This sword killed more than ten people.

"Hey... that's amazing!"

"This woman is terrifying!"

"How did her speed become so fast?"

"How can we fight this? We are no match for her at all, she is too powerful!"

"Could it be that we really shouldn't be involved in this matter?"

Seeing Bu Xiling's performance, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

They have never seen such a terrifying person, such a person is simply not something they can contend with.

They can only escape.

It's just, how can they run away now.

Bu Xiling's strength is much higher than theirs, they can only run away.

However, Bu Xijun had already set her sights on them, and they had no chance to escape.

"Puff puff!"

A few sounds came, and Bu Xijun's figure was erratic like a ghost, and her sword slashed the necks of those fleeing enemies time and time again.

Every time she swung the long sword in her hand, a life would fall.

Bu Xiling's movements were very quick, every time he swung his sword, one person would fall down.

In just two seconds, she had killed forty or fifty fleeing enemies, and the remaining enemies were even more frightened.

They didn't dare to move forward, so they could only retreat, constantly retreating to the rear of the team.

Bu Xiling stood there indifferently, staring coldly at the fleeing enemies.

"Hahaha! Can you escape?" Bu Xiling looked at the group of enemies and smiled coldly.

Hearing Bu Xiling's triumphant voice made Su Tieyi feel even more ashamed.

There are tens of thousands of troops on their side, and it is too shameful for a woman to be killed!

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and catch this bitch! After you catch this bitch, you can get out alive!" Su Tieyi shouted to his subordinates.

"Yes!" Everyone responded, and then rushed towards Bu Xiling in unison.

Bu Xiling snorted coldly when he saw that he was rushing over without fear of death.

She moved sideways, then dodged the attacks of those people, and then swung the sword in her hand quickly, killing these hundreds of people at once.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the soldiers were all stunned.

I didn't expect Bu Xiling to be so vicious!

Hundreds of people were killed in one fell swoop!

Seeing the group of people all fell to the ground, they couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"What, what should I do? This woman is too powerful! We are no match for her at all! Let's withdraw quickly!"

"Yes, let's get out of here quickly!"

Those people didn't dare to stay any longer, and they didn't want to go to die again, so they ran away quickly.

However, they had just fled a few steps before they were stopped by Bu Xiling.

"Hehe, now I know I'm afraid, it's too late!" Bu Xiling chuckled, and then said in a cold voice, "I advise you, hurry up and arrest me, lest I be rude."

Hearing Bu Xiling's words, the soldiers were even more frightened.

Bu Xiling's strength has already surpassed their imagination.

"We will not surrender!" Some hard-boned soldiers couldn't help shouting, and then retreated quickly.

Seeing this, Bu Xiling jumped forward and came in front of them.

Immediately, she snorted coldly and slapped one of them.


This person's head burst directly, turning into a rain of blood all over the sky.

The other person couldn't help feeling even more timid when he saw his accomplice was killed by Bu Xiling in this way.

Bu Xiling kicked her legs hard on the ground, and her whole body chased after the fleeing man.

Afterwards, Bu Xiling slapped that person on the chest, and then slapped that person, turning him into fragments.

Those defeated people were all killed by Bu Xiling. Bu Xiling didn't even look at them, and continued to chase the group of people in front.

Bu Xiling stabbed one person with his sword, and that person immediately fell to the ground.

She continued to chase and chased in front of those people at once, and then beheaded them again with the sword in her hand.

Seeing Bu Xiling's speed, those who were defeated were even more frightened.

They kept running back, Bu Xiling kept chasing them, and every time someone died.

Those who were defeated were all killed by Bu Xiling so that they did not dare to escape.

They knew that if they escaped again, they would have to wait for death.

"I beg you, please forgive me. I was wrong. I will never dare to provoke you again. I really dare not."

"Please let me go!"

"Please let me go!"

Those people knelt on the ground one by one, pleading with Bu Xijun.

However, the more they begged for mercy, the more angry Bu Xiling would be, and the more ruthless his attacks would be.


With a miserable howl, another person fell to the ground.

After the man fell to the ground, blood immediately sprayed all over the place.

Bu Xiling glanced coldly, and beheaded the man again with his sword.


There was a miserable cry again, and then fell to the ground again.

At this time, Su Tieyi was sitting on the horse, seeing the tens of thousands of troops he brought were killed and scattered, his face was also livid.

At this time, seeing his subordinates kneel down to that woman again, he couldn't stand it anymore.

So, he clenched the spear in his hand and stabbed directly at Bu Xiling.

Bu Xiling's face turned cold, and he raised his white long sword to block Su Tieyi's attack.

"Bang bang bang!"

The weapons of Bu Xiling and Su Tieyi collided, stirring up sparks all over the sky.

Bu Xiling turned around and kicked Su Tieyi's abdomen.


Su Tieyi felt a pain in his stomach, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.


He was kicked away again, Su Tieyi let out a muffled groan, and then suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and he fell heavily to the ground.

"Cough cough!"

He coughed, then looked up at Bu Xiling, his eyes were tearing open.

"Bu Xiling, I'll fight with you!" Su Tieyi stood up abruptly, and charged towards Bu Xiling.

He doesn't care about anything now, if he doesn't kill Bu Xiling, they will be wiped out!

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards Bu Xiling again.

Bu Xiling looked at the person rushing over, with a sneer on his face, "Hmph, lifeless thing!"

She snorted coldly, her figure flew towards Su Tieyi like lightning, and then slashed across with her sword again.

With one strike, a thin wound appeared on Su Tieyi's neck.

The wound was bleeding continuously.

His eyes widened, full of unwillingness, but he couldn't stop himself from closing them slowly.


He eventually collapsed, fell to the ground, and died utterly.

Seeing Su Tieyi fall, the other people turned pale with fright, and then ran away one after another.

However, halfway through their escape, they suddenly felt a chill in their backs. They turned their heads and found a sword on their necks.

"Ahh! Don't kill us!"

Some people quickly knelt on the ground, begging Bu Xiling constantly, not wanting their lives to be taken away by Bu Xiling.

Seeing this situation, the corners of Bu Xiling's lips curled up slightly.

At this time, Du Ning came over, stopped Bu Xiling, and asked in a cold voice, "I ask you, who told you to invade our Anci County!"

"It's Su Tieyi." A person answered quickly.

"Impossible, let me ask you again, who asked you to attack Anci County?" Du Ning asked again.

Even though Su Tieyi was a child of a family, he couldn't send troops to punish him, so it was absolutely impossible for him to be the mastermind behind this incident.

"'s really Su Tieyi. He wants to deal with you, so he asked the county lord to come and attack Anci County!" the man quickly replied.

"Please spare us, we are only following orders!"

Although he said this, Du Ning still didn't believe it, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "You are lying, you are lying to me, aren't you?"

"What I say is true! What I say is true!"

At this point, Du Ning couldn't believe it. It seemed that there must be something that he didn't understand.

So he sent someone to detain these people.

This war, because Bu Xiling joined alone, turned the situation around directly.

Although she saved Anci County, Du Ning looked at Bu Xiling with vigilance.


At the same time, in the forest of the back mountain of Anci County, Chu Xun found a remote cave, sat in it and began to meditate.

He needs to recover his strength quickly, and then continue to look for Jiang Huanhuan and rescue her as soon as possible.

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