Liu Qinglong's figure flickered like a ghost, and he appeared in front of Chu Xun in the blink of an eye.

I saw that Liu Qinglong's movement was very strange, and his speed was much faster than Chu Xun's, which surprised Chu Xun.

"Okay, if that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude!" After Chu Xun finished speaking, a powerful force suddenly burst out from his body.

I saw a faint light appearing on Chu Xun's arms.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and Liu Qinglong's body was sent flying back, knocking down several trees, and rolled on the ground for more than ten laps before finally stopping.

"How is it possible?" At this time, the rest of the lieutenants couldn't help exclaiming.

Liu Qinglong got up from the ground, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, then looked at Chu Xun with a dignified expression, "Chu Xun, it seems that you are really going to work hard this time!"

As he said that, another powerful aura emerged from Liu Qinglong's body, this time even stronger than before.

When the other lieutenants saw Liu Qinglong's appearance, they couldn't help becoming nervous.

"Haha, okay, okay, Liu Qinglong is really not easy, but do you think you can defeat me with your strength? Dreaming!" Chu Xun roared, and suddenly his body moved violently, his whole body was like an arrow leaving the string Generally shot at Liu Qinglong.


Liu Qinglong gave a low shout, and at the same time drew out his long sword.

Liu Qinglong's speed was too fast, in the blink of an eye, the two swords collided together.

There was another loud bang of "boom", and the two swords separated again.

On the surface of the two swords, some cracks appeared in an instant.


Chu Xun couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood, and couldn't help but slid backwards a few meters away.

"Chu Xun, I didn't expect it! You would lose to me, but I won't let you die so happily, I will let you slowly taste the feeling that life is worse than death!" Liu Qinglong sneered.

But Chu Xun didn't panic at all. A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Liu Qinglong, do you really think that I am only at this level?"

"I see, you really don't know how to live or die!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Xun's figure flashed, and his whole body turned into a phantom and disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Liu Qinglong couldn't help being a little dazed, he never thought that Chu Xun would still keep a hand.

But it was too late for him to think too much, Chu Xun's speed was too fast, he was in front of him in the blink of an eye, and directly bombarded him with a punch.


Liu Qinglong was directly hit by Chu Xun's punch, and he couldn't help but backed up a few steps, and was blown away by Chu Xun's punch after that.

Chu Xun didn't mean to let Liu Qinglong go, and he was in front of Liu Qinglong in a flash again, and punched Liu Qinglong's chest again.


Liu Qinglong had another violent impact, and took a few steps back again.

Chu Xun sneered and said, "Liu Qinglong, although you are very strong, you are still no match for me. Don't make unnecessary struggles, just accept death obediently!"

But Liu Qinglong's face was extremely gloomy. At this moment, he secretly hated him. If he knew that Chu Xun was so powerful, he should have killed Chu Xun in the first place.

"Liu Qinglong, give up resisting, today is your death date." Chu Xun said and started to attack Liu Qinglong again.

Liu Qinglong was also exhausted at this time, and couldn't stop Chu Xun's offensive at all, so he couldn't help running away in a hurry.

Liu Qinglong knew that if it fell into Chu Xun's hands today, there would be nothing good to eat, and he had to escape Chu Xun's pursuit as soon as possible.

But just as he turned around, Chu Xun's feet had already reached his back.

Liu Qinglong was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly rolled a donkey to avoid it, but he still couldn't dodge completely, and there was still a sharp pain in his right shoulder.

He couldn't help but let out a scream, and his right shoulder collapsed directly from Chu Xun's bombardment.

"Huh! Liu Qinglong, I advise you to give up resistance, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood, don't wait a while and I will not show mercy to you!"

Chu Xun snorted coldly, and punched Liu Qinglong again, sending Liu Qinglong flying more than ten meters away.

After Liu Qinglong flew upside down again for a few meters, he stopped. Enduring the severe pain from his right shoulder, he got up from the ground and launched a counterattack against Chu Xun again.



Liu Qinglong punched Chu Xun's right leg, and Chu Xun immediately bent down in pain.

"Liu Qinglong, you are courting death!" Chu Xun roared angrily.

At this moment, Liu Qinglong couldn't take care of that much anymore, he was seriously injured now, as long as he could kill Chu Xun, it would be worth his death.

Liu Qinglong rushed over again.


Liu Qinglong tried his best with every punch, one punch hit Chu Xun's belly, and the other punch hit Chu Xun's knee hard.

Liu Qinglong knew that if he didn't seize this opportunity, it would be difficult to seize the opportunity.

Chu Xun also secretly marveled in his heart, Liu Qinglong's power is really strong.

However, he didn't give up so easily. His eyes narrowed slightly, and his aura changed instantly. There was a sharp cold glow all over his body, and his whole temperament changed accordingly.

Seeing Chu Xun's change, Liu Qinglong was startled, and then his movements stopped for a moment.

Chu Xun seized this gap, and in a flash, he punched Liu Qinglong in the chest.

"Pfft!" Liu Qinglong's body crashed to the ground, struggled for a long time, and couldn't get up again.

Chu Xun sneered, and then ordered the lieutenant to take him back.

This guy dared to cause trouble in the city when he just took over Anci County, he was really provoking himself naked.

Therefore, Chu Xun would not show mercy to him.


At this time, Lin County in Anci County, also known as Wenyuan County, was also undercurrents.

In the government office of Wenyuan County, Tang Xin, the county official, summoned officials at all levels and said to everyone: "You have all heard that Anci County next door has been captured by a young man named Chu Xun."

Everyone nodded and said yes, they must have heard about such a big event.

Tang Xin took a sip of tea and continued, "We are not far from Anci County. After Chu Xun captured Anci County, it may not be long before he will attack our Wenyuan County. Think of a way, how Fend off the enemy?"

"My lord, the subordinates think that we should immediately dispatch an army to wipe out the traitor Chu Xun, and let him know that Wenyuan County is not easy to bully."

The speaker was a general from Wenyuan County named Liu Yong. At this moment, he stood up angrily and said to Tang Xin.

"Well, what Liu Yong said is correct." Tang Xin nodded in agreement, "Liu Yong's suggestion is very good, but the situation in Anci County is relatively tense now, and we will definitely suffer heavy losses if we send a large army to wipe out Chu Xun .”

"If the time comes and the soldiers are lost again, I'm afraid even if Chu Xun is killed, it will not help the matter, and it will cause other troubles."

"We have to make a long-term plan for these things, so now I decided to investigate the specific situation in Anci County first, and make a decision before it's too late!"

"Yes, the county lord is wise!"

"Okay, let's end the meeting!" Tang Xin said with a wave.

"Yes, my lord the county."

Everyone retreated one after another.

"Liu Yong!" After everyone had left, Tang Xin suddenly called out to Liu Yong who was about to retreat.

"My lord, what can I do?" Liu Yong turned around and asked respectfully.

"The suggestion you just said is very good, but I think we should take a long-term plan and not be blindly impulsive."

"I obey." Liu Yong replied with a bow.

"Well, go down." Tang Xin nodded.

"Yes!" Liu Yong bowed his hands and said goodbye.

Tang Xin sat on the chair, crossed his hands on the table, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"Chu Xun, I want to see who you are? You dare to be so presumptuous, hmph, I will come to play with you after I find out."

At this time, his son Tang Jingde came over and said, "Father, I have heard the news that Chu Xun attacked our Anci County. What do you think about this matter?"

"It can be said that we are on the verge of death. If we don't take the initiative to attack, we're afraid that the consequences will be the same as that of Anci County!"


Tang Xin snorted coldly and said, "Don't worry, I've already made a perfect plan."

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