Therefore, there is only one explanation, that is, this girl was originally from the Underworld Palace.

The girl looked at Chu Xun, and the smile on her face disappeared, replaced by an angry expression:

"You dare to threaten me? Do you know that if I want to kill you, all I need to do is think about it."

Chu Xun looked at the girl, smiled disdainfully and said, "Stop talking big, and answer my question quickly."

After hearing Chu Xun's words, the girl couldn't help laughing: "Hahahaha, it's so interesting, someone dares to threaten me!"

"That's right, I'm just threatening you, how about you, do you want to kill me?" Chu Xun looked at the girl with a sneer.

The smile on the girl's face disappeared, replaced by a fierce expression, she stared at Chu Xun for a moment, finally sighed, and said:

"Forget it, you are not worthy to be my opponent, you should leave now."

"I won't leave. I came here to find treasure." Chu Xun said coldly.

The girl shook her head, and said earnestly: "Oh, I advise you not to be so obsessed with it. You will never find the treasure. The monsters inside are not good."

"If you continue to stay here, you will be torn apart and devoured. At that time, there will be nothing left, not even ashes. Do you understand?"

Chu Xun glanced at the girl with strong doubts in his eyes.

The girl looked into Chu Xun's eyes and said lightly, "I know, you don't believe me."

"If you don't believe it, you can go in and check it out, but don't covet what's inside, don't blame me for not reminding you."

After finishing speaking, the girl jumped into the air and disappeared before Chu Xun's eyes strangely.

Chu Xun frowned, thinking about what the girl said just now.

This Underworld Palace must be more dangerous than I imagined. If I go in this time, it is estimated that I will escape death.

However, Chu Xun also understands the principle of coexistence of risks and benefits, so he didn't plan to just go out like this.

After treating the wound on his shoulder, Chu Xun continued to walk deep into the Underworld Palace.


Not long after, Chu Xun came to the deepest part of the Underworld Palace, looking at the bloody symbols all around, Chu Xun fell into deep thought.

Among the strange bloody symbols, Chu Xun seemed to have found a way to another world.

At this time, Chu Xun wanted to walk past those bloody symbols, but he couldn't move anyhow.

"what's going on?"

"Could it be that it's all hallucinations? What I'm having now are hallucinations?" Chu Xun murmured, rubbing his eyes constantly with his hands.

At this moment, a burst of clear laughter came from Chu Xun's ear, and Chu Xun suddenly became stiff and trembled.

"Who...who is laughing?"

Being in such a weird scene, and hearing such a creepy smile, even Chu Xun felt a little terrified.

After that laughter, Chu Xun heard another slight sound of footsteps.

Immediately, Chu Xun saw two figures in his eyes.

One of the figures is a young girl, dressed in red, with a delicate and beautiful face, and a heroic look between her brows, which makes people unforgettable at a glance.

Behind this beautiful woman, followed a burly man, about three meters tall, full of muscles and full of explosive power.

The skin on his body is like an iron wall, filled with an explosive beauty.

"Boy, how dare you trespass into the Underworld Palace and seek death?" the woman in red smiled and said to Chu Xun, with a sinister expression on her face.

The big man also hammered his chest and roared twice as a deterrent.

When Chu Xun saw these two people, he frowned and looked at them indifferently.

Chu Xun didn't know these two strange men and women, but he could feel the strong malice emanating from them.

"Why should I obey your orders? I don't know you." Chu Xun said coldly, looking at the woman in red and the burly man.

"Boy, you are looking for death!" The burly man shouted, rushed towards Chu Xun, and punched Chu Xun on the head.

Chu Xun has a strong figure and quickly hid aside.

With a loud "boom", the fist of the burly man slammed on the rock wall fiercely, and the broken stones flew randomly, all of which fell to the ground.

"You dare to do something to me?" Chu Xun pointed at the burly man with cold eyes and cursed angrily.

"It's you kid who beat us. You dare to threaten us. You're really tired. You can try it. I'll make your life worse than death."

The girl in red looked at Chu Xun coldly, and snorted coldly.

"Who are you two?" Chu Xun asked coldly, looking at the woman in red.

The woman in red looked at Chu Xun provocatively: "My name is Lingji, and I am the guardian of the first floor of the Underworld Palace. Anyone who breaks into the Underworld Palace will die!"

"The guardian of the first floor?" Chu Xun glanced at the woman in red and said calmly.

Could it be that there is more than one floor in this Underworld Palace?

It was the first time for Chu Xun to know this information. It seems that he did not fully understand the information in this dungeon.

"Why, you are not convinced?" Ling Ji looked at Chu Xun coldly, her eyes were filled with a cold light, that cold light seemed to be able to pierce a person's soul.

Chu Xun snorted coldly, and punched Ling Ji without any nonsense.

Now that someone is blocking his way, the only way is to defeat her!

"Hmph, overestimate your own strength!" Ling Ji snorted coldly, and slapped out her palm.

Chu Xun and Lingji's palms collided, and a violent force erupted instantly. Chu Xun and Lingji each took five steps back.

Chu Xun looked at Ling Ji with a serious look on his face.

He didn't expect the opponent to be so powerful. His physical body was so powerful that he could easily defeat even a strong man of the same level.

But Ling Ji in front of him gave him the feeling that she was extremely domineering, as if she couldn't be defeated at all.

"What realm are you?" Chu Xun looked at Ling Ji and asked in shock.

"You don't care what state I am, since you dare to break into the Underworld Palace, then today, I will send you on your way." Lingji snorted coldly, and rushed towards Chu Xun again.

Seeing Ling Ji attacking again, Chu Xun had a solemn expression on his face. He hastily activated the power of destiny and used the strongest buff for himself.

At this time, Ling Ji's fist had already hit Chu Xun's face, and her fist style turned out to be bright golden yellow.

Chu Xun's body turned sharply, narrowly dodging Ling Ji's attack, but he couldn't dodge the attack of the golden light.

His shoulder was hit by the golden light, and the flesh burst out instantly, and blood gushed out immediately, dyeing half of Chu Xun's shoulder red.

Seeing the blood flowing from his shoulder, Chu Xun was stunned.

He didn't expect that he was actually injured, this Ling Ji was too scary, she could actually hurt himself.

"I see where you are going this time, go to hell with me!"

Ling Ji let out a roar, and waved her arms together, a fierce fist blowing towards Chu Xun with a tyrannical wind.

Seeing Ling Ji approaching, Chu Xun felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

He felt that the woman in front of him was too powerful, and he was simply not something he could compete with.

However, it is absolutely impossible for Chu Xun to just give up.

No matter how many times he has faced enemies stronger than himself, Chu Xun can still win with his tenacious will.

This time, he will never give up.

"You bitch, how dare you hurt me!" Chu Xun gritted his teeth and said, looking at Ling Ji with angry flames in his eyes.

Ling Ji snorted coldly, and said disdainfully, "Since you're here, don't even think about leaving alive!"

"You forced me!" Chu Xun snorted coldly.

In the next moment, the two buffs of Bloodthirsty Battle and Shenting Phantom were also added, and Chu Xun reached the state of full firepower!

Then, he drew a knife out of thin air, and the dazzling light instantly illuminated the dark cave.

With a scream, Ling Ji immediately fell to the ground and died, unable to stand up again.

"Overestimating one's abilities." Chu Xun said sarcastically, then looked up at the strong man.

Seeing that his companion was killed, the brawny man immediately became angry. He let out a wild roar, and then bullied himself forward.

His hill-like body rushed over directly, trying to kill Chu Xun directly.

But Chu Xun is not afraid of him at all due to the buff he is wearing now.

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