The whole people invade the other world, I feel the corpse and become stronger

Chapter 314: Destiny is added to the body, hidden knife!

A terrifying aura rose from Fang Yuanshan.

The coercion from the strength of the fifth rank directly frightened those monsters without intelligence and did not dare to approach.

Chu Xun used the Tibetan knife again. With the destiny added to his body, the power of Chu Xun's use of the Tibetan knife became stronger and stronger.

Step by step.

Chu Xun pressed on step by step, approaching Fang Yuanshan.

Fang Yuanshan retreated again and again under Chu Xun's attack, even if he tried his best, he was still defeated.

At this time, Fang Yuanshan finally felt a little scared.

I saw him take a deep breath, and then spew out, shouting two words loudly, "Help me!"

Although asking for help is an extremely shameful thing for Fang Yuanshan.

But it would be too late if he didn't ask for help at this time, so Fang Yuanshan didn't care about face.

Fang Yuanshan ran back while shouting for help.

But Chu Xun was not in a hurry behind him, relying on his long-range attack method to slash in the air, adding wounds to Fang Yuanshan's body one after another, aggravating his injuries.

The purpose of Chu Xun's doing this is to make Fang Yuanshan lose his fighting power in a short time.

If you insist on fighting to the death, you will have to fight to the death.

Chu Xun felt that he might be able to kill Fang Yuanshan, but he would also suffer serious injuries, so it was not worth it.

After all, he still has other enemies at this time, those who guard the entrance of the secret realm.

In order not to destroy his plan to enter the secret realm, Chu Xun planned to let Fang Yuanshan go temporarily, but he must not allow him to quickly recover his combat power, otherwise he would become his enemy again.

Fang Yuanshan fled in embarrassment, and Chu Xun chased after him.

But soon, Xuan Yuanzong's master, who was holding his hand at the entrance of the secret realm, and a group of five-rank masters all heard Fang Yuanshan's cry for help.

"How is this going?"

"Could it be that Mr. Fang can't deal with that kid?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and the suzerain of Xuanyuanzong also had an ugly look on his face.

"Enough!" Xuan Yuanzong's suzerain waved his hand, "Everyone follow me, we must get rid of that kid!"

"Yes!" The subordinates of all forces responded in unison.

The crowd flew up into the sky in a mighty manner, heading towards the place where Fang Yuanshan and Chu Xun fought.

Originally, they wanted to keep guard at the door of the secret realm to see what would happen. It would be bad if they left and missed the opportunity.

But they really hated Chu Xun, since they provoked them again and again, this group of people couldn't bear it anymore.

At this time, Chu Xun no longer pursued Fang Yuanshan, but turned his head and flew in another direction, which was outside Leiling Valley.

There are many forces at the gate of the secret realm, and it is difficult for Chu Xun to pass through alone, but it is different outside Leiling Valley.

The forces outside Leiling Valley are chaotic, which is just right for Chu Xun to fish in troubled waters.

When the suzerain of Xuanyuanzong led the people to find Fang Yuanshan, Fang Yuanshan was already lying on the ground, dying.

Most of the injuries on his body were caused by Chu Xun, and he was pressed by Chu Xun every step of the way, so he had no time to adjust his breath, and his injuries became more and more serious. At this time, he basically lost his combat effectiveness.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Yuanzong's suzerain and others were immediately furious.

After the secret realm is opened, people like them are still required to go in and explore. At this time, the gate of the secret realm has not even been opened, and one combat power has been lost, which is a great loss.

"It's really hateful!" This is the thought in the hearts of many people at this time.

What they didn't know was that after a while, they would hate Chu Xun even more.

After Chu Xun flew outside Leiling Valley, he immediately added all the buffs to his body, and while the others were not paying attention, he quickly killed Fang Yuanshan's subordinates outside Leiling Valley who were guarding the entrance of the valley.

This scene of thunder's tricks directly shocked the other forces nearby and those who couldn't enter the Leiling Valley to watch the excitement.

"Who is this guy?"

"So strong?"

"How dare he offend Mr. Fang?"

Everyone was talking about it, but they didn't know that Chu Xun had already beaten Fang Yuanshan to the point of dying.

And after Chu Xun got rid of the people blocking the way, he quickly flashed away and left this chaotic place.

Chu Xun has already thought of a way, not only to get rid of the enemy's entanglement, but also to find a way to completely divert the tiger away from the mountain and enter the secret realm.

It was getting dark.

At this time, Chu Xun had already arrived outside a small town.

This town belongs to Fang Yuanshan's forces.

The dark night suddenly became brighter, and Chu Xun used the Frost Lotus, the phantom of the gods, above the sky.

Created by this method, the entire dark night became extremely bright, and even a little dazzling.

It's a pity that most people are asleep at this time, and no one appreciates Chu Xun's brilliance.

Some even died directly in their sleep.

Chu Xun has talents such as visual enhancement in night battles, so the dark night has no effect on him, and even has some enhancements.

With Chu Xun's fourth-rank strength, most of the people left behind under Yuanshan's command above the town are relatively weak. It is impossible to deal with Chu Xun, not even to resist Chu Xun.

Soon, Chu Xun ransacked the entire town and obtained a lot of spiritual sources.

"These guys are pretty rich." Chu Xun said looking at the spiritual source in his hand.

After looting the town, he left in a hurry, and he didn't kill them all, but left a lot of people alive.

The reason why Chu Xun left so many good tastes is to let them send messages to those who guard the gate of the secret realm.

"My hometown has been taken away, so I don't believe you guys won't come back." Chu Xun thought so.

Of course it's just a town, for people with fifth-rank strength such as Xuan Yuanzong's suzerain, it's really a drop in the bucket, nothing to worry about.

But Chu Xun has already figured it out, if one town is not enough, what about ten?

And the so-called Xuanyuanzong, Chu Xun has already found out where it is.

It's just that Xuanyuanzong is very powerful, and in order to relax the enemy's vigilance, Chu Xun didn't attack Xuanyuanzong from the beginning, but first ransacked the small town and obtained some spiritual sources.

"Hey, have you heard? Last night, a small town under Master Fang's command was ransacked."

"Well, there is such a thing?"

"Master Fang has the strength of the fifth rank, who would dare to seek trouble with him?"

"Yes, yes!"

"Oh, let me tell you..."

After the looting last night, after people in other towns heard the news today, many people were talking about it.

Chu Xun was hiding in the crowd right now.

He came to inquire about the news, to see if the actions in his homework made those people react.

Regrettably, after listening for a long time, Chu Xun didn't hear how Xuanyuanzong's suzerain and Fang Yuanshan's group would react.

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