The chat partner in the chat channel, Chu Xun, was not proud of winning the first place and trying to turn the tide.

Because it was so easy, I didn't take it seriously.

He thought about rushing to be the first, but he didn't try his best...

His goal is always to be number one on the ranking list.

However, he somewhat forgot...

My combat power is too high!

Monsters that are difficult for others to kill are easy for him...

Therefore, with a little effort, I won the first place.

And also got 2 points which is very different from No.800!

Too high profile!

this is not good!

The chat channel is full of calls for him to come out and "speak a few words".

But Chu Xun did not respond.

He was going to "keep diving" and be a "shrinking turtle".

In fact, he was not a very gregarious person.

No social bullshit either.

Even less ambitious.

Therefore, for the hot words in the chat box, he is at most just peeping at the screen, having a good time.

I never thought of making any remarks, let alone establishing any prestige through it...

Compared with those false names, he cares more about the practical things that can affect him.

Traveling through another world, only the enhancement of his own strength can make him feel safe.

What's more, he enjoys the sense of evolution from the sudden increase in attributes, and the sense of accomplishment from the increase in combat power.

Therefore, compared to "speaking a few words", he is more keen on improving himself.

Only by improving one's own strength can it be easier to win the first place in the rank list.

At this moment, Chu Xun was about to open the blind box.

He likes to open blind boxes, because it is also a way to improve himself.

The winner contributed first, and he got a silver blind box.


It sounds much higher than black iron and bronze.

It is a precious metal after all.

It can also be seen from the extraction probability.


Chu Xun, who has the talent of golden legend, stared straight at the 4th-level items.

This is an equipment blind box!

Now, we are also people who have Tier 4 equipment!


Colored lights flicker and the box disappears.

What looked like a necklace appeared in Chu Xun's hand.

[Successfully opened the blind box, congratulations on obtaining Tier 5 equipment—Captured Love! 】

Level 5!

It turned out to be Tier 5!

This time luck exploded again!

Chu Xun was overjoyed, and hurriedly looked at the chain in his hand.

[Captured Love [Level 5]: After capturing any monster, you can force it to be your pet, and the full value of loyalty remains constant. —— According to legend, this is the ornament of the god of love, and a miracle will happen after you give it to your loved one! 】

This equipment made Chu Xun a little confused.

After fully understanding this equipment, I was even a little disappointed.

Can a pet be caught?

With the s-level talent contract space, I can catch a pet every week!

Moreover, this level 5 equipment does not have any attribute bonuses!


Tier 4 cowhide skills reduce minor damage!

Tier 5 equipment doesn't add any attributes!


The higher the level, the more garbage?

Chu Xun's face was sullen, and he felt that his luck during this period was not very good.

The joy of level 5 equipment was also washed away.

Good thing...

There are still 30 free attributes that can be allocated.

Up to a level, all attributes increase by 5 points, a total of 15 points.

These 30 attributes alone are equivalent to a two-level upgrade!

Which attribute to add?

Chu Xun glanced at his attribute board.

Upgrading to level 6, and winning the competition, added ten points to each attribute.

Now, strength is 127 points, agility is 83 points, and spirit is 93 points.

Chu Xun thought about it...

Now, I don't have any powerful skills—compared to the damage caused by the wolf knife.

In this way, spiritual attributes are not very important.

Since one wants to be a fighter, it is natural to increase strength and agility.

After the blessing of the wolf armor and the bull bracelet, the strength is already 127 points, enough!

Compared with strength, the agility value that affects attack speed, movement speed, and reaction speed is my shortcoming!

How to allocate these 30 attributes is already obvious.

Should all be added to agility...

But Chu Xun only allocated 23 points to agility, and the remaining 7 points were allocated to spirit.

In this way, the three attributes are all in three digits, all breaking hundreds!

Obsessive-compulsive disorder said, very happy!

After the distribution was completed, the combat power also soared to 58 stars.

58 stars...

For Chu Xun now, combat power is just a pure numerical value.

Now, the Frost Iron Bull, the most advanced trial monster on the grassland, would surely end in an instant kill in his hands.

Combat strength is meaningless.

As for the boss-level monsters...

That stuff can't be measured by combat power at all.

The Bull King only has 30 stars combat power, but when he was 46 stars, he could only grind it to death by quenching poison.

Of course, this can also be said to be a combat power value, for reference only...

However, one's own strength still needs to be improved.

The stronger the strength, the easier it is to have the power to protect yourself after entering another world!

Set a small goal first.

Instantly kill the leader-level monsters!

To upgrade from level 6 to level 7 requires 3 experience points.

It is impossible for Chu Xun to count on upgrading to improve his strength, which is unrealistic.

Upgrading those 5 points of attributes is also optional for Chu Xun.

Still have to count on touching the corpse!

After a while, go back.

Between the Flaming Wind Wolf and the Frost Iron Bull, there are level 7, 8, and 9 monsters.

Before, because he wanted to score points, he left it behind and chose the Frost Iron Bull in the deepest part of the grassland.

Now that there is no pressure to score points, it is time to go back and touch it!

But before leaving, he had to skin the bull king first.

Thinking about the defensive power of the Bull King, this cowhide is definitely a good thing!

Peeling is effortless.

Although cowhide has toughness, it is far inferior to that of the cow king when he was alive.

After peeling the skin, Chu Xun started to roast the beef.

The aroma from the grilling made him whet his appetite.

Serve while roasting.

Although it is tasteless to eat, it is very strong when chewed.

And this beef has a unique aroma, the more you chew, the more fragrant it becomes.

After the tenderloin, after the loin, after the ribs, after the neck and shoulders...

Before he knew it, a huge bull king had only four legs left.

After feeling full, Chu Xun stared blankly at the bones and four cow legs all over the floor, a little shocked by his appetite.

Sure enough, the stronger the body, the more energy supply it needs.

This seems to be the conservation of energy?

In the trading house, Chu Xun used his high-quality long sword to replace it with a three-compartment backpack.

Now, there are already five backpacks on sale in the trading house.

But the harsh conditions made Chu Xun flinch.

I can only settle for the next best thing.

Put the four legs and leather into the backpack.

What puzzled Chu Xun was that the cowhide and the calf's legs occupied two grids!

It is obviously something on a cow!

Can't say it!

Now, the backpack I just bought is full again!

Chu Xun originally planned to put that novice sword in his bag...

Now I can only continue to carry it on my waist.

As for throwing...

Chu Xun didn't think about it.

Anyway, it's a piece of equipment!

Even if I don't use it, I'll keep it!

Chu Xun is such a person.

Before he arrived, his friends said he was a squirrel, and he kept and saved everything he didn't need.

It’s useless, just figure it out, comfortable!

Full of food, Chu Xun leaned against Xiaoqiubao and ate while paralyzed.

Blue sky, green grass.

Chu Xun wanted to make two cups of black tea to relax.

But it suddenly occurred to him that there were not enough grids in the backpack, and the water was thrown away by himself to make room...

How can you drink tea without water?

Chu Xun could only be disappointed.

Back then, if there was a backpack with five compartments...



Picking up the two backpacks, Chu Xun began to walk back after identifying the direction.

Two backpacks are really inconvenient.

Chu Xun couldn't help but sigh with emotion, if only he could put the backpack into the backpack, it would be great if the wireless matryoshka...

It's a pity that I can't pretend!

It's better to have a five-compartment backpack...

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