The subordinates ran away from him, but Liu Tianyi didn't respond.

He knew that he was finished, everything was over!

After a while, Liu Tian came back to his senses.

Seeing that Chu Xun ignored him, he quickly turned around and ran away.

As for the remaining subordinates, Liu Tianyi didn't care at all.

At this time, it is difficult for him to survive, so he can't care about others.

The people in Fangqing Town looked at Chu Xun who was flying in mid-air, and felt admiration as if they were a god, from their hearts.

"Too strong!" This is the voice of everyone.

Chu Xun's performance completely exceeded their expectations.

Even if a brave person fantasizes boldly, it is only a fantasy that Chu Xun has resisted the attack of the county lord.

But it never occurred to him that Chu Xun was able to wipe out all the masters under the hands of the county lord with just one move.

Everyone cheered and came to Chu Xun's side.

"My lord, you are amazing!" A little girl in Qing Town gave Chu Xun a thumbs up.

"My lord is mighty!" This was the cheering voice of Chu Xun's younger brothers.

Chu Xun smiled lightly, "Everyone go back."

Everyone listened to Chu Xun's words, cheered and dispersed.

Especially those family forces in Fangqing Town, they felt that it was a great honor for them to be able to make a living under Chu Xun's men.

Just when Li Hu and Tai Lang opened the way and led Chu Xun back to Chu's residence.

An unexpected figure appeared in front of them.

I saw Liu Bantian, the younger brother of Liu Tianyi, Mr. Liu.

At this time, he was sitting in the main seat of the living room, teaching the servants a lesson.

"My elder brother has already called in. Wait for a while, when he captures Chu thief alive, I must personally tear that kid into pieces!"

Master Liu is imagining how to deal with Chu Xun later.

at this time.

Chu Xun, Li Hu and Tai Lang appeared in front of her.

"What's going on?" Mr. Liu rubbed his eyes, and said to himself in doubt, "I can't be dazzled, how can these three people stand in front of me intact?"

"Hey, can you see them?" Master Liu asked the people.

The servants did not speak, but silently stood behind Chu Xun.

Master Liu watched this scene, and after a second, his whole body was sweating profusely as if he had just been fished out of the water.

"What's going on? Hasn't my elder brother already called in?" Master Liu looked at Chu Xun and asked in disbelief.

Ever since he was imprisoned in the firewood room by Li Hu last time, he had been looking forward to it every day and night, and finally he got the news that his elder brother was coming from the commander-in-chief.

As for why he was in the woodshed, he could still get news.

This is because some of the servants felt that Chu Xun was about to lose, so they rushed to curry favor with Mr. Liu, which allowed Mr. Liu to come out of the locked firewood room and stand in the living room to show off his might.

At this time, Mr. Liu had a look of disbelief, completely unaware of what happened.

Looking at this scene, Tai Lang smiled, stepped forward and picked up Mr. Liu like a chicken.

Throwing Master Liu aside, Tai Lang respectfully invited Chu Xun to take his seat.

Chu Xun looked at Master Liu and thought he was very funny.

"Shut him up in the firewood room." Chu Xun waved his hand casually, and ordered his subordinates to shut Master Liu, who was howling in pain and yelling for him not to, into the firewood room again.

On the other side, at the door of Chu Xun's house.

In Fangqing Town, the patriarchs of the major clan forces all surrounded the door of Chu Xun's house and refused to leave.

After Chu Xun showed his strong strength today, their hearts were extremely excited, and they all wanted to get closer to Chu Xun, so they all came to give gifts to curry favor with Chu Xun.

In their minds, each of their families also contributed their own efforts, and at least they also jointly guarded Fangqing Town.

When Li Hu and Tai Lang walked out, they discovered this scene.

Yang Chengdan led Ji Hewen's beard and said, "You old man, what team are you in!"

Ji Hewen showed no sign of weakness, "I inserted you!"

The patriarchs of the two families, in front of the crowd, made a lot of noise, and even raised their hands.

This made Li Hu and Tai Lang laugh a lot when they saw this scene.


Hearing Li Hu and Tai Lang's laughter, the people at Chu Xun's door immediately fell silent.

"Master Li, Lord Tai!"

People saluted Li Hu and Tai Lang.

"What are you all doing here?" Li Hu asked.

The patriarchs of these family forces rushed to speak.

Tai Lang on the side couldn't stand it any longer, and he yelled, "Shut up and talk to me alone!"

Hearing Tai Lang's voice and looking at Tai Lang's somewhat angry face, the patriarchs of the major families quickly fell silent.

Yang Chengdan, as the patriarch of a big family, stood up and spoke at this time.

"Lord Tai, we want to see that one." Yang Chengdan said, and cast his eyes in the direction of the living room of Chu Xun's house.

"What are you doing seeing Lord Chu?" Tai Lang asked.

The patriarchs of the other major family forces quickly said, "We just want to pay a visit to Master Chu, and there is no other intention!"

Looking at the sincere eyes of these family patriarchs, Tai Lang was not easy to refute.

After all, these people also contributed their efforts when guarding Fang Qing Town.

Tai Lang and Li Hu then went back to ask Chu Xun.

"My lord, the patriarchs of those family forces outside want to meet you, so do you see it or not?"

Tai Lang asked Chu Xun respectfully.

Chu Xun thought for a while, even after he took control of the entire Zhaoyuan County, he still had to stay here for a while. After all, his goal was the entire Dahong City.

Thinking of this, Chu Xun nodded, "Okay, see you if you want."

After receiving an affirmative answer, Tai Lang and Li Hu immediately turned around and went out, and came to the patriarchs of these families.

"My lords, did Master Chu reply?"

As soon as Taylor and Li Hu stood still, someone couldn't wait to ask them.

Li Hu nodded.

Seeing this, everyone immediately became excited.

"Hurry up, hurry up, let's prepare the banquet quickly, and then meet Master Chu together!"

Everyone went to work.

When Chu Xun didn't show such tyrannical strength, they always thought that they could be as far away from Chu Xun as possible. It would be better if Chu Xun didn't remember them at all.

And now.

When Chu Xun showed such incomparable strength, their minds completely changed.

"It would be great if I could show my face in front of Master Chu." Many people thought this way.

With Master Chu's strength, if they could be given a chance, it would be enough for them to survive.

The banquet quickly unfolded.

During this period, the entire Fangqing town was mobilized.

Everyone was lively and jubilant, celebrating Fang Qingzhen's defeat of the county lord of Zhaoyuan County under the leadership of Chu Xun.

This deed alone is enough for Fang Qingzhen to run rampant in the entire Zhaoyuan County.

Everyone was extremely excited in their hearts, and felt a sense of pride in being a Fangqing townsman.

In the banquet, Chu Xun sat on the main seat.

Li Hu and Tai Lang sat on either side of Chu Xun.

During this period, the patriarchs of the major family forces came to toast Chu Xun one after another.

"My lord, I've done it! You can do whatever you want." Yang Chengdan smiled and offered a glass of wine to Chu Xun.

Chu Xun also nodded slightly, and then took a sip of the wine in his glass.

This move made Yang Chengdan smile even more. Even after returning to his seat, he kept boasting, saying that Master Chu really gave him too much face.

The rest of the people at the table also expressed their envy for Yang Chengdan.

"If only I could offer Master Chu a glass of wine." This is the leader of a small family force, and he is not qualified to stand in front of Master Chu.

"Haha!" Yang Chengdan patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "There is a chance, there is a chance!"

Li Hu and Tai Lang were also toasted many times during the banquet.

Especially when they think of the fluctuations in their hearts these days, the wine in the glass is poured faster.

Li Hu looked at Chu Xun, who was sitting on the main seat, with admiration in his heart.

Without Master Chu's cultivation, Li Hu wouldn't be where he is today.

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