant flame palm.

He felt that the power of the Ice Prison move just now was beyond his imagination!

I'm afraid, Chu Xun's fate is more than luck!

That's right, even from Yan Cang's point of view, he felt that his junior was probably gone!

"Unfortunately, I finally found someone who has practiced..."


This one sighed.

"My sect, what a pity!"

He was feeling down.

Yes, Chu Xun.

Yan Cang has always been quite sincere.

Even if you don't regard him as your subordinate, you are still willing to help one or two.

Therefore, the previous one, even if he thought of using Chu Xun as a bait to lure Han Qiansui in the identity of killing his son and enemy, so that he could wait for the opportunity to make a move and increase the probability of winning.

Yan Cang didn't take the initiative to propose.

Instead, when Chu Xun also thought of it, he opened his mouth and let him decide.

From Yan Cang's point of view, his junior has always been very cautious!

If Chu Xun dared to step forward, he must be fully prepared!


Chu Xun probably didn't predict the terrifying Frost Art just now.

So, now most of them are dead!

Yan Cang is indeed a little sad.

He found that this junior, if he was not cautious enough once, it would end in death!

This one is also somewhat painful and sad.

However, he also knew that it was useless to think about it now!

Still, hurry up and avenge your junior, that's right!

In an instant, Yan Cang poured all his strength into his palm, and blasted towards Han Qiansui!

And the latter was indeed in a bad state at this time, and was hit directly!

Afterwards, the city lord of Xuzhou City screamed violently, and the violent flames burned his body!

And the terrifying palm strength made Han Qiantose break even more!

Yan Cang, with just one move, he was seriously injured!

However, for a rank five cultivator, serious injuries are actually nothing.

The core is the Nascent Soul in the body.

Nascent Soul is not damaged, the rest are skin trauma!

A few pills can restore it!

In an instant, Han Qiansui had already swallowed a lot of holy medicine for healing when he fell to the ground.

His physical condition is rapidly recovering!

At this time, he just adjusted his breath for a while under the condition of being knocked into the air.

The injury has already recovered seven or eighty-eight.

At this time, Yan Cang stood with his hands behind his back, like a fairy, but Han Qiansui was scorched all over, so embarrassed!

After all, Han Qiantui was affected a lot.

Physical injuries can be healed, but Yan Cang's flame palm force that penetrated into his body still made him feel extremely painful!The strength has been weakened a lot!

In this way, the original gap between the two in the power of destiny was erased!

And Yan Cang was silently grateful to Chu Xun in his heart.

"Little friend Chu, I didn't expect that the biggest difficulty for me to be promoted to the city lord would be overcome by you."

And the original Xuzhou City and the monks under Yan Cang's command all had weird expressions!

It seems that Chu Xun really played a huge role in this battle of conquest!

First of all, the high-end combat power of Xuzhou City was greatly weakened!

Afterwards, directly let Han Qiansui, the city lord, a powerful monk who had the opportunity to stabilize Yan Cang's head with the help of the power of destiny, became evenly matched with the latter!

At this time, the high-end combat power is completely flat.

The people under Yan Cang's command were basically unharmed.

However, the monks in Xuzhou City were weaker after being attacked by Chu Xun earlier.

Low-end combat power, but Yan Cang's side has the upper hand!

From this point of view, if there are no major mistakes, it seems...

The outcome has been decided!

However, all of this is due to the monk who died in the frost——Chu Xun!

"Damn it! You'll die and you won't live!"

"This Chu Xun is really our enemy!"

"This fourth-rank monk is really amazing! I admire him!"

"With his own strength, he controlled the battle of conquest at the city level. This Chu Xun is really powerful!"

"Master Chu, you are really..."

"Oh, Master Chu, you have contributed a lot to this battle, but you are gone!"

"Why is this happening! Master Chu, what a pity!"

The monks from the two sides had different expressions.

The people in Xuzhou City hated and admired him at the same time, and felt that this Chu Xun was indeed capable and cunning!

It's a pity that it's the opponent!

And everyone under Yan Cang's command was even more sad and filled with emotion!

It felt like Chu Xun completely exchanged his life for victory for them!

Such a character, but he just died like this!

What a pity!


At this time, the effect of the ice prison slowly dissipated.

The original ice attribute aura also turned into fly ash...

Inside, of course, is empty.

All the monks who were frozen to death before were turned into powder when the ice crystals shattered...

Presumably, Chu Xun is also the same!

So it's normal to be empty.

All the monks just glanced at it.

Then, turn around.

They simply confirmed the news of Chu Xun's death.

Suddenly, countless monks sighed again!

However, at the same time, in the middle of the ice prison.

Chu Xun silently nodded in relief.

"This time, does it count as some kind of achievement?"

"Even the enemy must praise me!"

what to say...

Chu Xun felt that he was very cool!

He was smiling.

What is pretending to be big!

This is it!

Straightforwardly, in everyone's minds, he has become a person who sacrifices his life and forgets to die, and has a good wrist!

In this regard, Chu Xun said.


He does have such qualities!

Suggest these monks, step up efforts!A few words of praise!

Otherwise, you will not be able to reflect your excellence!

He was happy for a long time, and then he felt a little lingering...

"Han Qiansui's Ice Prison, the progress of collecting the fragments of this magical power seems to be not low."

"It's almost, I'm about to trigger rebirth from a drop of blood!"

Chu Xun looked embarrassed, he almost played off this time!

At the beginning, this man's idea was to use the technique of drawing a sword to forcibly resist Xuzhou City's fifth-rank move, and then escape as far as possible...

He didn't expect to injure the opponent with a single knife, he just needed to delay the time.

As a result, Chu Xun didn't expect Han Qiansui to hate himself so much.

As soon as he came up, he opened his big move and directly sealed off all the surrounding areas!

Helpless, Chu Xun could only do his best to open the body of the five elements, and through the aura and resistance of the five attributes, he could enhance his resistance to the fragments of magical powers.

After all, the ice attribute and the water attribute are related to a certain extent...

It can resist a lot of damage for Chu Xun.

Afterwards, he swallowed all the life force in the blood lamp, and then activated the solar recovery technique!

Therefore, when Chu Xun was crazily destroyed by Frost, he used the absorption and transformation ability of the sun wheel resuscitation technique and the huge life force in the blood-transforming lamp to forcibly reach the end of the fragments of supernatural powers!

Of course, Chu Xun also paid a big price for this!

Turning the blood lamp, all the life force in the entire body is emptied!

Chu Xun's whole body was in a state of frostbite,

Moreover, the solar resuscitation technique originally needs to last for at least a few days before it can revive the host...

Forcibly ending it gave him even more headaches!

In short, the whole body is uncomfortable!

However, this time.

The reason why Chu Xun was able to complete such a survival operation was mainly due to the effect of the shadow array!

Really awesome!

After that, Chu Xun hid completely, after being released from the Ice Prison.

Even Han Qiantui was blinded by the huge aura fluctuations!

Therefore, the city lord thought that Chu Xun was frozen to death.

In fact, Chu Xun completed a resurrection with the help of the shading array.

At this time, it is slowly adjusting the interest rate.

Gradually, the body will recover.

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