The masked man chuckled, and then whispered in Tai Lang's ear, "I want you to keep an eye on Chu Xun for me, and tell me what he does."

"What?!" Hearing this, Tai Lang was shocked.

Asking him to betray Master Chu is even more difficult than killing him.

"No, no, if Master Chu finds out about this, I will die!" Tai Lang said with a mournful face.

Seeing that Tai Lang wanted to refuse, the dagger in the masked man's hand stretched forward a little more, "Are you sure you want to refuse me? I advise you to think about it."

"If you don't agree, now, I can send you to hell!"

The shadow of death loomed, and Tai Lang trembled all over.

After a stalemate for a while, he was finally frightened by the masked man, so he said tremblingly, "Okay, okay, I promise you..."

"Hey, that's right." Seeing that Tai Lang had softened, the masked man withdrew his knife, and left the contact method to Tai Lang.

Afterwards, he withdrew from Tai Lang's room with several black-clothed assassins.

The dagger left from his neck, Tai Lang's body went limp, and he collapsed to the ground.

He was dressed heavily and was terrified in his heart.

Could it be that I really want to betray Lord Chu Xun...


Early the next morning, Chu Xun called Tai Lang and told him to set up a defense line to prevent Zhaoyuan County from being attacked again.

Tai Lang was full of evil intentions, and after agreeing, he didn't dare to say anything, so he left quickly.

At this time, Chu Xun only thought about the matter of the Underworld Palace, so he didn't notice anything wrong with Tai Lang.

Then, he called Li Hu over again.

In yesterday's battle, Li Hu's performance was perfect, so Chu Xun decided to take him into the Underworld Palace this time.

As for Tai Lang, it is better to let him stay outside to defend the city.

After all, Zhaoyuan County has to have someone sit in town.

As a half-step fourth-rank master, Tai Lang should be able to handle the next thing.

After making arrangements, Chu Xun was ready to set off.

Soon, Chu Xun brought Li Hu to the second floor of the Underworld Palace.

With a helper this time, Chu Xun became bolder.

It's just that I don't know what dangers will be on the second floor of the Underworld Palace. Maybe there may be some powerful guardian beasts here.

The two walked slowly along the pitch-black passage.

Suddenly, a dangerous breath came from inside!

Chu Xun stopped in his tracks and turned to face Li Hu.

Li Hu asked in bewilderment, "What's wrong?"

"Be careful." Chu Xun said in a low voice.


Chu Xun pointed to a passage and said, "Did you see the passage over there? There are some not-so-obvious things there."

"I think it should be a guardian beast or something, but I don't know what it is. This is the second floor of the Underworld Palace. Let's not act rashly."

Li Hu nodded after listening.

"Let's go."

Chu Xun took another step forward and continued to walk forward.

Although Chu Xun had good experience here, but now he feels uneasy in his heart.

He didn't know if his apprehension was correct, he was only moving forward by feeling, because the environment here was too dark, so he could only walk by feeling.

After a while, Chu Xun, who was walking ahead, suddenly stopped again.

Li Hu also stopped.

Chu Xun said: "You wait first."

Li Hu nodded, and was not in a hurry to ask.

Chu Xun slowly approached a stone wall in the middle of the passage, and began to observe carefully.

He found many strange patterns on the stone wall, like a huge formation, but he didn't recognize these patterns, nor did he know the meaning of the formation.

Li Hu was a little puzzled, and walked over to Chu Xun and asked, "Lord Chu, what's the matter?"

"I have never seen the formation on the stone wall, but when I see its pattern, I always have a familiar feeling, as if I have seen it somewhere." Chu Xun said.

He was indeed very familiar with this formation, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it for a while.

Hearing Chu Xun's words, Li Hu frowned and said, "Formation?"

"Yes, the pattern on this stone wall is very similar to the formations described in some ancient books, and there is a strange fluctuation here. I doubt whether it is the key to the activation of the formation."

Chu Xun studied it and said to himself.

"Oh?" Li Hu approached immediately after hearing the words, and looked carefully.

However, he didn't know anything about formations at all, so after watching for a long time, he couldn't see why.

The more Chu Xun looked at it, the more he found that the pattern on the stone wall was really similar to the memory in his mind, and even had some similarities.

It's just that the shapes of these formations are somewhat different from the formations in his mind, but they are also very similar.

At this time, Li Hu was a little bit guilty, so he continued to ask: "Master Chu, have you seen these formations?"

"I've seen it!" Chu Xun said.

"Really?" Li Hu said excitedly, "Then do you know the names of these formations?"

Chu Xun frowned and said:

"These formations seem to be called devil's eyes. I only know a little bit about them. I only know their names, and I don't know what effects they have."

Li Hu nodded.

Chu Xun looked at the formations on the stone wall and fell into deep thought, as if he was thinking about something.

"Master Chu, Master Chu? What are you thinking?" Li Hu shouted.

Chu Xun came back to his senses and asked, "Oh? What did you just say?"

"It's nothing, I just said it casually, you can continue to read." Li Hu shrugged and said.

Hearing this, Chu Xun continued to study the formation on the stone wall.

Li Hu didn't bother, just stood where he was, waiting quietly.

Chu Xun spent about half an hour trying to understand the meaning of the formation, but he didn't understand the mystery, so he had to give up in the end.

Seeing Chu Xun's appearance, Li Hu smiled and said, "Master Chu, how are you doing? Did you gain anything?"

"No, these formations are relatively advanced formations, and this formation is still very strange."

"These formations seem to have their own consciousness. As long as you touch this formation, it will play a role and make you hallucinate, which will make you lose your mind." Chu Xun said.

"That's right." Li Huruo nodded knowingly.

He knew that the power of this formation was indeed terrifying.

The attack power of this kind of formation is very strong. If a person with low cultivation base comes into contact with this kind of formation, he will soon lose himself and become crazy.

When the time comes, they will lose all rationality, only know how to kill, and will die in the end, even their souls will not be able to escape.

Li Hu said: "Master Chu, since this formation is very strange, let's bypass this place."

"I think so too." Chu Xun said, "We can't waste any more time here, let's go."

Li Hu nodded.

The two were ready to leave.

At this moment, suddenly, the ears of both Chu Xun and Li Hu trembled, and they felt an unusual breath at the same time.

This breath is very weak, but it is very firm, as if it is right under the nose.

Is there any danger here? !

"Lord Chu, what's going on here?" Seeing Chu Xun's vigilant look, Li Hu asked.

Chu Xun shook his head: "I don't know yet, we have to be careful."

"Okay, I see." Li Hu said, "Then let's go."

Chu Xun nodded.

The two continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, Chu Xun stopped, his face became serious.

Li Hu also stopped and asked, "Master Chu? What's the matter?"

Chu Xun lowered his face and said to Li Hu: "There is someone in front!"

Hearing this, Li Hu looked around immediately, but found nothing unusual.

"Lord Chu, are you reading it wrong?" Li Hu asked.

Chu Xun shook his head and said, "No, I can't read it wrong. I can feel that there must be someone here, and it is a strong man. He is hiding nearby."

"Stronger?" Li Hu asked.

"Yes, and it's a powerhouse above the fifth rank, very strong! It's definitely not something you can deal with!" Chu Xun said seriously.

"Isn't it? So powerful? Then, let's hide quickly." Li Hu said in a panic.

Ever since he entered this gloomy palace of the underworld, he has been in the dark all the time, and he doesn't know how many dangers are lurking around.

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