"Everyone stop me!"

Tai Lang waved his hand on the horse and ordered everyone behind him to stop.

Seeing this, Master Liu on the side asked, "We're going to Fangqing Town soon, how do we stop?"

Tai Lang said: "My lord, since the Chu thief can firmly hold Fang Qingzhen in his hands, he must still have a few tricks. If we are a little more cautious, the loss will be less."

Mr. Liu looked a little displeased, so what if he lost a lot?As long as Fangqing Town can be taken back for him, he doesn't care how much he loses.

Of course, at this moment, Tai Lang's subordinates were all around, so he couldn't say much.

"You, quietly go to the front to inquire about the situation." Tai Lang pointed to a younger brother and said.

The younger brother immediately took the order, went to inquire about the situation, and came back after a while.

"How is it? Have you seen the Chu thief?" Lord Liu asked. He hated Chu Xun so much that he wished he could kill Chu Xun immediately.

The little brother shook his head, and said that he saw Li Hu and the coalition forces of those family forces at the gate of the town, and they were waiting with all their strength.

"Hehe." Tai Lang smiled disdainfully, the coalition forces of these family forces in Fangqing Town were nothing more than clowns in his opinion.

"Everyone obey orders! Step into Pingqing Town for me! Capture the Chu thief alive and reward the source of spirit!"

As soon as they heard the reward from the spiritual source, Tai Lang's subordinates were all full of energy, screaming and rushing forward.

In Fangqing Town, Li Hu heard the movement from outside the town, and immediately ordered his men to be on alert.


The two parties met immediately.


"Kill! Capture the Chu thief alive!"

"Step into the square clear town!"

Tai Lang's men rushed forward, shouting.

Li Hu's and Fang Qingzhen's coalition forces were suddenly shocked, and seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

Their Fangqing Town was originally not as strong as Xintai Town. Even recently, they recruited more men, but they still couldn't resist.

"Hahahaha!" Lord Liu rode his horse to the periphery of the battlefield, seeing that the family forces in Fang Qingzhen who dared to betray him were retreating steadily, and suddenly burst out laughing.

But when he saw Li Hu leading his subordinates to kill the enemy with all his strength, his expression became gloomy.

"Li Hu!" Lord Liu roared through gritted teeth.

After Li Hu heard the voice, he just cast a glance at Master Liu and stopped looking.

Tai Lang at the side, seeing Master Liu so angry, immediately asked.

"Master Liu, what's the matter? Does that person have any grudge against you?"

Master Liu was a little hard to say, but he still said, "That's my former subordinate."

"Oh." Tai Lang nodded to show his understanding, and then said, "My lord, watch the show here, wait for me to go and capture him, so you can vent your anger!"

Mr. Liu nodded without any reluctance.

Tai Lang can attack immediately, with his half-step fourth-rank strength, no one can stop him in this battlefield.

Bang bang bang!

With a cold face, Tai Lang knocked down the person who was trying to stand in front of him with several consecutive punches, and quickly came to Li Hu.

Li Hu's family-inherited Zhanhu Fist is extremely powerful, but compared with Tai Lang, there is still a gap, and he cannot match it.

The two fought together, and soon Li Hu showed his defeat.

Li Hu's younger brothers all wanted to come forward to rescue their elder brother, but they were beaten down by Tai Lang.

Seeing that Tai Lang was so ferocious, the disciples of the other forces in Fang Qing Town couldn't come up to rescue Li Hu.

Just like that, everyone watched Tai Lang take Li Hu away.

The war continues.

At this time, Li Hu was already being held down by Tai Lang, and he knelt in front of Master Liu.

Li Hu wanted to struggle, but he couldn't resist Tai Lang's enormous strength, so he could only kneel helplessly.

Seeing this scene, Master Liu asked angrily, "Li Hu, why did you betray me!"

Li Hu didn't make a sound. When Master Liu pushed him to Chu Xun in order to survive, he no longer wanted to serve Master Liu.

Master Liu saw that Li Hu didn't speak, and called someone angrily, "Slap him for me, slap him hard!"

clap clap clap!

The sound of the whip hitting Li Hu's body sounded.

After a while, Li Hu's back was covered with scars.

And the battle between Fangqing Town and Xintai Town was gradually over.

The forces in Fangqing Town were retreating steadily, and they had retreated to the gate of Chu Xun's house.

Tai Lang and Master Liu brought Li Hu to this place, which used to be the gate of Master Liu's house.

Tai Lang's men surrounded the remaining forces in Fangqing Town.

"I'll give you three breaths of time. Those who kneel will live, and those who stand will die!" Tai Lang's domineering voice sounded at Chu Xun's door, making those subordinates who stood guard at Chu Xun's door hesitate and tangle.

At this time, Chu Xun had also heard Tai Lang's voice.

The subordinates at Chu Xun's gate looked at Taro with fierce eyes, and at the very moment someone was about to kneel down.

Chu Xun's voice sounded!

"I will also give you three breaths of time. You may not be able to live while kneeling, but you will definitely die if you stand!"

Li Hu's eyes suddenly lit up!

The rest of Li Hu's younger brothers also cheered up, no longer afraid of Tai Lang's fierce eyes.

After hearing Chu Xun's voice, Master Liu twitched reflexively, it was purely out of fear.

Seeing that Mr. Liu was so useless, Tai Lang was immediately furious, but he couldn't say anything more.He just stood in front of Mr. Liu and spoke.

"Where are you, you just hide your head and show your tail like this? You are as cowardly as a mouse!"

"Hahahaha!" Tai Lang's words elicited a burst of laughter from his subordinates, who were all laughing at Chu Xun.

Li Hu's complexion changed immediately, "You all shut up the fuck!"

With a slap, a slap was slapped on Li Hu's face.

When Master Liu saw Li Hu, he dared to defend Chu Xun. He was so angry that he slapped him.

Li Hu's face was red and swollen, but he remained unmoved.


Chu Xun walked out of the door at this moment!

"Which hand did you hit him?" Chu Xun looked at Master Liu and asked.

Mr. Liu was so terrified by Chu Xun's stare that he became panic-stricken and speechless.

Tai Lang on the side was about to speak, but was interrupted by Chu Xun waving a thunder finger.

Bang Bang!

Like lightning, the thunder pierced Master Liu's right hand.

"Ah!" Master Liu screamed while hugging his missing right arm.

Tai Lang was stunned. He didn't expect Chu Xun to make such a quick move without hesitation, and the power of this spell was not small.

Fortunately, Master Liu's scream reminded Tai Lang, causing Tai Lang to break out in a cold sweat.

Master Liu's right hand was directly blown away by Chu Xun, which made Tai Lang explain to the county lord.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, Tai Lang shot out angrily.


Accompanied by the sound of shouting, Tai Lang strode forward and punched Chu Xun.

Tai Lang's younger brother couldn't help being excited when he saw this extremely strong aura.

Master Liu also clapped his hands and applauded, watching excitedly, wanting to see the scene where Chu Xun fell to the ground in the next second.

On the other hand, Li Hu was not worried about Chu Xun at all. He knew that Chu Xun was at least at the fourth rank, so he was not afraid of Tai Lang at all.

as predicted.

Tai Lang, who was majestic one second, flew upside down the next second.


Tyran fell to the ground.

Master Liu was stunned after seeing it, and couldn't help worrying in his heart, if Tai Lang lost, wouldn't it be the end of the game for him?

"Master Tai, are you alright?" Master Liu asked worriedly.

Tai Lang's guards also surrounded him one after another.

"Bah!" Tai Lang spat out a mouthful of blood, and said angrily, "Give it to me!"

He found that he was not Chu Xun's opponent, but he still didn't think he would lose.

After all, with so many subordinates here, the overall strength is pretty good.

No matter how strong Chu Xun is alone, he may not be able to succeed under his siege.

The subordinates listened to the order and rushed towards Chu Xun to besiege him.

The people around couldn't help but worry about Chu Xun.

If Chu Xun was defeated, what awaited them would be Master Liu's revenge.

What's more, there is Tai Lang, this cannibal thing, which will definitely not make them feel better.

Just when everyone was worried about Chu Xun, Chu Xun was calm.

He hadn't exercised his muscles for a long time, and when he saw dozens of people with third-rank strength besieging him one after another, he became a little interested.

"The phantom of the gods."

Chu Xun said softly, and in the next second, everyone saw countless thunderous scenes.

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