so rude? "Chu Xun chuckled, "Then I'll give you a chance. If you can let your elder brother send you to save you, I'll let you go." "

From Chu Xun's point of view, it is not easy for him to be too high-profile when he is new to this land.

Although the eldest brother in Liu Da's mouth, a county lord with fourth-rank strength, Chu Xun is no match in his hands.

But if Chu Xun came up and occupied a county domineeringly, it would definitely attract the attention of the city lord here.

What Chu Xun thought was to develop slowly first, and then accumulate strength to win a city in one fell swoop.

"What?" Chu Xun glanced at Master Liu, who collapsed on the ground, "Hurry up and send someone to deliver the message!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Master Liu nodded hurriedly, and hurriedly called a subordinate beside him, "You, you go and tell my brother what happened here."

"Yes." The subordinate looked at Chu Xun in fear, and then ran out in a panic.

At this time, the rest of the people in the restaurant were a little shocked.

Chu Xun didn't run away after beating Master Liu, and dared to ask Master Liu to tell his elder brother what happened here.

That's the fourth-rank county magistrate!

Everyone immediately guessed that either Chu Xun had lost his mind, or he had something to rely on.

"Who is this person?"

Someone looked at Chu Xun's back carrying Master Liu and left, guessing with admiration.

Ordinary people live in unspeakable misery in Fangqing Town under Master Liu's oppression.

Especially when seeing Chu Xun walking down the street with Master Liu in his arms.

That kind of wanting to look but not daring to look, his eyes are full of fear of Master Liu and awe of Chu Xun, which is fully displayed.

They didn't know what happened. How could Master Liu, who was so powerful in their hearts, be held in such a disrespectful hand, and Master Liu didn't dare to resist at all?

"Hey, where is your home?"

Chu Xun asked Master Liu while holding Master Liu in one hand.

"That, over there." Master Liu pointed in a direction.

He lost face today, especially when he saw those untouchables daring to watch him, he really wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in, and then tortured Chu Xun ten times and one hundred times.

Chu Xun carried Mr. Liu to the door of his house.

The servants at the gate of the house became confused when they saw their lord being held by Chu Xun.

Someone copied the guy, someone went back and called someone, and they made a fool of themselves.

Then a group of servants and subordinates surrounded Chu Xun among them.

"My lord, are you alright?" the subordinate asked.

Master Liu saw that his subordinates were moving so fast, they surrounded Chu Xun and him.

Afraid that Chu Xun would turn his back on him, he immediately said to his subordinates, "You, what are you doing?"

"Ah? Your Excellency? Didn't he hold you hostage?" the subordinate said, "Don't worry, we will rescue you right away!"

After hearing this, Master Liu was even more shocked.

Doesn't he know who his subordinates are?

Just now in the hotel, Li Hu, the strongest under him, was defeated, and he was still defeated by Chu Xun.

At present, these servants, together, probably cannot be Chu Xun's opponent.

Master Liu, who was frightened and flustered, quickly waved his hands and said to the subordinates and servants at the door: "Stop it all, this is my honored guest, you must not be unreasonable!"

The subordinates looked at each other, not understanding what their lord meant.

Chu Xun also smiled, "Oh? Really?"

"Of course it is!" Master Liu said loudly, "It is my honor for you to come to Fangqing Town as our guest!"

Mr. Liu looked a little shy, and then said, "Is it possible? Can it be?"

Chu Xun looked displeased, "Why are you hesitating?"

"Ah, it's nothing!" Master Liu quickly waved his hand, and while smiling flatteringly, he said to Chu Xun in a panic, "Can you please put me down first?"

"Hey Hey."

Seeing Lord Liu's cheeky smile, Chu Xun was also amused.

Chu Xun said: "I was afraid that you would be tired from walking, since I have already arrived at your house, then you can go down by yourself."

Master Liu was let down by Chu Xun.

"Please first." Lord Liu bent down and said to Chu Xun.

Stay in the living room.

Master Liu ordered his servants, "Serve tea, serve the best tea!"


While drinking tea, Chu Xun watched Master Liu's performance.

Master Liu was also very speechless, and he couldn't figure out what Chu Xun wanted to do.

After catching him, he neither killed him nor let him go, just trapped him like this.

Although this is in his own home, with Chu Xun here at this time, he has no freedom at all.

"Hey, sir, try this!"

Master Liu flattered and added food to Chu Xun.

Although he didn't know exactly what Chu Xun wanted to do, he knew that he must serve Chu Xun well at this time.

Otherwise, don't look at him having a county elder brother, but after all, his elder brother hasn't arrived yet.

At this time, whoever has a hard fist is the boss.

After finishing a meal at Mr. Liu's house, Chu Xun arranged a room for Mr. Liu.

And told Mr. Liu that you are welcome in your own home.

Master Liu nodded hurriedly, and said that he would never be polite in his own home, so he asked Chu Xun to go back to rest, and closed the door of his firewood room.

After occupying the most luxurious room in Master Liu's house, Chu Xun began to think.

He wanted to trap Lord Liu and attract Lord Liu's elder brother, Liu Tianyi, the fourth-rank county venerable.

Just thinking about it, he called a maid who was waiting outside the door.

Chu Xun asked: "Do you know which Zhaoyuan county town Master Liu's elder brother is in charge of and how powerful it is?"

At this time, the maid did not know that her Master Liu had been held hostage by Chu Xun. She hadn't seen Master Liu today, but she just listened to the butler's order that the person in front of her was a distinguished guest of Master Liu.

Since she was a distinguished guest, she naturally had to entertain her well, so when Chu Xun was asking, she basically answered whatever she knew.

Speaking of Mr. Liu's elder brother, the county lord with fourth-rank strength.

Her eyes were full of admiration.

"Master Xianzun's power is not something that a little maid like me can guess, but I heard people say that Zhaoyuan County is the most powerful among the several nearby counties under the management of Lord Xianzun!"

Speaking of Liu Tianyi, the maidservant's eyes sparkled, obviously she admired Liu Tianyi's strength very much.

Chu Xun had a general understanding of Liu Tianyi.

In his opinion, Liu Tianyi's ability to become the most powerful existence in several nearby counties must be the same as his previous strength, the peak of the fourth rank, and he is about to break through the fifth rank.

"But." Chu Xun's expression flickered, and after waving the maidservant back, he said to himself: "As long as he can break through to the fifth rank, then this Zhaoyuan County will be in my pocket."

Take a county first, and then wait for an opportunity to attack the next city. Chu Xun will be the lord of the city!

In the woodshed of the Liu family.

Master Liu was restless at this moment.

Ever since he took over Fangqing Town with the help of his elder brother, he has never encountered such a ruthless person as Chu Xun.

"The strength is so strong, what does it mean to attack my small town? If you have the guts, you can become the county's honor!"

The more Mr. Liu thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the more afraid he became.

What made him angry was that Chu Xun knew his influence, and his elder brother was the magistrate of Zhaoyuan County, yet he dared to treat him so rudely.

And the more Chu Xun didn't take him seriously, the more he was afraid, afraid that Chu Xun would be the kind of ruthless person who would just grab a ticket and leave, and would directly come and kill him later.

In such a restless state of mind, Mr. Liu was shocked when he heard the knock on the door of the firewood room.

"Who, who!"

As Master Liu asked, he straightened up and looked at the door cautiously.

A small, cautious voice came from outside the door.

"My lord, it's me, a few of us are here to save you."

After hearing the answer, Master Liu relaxed a little. The people outside the door are his subordinates and servants.

"What are you guys doing here?" Master Liu was terrified, for fear that these people came to kill him after they surrendered to Chu Xun.

There was a sound of pushing the door outside. The firewood room door was not locked. Mr. Liu stepped back again and again, picked up a hatchet, and stared at the door tightly.


The door of the firewood room was opened by some of Mr. Liu's subordinates.

Seeing Master Liu's vigilant appearance, the subordinates hurried forward to express their loyalty.

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