"Hehe, no." Elder Lu replied to his suzerain while wiping the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead.

Although he was timid, he wanted to stand up in front of everyone.

Zhou Heng naturally saw through his subordinate's mind at a glance.

But when he saw that his subordinate went in and out again, whether there was any problem, he felt a little relieved in his heart.

"It seems that the kid is already in a hurry to find the treasure of chance." Zhou Heng nodded affirmatively and said.

Immediately, Zhou Heng stopped looking at his shameful subordinate, and took the lead in walking in.

Everyone followed behind Zhou Heng and entered the secret realm one by one.

As soon as they entered the secret realm, they were stunned by the colorful and strange and charming scenery.

Everyone, you touch here, and I touch there.

Dong Tianning felt a little ashamed when she saw the ignorant appearance of her subordinates, and she yelled at them: "Okay, don't be like a bunch of bumpkins who have never seen the world, pay attention to me! "

"Yes!" The subordinates answered deafeningly.

After being scolded by their own adults, they also felt ashamed, and felt that they had lost their composure just now.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's move forward quickly." Fang Yuanshan urged everyone on the side.

But at this moment, the accident happened suddenly.

Suddenly there was a scream at the end of the line.


Hearing the shrill cry, everyone hurriedly turned their heads to look.

Blood all over the ground.

Other than that, nothing else.

"what's the situation?"

"What about others?"

"Who did you see?"

Fang Yuanshan asked three times in a row.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing what happened just now.

"Damn it, what's going on here?" Dong Tianning said from the side, "We lost one person the moment we came in. What's going on?"

Zhou Heng was on the side, and said to everyone: "Everyone form a circle, pay attention to vigilance!"


"Hurry up, hurry up, get together!"

The crowd panicked again, and everyone quickly gathered together, guarding everything around them.

And at this moment.


Another scream came.

"Up there!" Someone discovered the situation at this time and shouted loudly to remind everyone.

Hearing the shouts, someone in the crowd immediately looked up.

A dense mass of grotesque, ferocious and terrifying vine-like monsters, pressing down on everyone's heads one by one.

"Ah! What is this?" Someone exclaimed.

These black and terrifying vines, branches and leaves are still dancing wildly, and there are even fresh blood hanging on them. The scenes created by this scene, the mental pressure is very high, and everyone is shocked.

Zhou Heng and other fifth-rank experts were a little surprised when they saw this scene, but they quickly calmed down.


In the blink of an eye, Zhou Heng took the lead.

An extremely powerful light wave hit the dark vine monster.

"Squeak!" The monster made a sound.

The injured monster suddenly became extremely violent.

The originally dark green bodies suddenly began to change to dark red.

Boom boom boom!

Attack after attack, issued from the vine monster.

Those thick branches and leaves are as steel as iron, every time a swaying attack falls, at least one person can be seriously injured.

The formation that had been organized under the leadership of Elder Lu and others suddenly became scattered at this moment.

Everyone frantically avoided the attack, but it was useless.

There is a patch of black vine monsters on the top of the head, which makes people have nowhere to hide.

Seeing that their own casualties were getting bigger and bigger, the adults of these fifth-rank and eleventh masters finally all started to attack.

The casualties were finally suppressed under the attack of many fifth-rank strength masters.

But even with the protection of fifth-rank masters, these younger brothers can temporarily reduce casualties, but it is still difficult to escape from this place.

Attacks that could be seen everywhere trapped them in place.

Just when Dong Tianning's eyes became hard and hard, and he was about to abandon all these subordinates here.

Elder Lu on the side suddenly trembled all over, pointing in one direction, wanting to shout but not daring to shout, controlled his volume, and said to Zhou Heng, Dong Tianning and the others: "Gentlemen! I see, this vine monster is made by The voice can tell the direction!"

Zhou Heng and the others looked in the direction Elder Lu pointed, and found that it was as expected.

Those who were injured and fell to the ground, as long as they didn't scream, they wouldn't attract the vine monster's attack.

And none of those who fell to the ground, yelling and screaming with their heads in their hands, failed to escape the attack of the vine monster.

"Everyone quiet down immediately!"

At the critical moment, Dong Tianning stood up with a loud shout, and the aura of a fifth-grade cultivation base radiated unscrupulously from her body, shocking everyone.

People suddenly fell silent and became quiet.

And the black vine monsters above everyone's heads no longer launched random attacks, and all the attacks were concentrated on Dong Tianning's body.

Dong Tianning didn't speak any more at this time, but used his whole body to fight against these vine monsters, then flew up and landed softly, without making any similar sounds.

In this secret realm, in the suppressed mood of everyone, the vine monster above their heads slowly shrank back after hearing no sound.

Seeing such a scene, some people wanted to take a long breath.

The eyes of the person next to him widened suddenly, and they quickly covered their mouths with their own hands.

The person on the side put his left hand on the opponent's lips, aware of the opponent's booing.

The other party also realized it, and quickly nodded apologetically, trying his best not to let himself make a sound.

Zhou Heng and Dong Tianning, several five-rank bosses gathered together, making eye contact.

They gestured for a while, the meaning in their eyes was obvious, they all wanted to leave this dangerous place as soon as possible.

So everyone, under the leadership of their respective adults, moved forward slowly and lightly.

In a place that no one has noticed, the vine monsters that have retracted into the dome, after being stained with human blood, the color of the whole body has become different, slowly changing from dark green to dark red.

On Chu Xun's side, he has come to a new place.

In the innermost corner of this secret realm.

Chu Xun was very puzzled, why is the space in this secret realm so small?

It's not as big as the area occupied by Leiling Valley outside.

When Chu Xun came to the innermost corner of the secret realm, he understood everything.

It turns out that the space of this secret realm extends downward.

There was a huge monster in front of Chu Xun's eyes, the whole body was made of stone, and it was five or six meters tall.

And behind this stone monster, there are two chains on both shoulder blades, locking this monster in front of a metal tunnel door.

Chu Xun sized it up and found that he had no way to go around the monster and enter the tunnel on the next floor.

Since he couldn't make a detour, Chu Xun had no choice but to try to fight this monster.

But Chu Xun knew that he couldn't love to fight. If he couldn't deal with this monster quickly, he would definitely attract those people who were chasing him behind him.

Blood energy control, bloodthirsty battle.Chu Xun frantically added all the buffs such as Skyfire Clone, Shenting Phantom, etc. to himself.

Just looking at the aura of this stone monster, Chu Xun knew that he was not easy to mess with.

In order to avoid accidents, he must adjust his strength to the peak state and strive to win in one fell swoop.

Chu Xun, who has the power of destiny added to his body, coupled with the powerful single-body attack of the ancient martial art Tibetan knife, made him feel confident.

With a firm gaze, Chu Xun approached the stone monster step by step steadily and heavily.

In an instant.

A violent momentum erupted from Chu Xun's body.

This strong aura immediately startled the stone monster.

"Roar!" The monster roared at Chu Xun, and stretched out its arms, trying to grab Chu Xun.

But when its arms were stretched far enough, the two chains on its two shoulder blades were also straightened, making it impossible for the monster to take a step forward.

Obviously, this monster is the gatekeeper on the second floor of this secret realm.

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