By that time, he will also be the biggest businessman here.

Five days is a short period of time, but it has had a huge impact on many things.

For example, some other forces, those who were secretly observing Wenlong County, were also picked out by Du Ning.

After all, he didn't want to encounter any other obstacles when he formally attacked Wenlong County.

Besides, during this period of time, he didn't do anything, just quietly observed Wenlong County.

After another three days, Du Ning prepared everything. At this time, the troops in Anci County were also fully prepared.

Now is the best time to attack Wenlong County.

So Du Ning returned to Anci County, and after taking a rest, he personally led an army of [-] troops and marched in the direction of Wenlong County.

After arriving in Wenlong County, due to internal support, he led his troops into the city smoothly.

At this time, the army in Wenlong County reacted and began to resist.

Du Ning looked at the charging enemy army with a sneer, holding a spear in his hand, and rushed in mercilessly.

He went all the way, as long as he was in the way, he was killed, and then he led his soldiers into the south city of Wenlong County, and conquered the south gate of Wenlong County, and then stopped.

The defenders of Wenlong County didn't know what happened, but they all gathered at the south gate, opened the gate, and waited for Du Ning to enter.

Seeing this, Du Ning directly led the army into the city.

At this time, 10,000+ people had gathered in the city, including [-] to [-] people.

Du Ning didn't bother to bother, and directly led the soldiers into the city, and then captured and killed the officials in the city. Everything went according to the original plan.

Du Ning fought this battle quite happily, because these people in Wenlong County were totally vulnerable, and they didn't even have the awareness of defense.

After Du Ning occupied the entire city, he led his troops and ran towards the next city.

Wherever they passed, there was no obstacle, all obstacles would be cleared away, and all the people in the city would become their captives.

An hour later, Du Ning finally captured all the cities in the city. His army totaled more than [-]. His prestige instantly rose to the highest point, and he became the new county lord of Wenlong County.

At this time, the streets of Wenlong City became very lively, both ordinary people and those rich kids were discussing about Du Ning's invasion this time.

There are many merchants in Wenlong County. These merchants are all engaged in business, but now they are all under Du Ning's command.

And they didn't expect that some of their properties would be taken over by Du Ning, so they didn't dare to make any changes, but followed Du Ning obediently and became his loyal servants.

They also hope that Du Ning can rule Wenlong County as soon as possible, so that they can live a good life again.

The statements of these businessmen also let others see the situation clearly.

They all know that if they don't surrender, then they will die!They are all in business, but they don't want to die.

So, they surrendered one after another, and Du Ning finally took possession of Wenlong County at this moment, and these people finally became his vassals and subordinates.

At this time, Du Ning's prestige increased even more.

Moreover, Du Ning also started to rule Wenlong County, because at this time his army was in a state of starvation, he had to rule Wenlong County as soon as possible, and then solve the military supply problem.

So he ordered his generals to send personnel to find material storage points, and at the same time he himself led the army to collect materials.

And these materials were all transferred by him to a hidden valley, where there are many villages, all of which are the homes of the poor.

Duning's subordinates also started to search the villages. Their goal was food, and the more food and grass the better, so they also started to search those villages, and began to search for food.

This situation quickly caused panic in Wenlong County, and they all ran to Du Ning, hoping that Du Ning would let them go, after all, they were ordinary people.

Without the slightest hesitation, Du Ning directly dispatched the army to exterminate those who tried to escape, and murdered those who escaped, and then controlled them, which made the people of Wenlong County even more terrified.

Without the slightest hesitation, Duning continued to let his subordinates start searching for food, and plundered food wantonly, and at the same time sent troops to suppress the fleeing people.

This made the people of Wenlong County even more terrified, and they fled Wenlong County one after another, trying to find a way to escape further.

Du Ning sent a team of people to chase after these escaped people. They didn't catch up to the group of people until they reached the mountains and forests.

Du Ning directly ordered the soldiers to kill them, and threw the bodies at the foot of the mountain.

Afterwards, Duning began to recruit people on a large scale, and then prepared to let them reclaim the land and build their homes.

Du Ning's move made the people in Wenlong County even more panicked, and they didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Du Ning sent people to investigate the situation, and got the news that those people escaped in the middle of the night.

Du Ning, who heard the news reported by his subordinates, suddenly flew into a rage.

"What the hell are you doing? Why did you run away in the middle of the night! Isn't this too outrageous?" Du Ning roared angrily.

"General, we have already found out that they did not escape, but someone else sneaked into our city at night and robbed all the food we hoarded and the coolies."

Du Ning's subordinate explained.

"What? Did something like this happen? Who did it? Check it out for me! After finding out, they will all be beheaded!" Du Ning shouted angrily.

"Yes! General!" The subordinate replied.

"Also, send an order to get all the soldiers ready. Anyone who dares to trespass into my city will be killed without mercy. He is absolutely not allowed to step into my city!"

Dunin gave the order.

"Yes!" The subordinate replied respectfully, and then withdrew.

For a moment, everyone was shocked by Du Ning's ruthless methods.

And Du Ning also knew that he had to get rid of one person immediately, and that was Yu Dangshan!

It can be said that Du Ning understood these words to the extreme.


That night, at Yu's house in Wenlong County.

Yu Dangshan called his only son, Yu Shanyue, and said to him, "Son, hurry up and pack your things. We are going to flee Wenlong County tonight, otherwise, a catastrophe may be upon us."

Yu Shanyue was taken aback by these words, and hurriedly asked: "Father, what happened?"

"Oh, don't ask!" Yu Dangshan said anxiously, "Hurry up and pack up the valuables at home, and we should run away while it's dark!"

Seeing this, Yu Shanyue didn't dare to neglect, and immediately went back to pack his luggage.

Yu Dangshan watched his son go back to the room to clean up, and then he let out a long breath. He secretly rejoiced in his heart that this time was enough time, and he responded quickly.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm really going to die here today, and now it seems that there should be no problem.

He knew that after Du Ning broke through Wenlong County, he must be the first to deal with him.

Thinking of this, he began to worry again. Although Yu Shanyue was only the illegitimate son of Yu Dangshan, he was also the blood of the Yu family after all.

If something really happened to Yu Shanyue, then the Yu family would be finished, and not only the Yu family, but also himself would be in trouble.

Thinking of this, Yu Dangshan hurriedly walked out the door.

He wanted to go out to see what was going on, but as soon as he got to the door, he heard a noise from a distance, which frightened Yu Dangshan.

Could it be that his son Yu Shanyue has fallen into their hands?No, you must escape from the city immediately.

Thinking of this, he prepared to sneak out quietly.

But at this moment, five or six masked men suddenly emerged from the wall beside him.

As soon as they came out, they charged at him with knives.These masked men were extremely fast, and they arrived in front of Yudang Mountain in the blink of an eye.

Seeing these ferocious masked men in front of him, Yu Dangshan suddenly panicked. He knew that he must be doomed today.

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