Bang bang bang!

A series of collision sounds came.

These people have all been recruited.

Li Hu's attack was so powerful and so fast that he couldn't dodge it at all.

After a violent collision, these people all lay down on the ground with pained expressions on their faces.

Looking at the people lying on the ground, Li Hu snorted coldly, and said: "A bunch of idiots, with this little strength, dare to shout at me?"

After all, he turned to leave.

Li Hu has already solved this, and the next step is to deal with the fifth-rank master.

"You are Li Hu?" The fifth-rank expert looked at Li Hu and said with a dark voice.

Li Hu smiled coldly: "That's right, you should also report your name, I, Li Hu, will not kill the unknown!"

"Hehe, grandpa's name is Huang Xing! If you dare to lead an army to attack our Wenyuan County today, I won't let you have any good fruit to eat!" Huang Xing pointed at Li Hu and said.

"Huang Xing, I advise you to surrender obediently, lest you die under my spear." Li Hu said.

Huang Xing snorted coldly, pulled out the long sword in his hand, and pointed at Li Hu: "Daily dreaming, if you want to enter Wenyuan County, unless you step over my corpse!"

Hearing this, Li Hu said angrily: "Okay, then I will kill you!"

After finishing speaking, he used his spiritual power and stabbed Huang Xing with a spear.

Huang Xing didn't dodge or dodge, but raised his long sword to block Li Hu's spear.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Xing's long sword collided with the spear, making the sound of metal intersecting.

Li Hu was secretly startled, it seemed that he still underestimated Huang Xing's strength.

At this time, Huang Xing exerted all his strength, and the long sword directly cut off Li Hu's spear, and the long sword was still full of vigor, and it hit Li Hu's throat.

Li Hu quickly hid to the side, but he was still a step too late.


The long sword passed across Li Hu's neck, leaving a bloodstain, and bright red blood flowed out immediately.

Li Hu was hurt by Huang Xing's long sword, and he was very angry.

At this time, Li Hu already knew that in terms of pure strength, he was definitely not Huang Xing's opponent, so he had to outsmart him.

"Huang Xing, you old man, how dare you sneak up on me!" Li Hu looked at Huang Xing and said.

Huang Xing laughed loudly and said, "Li Hu, Li Hu, you really overestimated your capabilities. I only used the third level of skill just now, but you couldn't stop me. You're asking for trouble, and you can't blame others .”

"You old man!" Li Hu roared.

Huang Xing didn't care at all, and said, "Li Hu, you have to remember, if you die today, it's your fate, no wonder me!"

Hearing Huang Xing's words, Li Hu became even more angry, this old thing is really hateful!

"Old man, go to hell!" After Li Hu finished speaking, he directly sacrificed a throwing knife and flew towards Huang Xing.

When Huang Xing saw the flying knife, he sneered, and with a wave of his hand, he saw a huge sword light rushing towards the flying knife, and directly smashed the flying knife apart.

Seeing that Huang Xing's martial arts were very strong, Li Hu no longer used throwing knives, but used fists and kicks.


Li Hu hit Huang Xing's body with every punch, Huang Xing ignored Li Hu's fists as usual with the huge sword light in his hand.

Li Hu kept attacking, but he still couldn't hit Huang Xing.

"Hey, Li Hu, don't attack in vain, let's see how long you can last!" Huang Xing laughed loudly.

Hearing Huang Xing's words, Li Hu felt a little flustered. He didn't expect that Huang Xing's skill was so powerful.

"Old man, even if I can't beat you today, I will never let you leave alive!"

Li Hu looked at Huang Xing and said, "You old man, I have long disliked you, so today I will send you home!"

"Haha, really? I want to see how you send me home!" Huang Xing said.

After finishing speaking, Huang Xing raised the huge sword light in his hand again, and attacked Li Hu again.

Li Hu once again used a throwing knife move. This time, he prepared enough spirit stones, so the power became much stronger. He threw dozens of them at once, and all of them hit Huang Xing's body.

Huang Xing didn't expect Li Hu to attack him with spirit stones, so he dodged quickly, but several throwing knives still hit him.

"Boom boom boom!"

After a muffled sound, the spirit stone exploded. Huang Xing was pushed back a few meters by the aftermath of the spirit stone, with blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Li Hu didn't stop, and continued to walk forward. His feet stepped on the ground, and he only heard the sound of "click, click, click", and a large piece of soil was cracked by him.

"You can actually hurt me?" Huang Xing looked at Li Hu, feeling very surprised.

"It's just a small skill, what's so strange?" Li Hu looked at Huang Xing and said.

After speaking, Li Hu took out hundreds of spirit stones again, and quickly threw them out.

Huang Xing didn't expect that Li Hu would take out spirit stones to attack him again, so he quickly dodged, but several spirit stones still hit him.

"You can still take out the spirit stone to attack me. Let's see how long you can hold on!" Huang Xing looked at Li Hu and sneered.

Li Hu took out more than a dozen spirit stones and threw them all at Huang Xing. When one spirit stone was thrown over, a ball of flame would be created, which enveloped Huang Xing.

At this time, Huang Xing didn't care about dodging, and directly used his long sword to block the ball of fire, smashing it all into pieces.

Li Hu saw that his spirit stone attack did not hurt Huang Xing, so he took out more spirit stones.

All these spirit stones were thrown out by Li Hu, and all the spirit stones hit Huang Xing's body one by one.

"Boom boom boom!"

The spirit stone exploded and turned into flames, enveloping Huang Xing in it, burning Huang Xing's body continuously.

Huang Xing was surrounded by flames, screaming in pain, and Li Hu was very happy seeing Huang Xing's appearance.

Although Huang Xing was seriously injured now, his cultivation was still there, so Li Hu couldn't do anything to him at all.

Li Hu took out more spirit stones from the space ring, threw them at Huang Xing non-stop, and then hit Huang Xing with his fists and feet.

At this moment, Huang Xing had been injured by the Lingshi, his whole body was covered with wounds, and a lot of his skin had been ripped apart, exposing his white bones.

Huang Xing also fainted from the pain, and fell to the ground without breathing.

Seeing that Huang Xing had passed out, Li Hu was relieved.

Li Hu walked up to Huang Xing, tested Huang Xing's nose with his hand, and found that Huang Xing was indeed dead.

After solving this guy, there will be no masters in Wenyuan County.

Li Hu looked at the battlefield and began to look for Tang Xin's location.

As the magistrate of Wenyuan County, Tang Xin can take down Wenyuan County as long as he can be captured.

However, the battlefield was very chaotic at this time, and Li Hu couldn't find Tang Xin's location for a while.

After searching for a while, Li Hu found nothing.

At this time, he found that the soldiers on his side had been slowly suppressed by Wenyuan County's attack.

So, he straightened out his long spear and rushed directly into the Wenyuan County Army, killing them continuously.

As a master of the fourth-rank realm and a fierce general with rich combat experience, no one can stop him at all.

The blood-red armor on his body shone with dazzling light, and as he waved the spear in his hand, a powerful aura continued to burst out from his body.

Almost every shot he made was accompanied by a muffled sound, and then a human head would fly into the air, and some enemies blocking the way fell down before they even had time to scream.

Under his leadership, the whole team turned out to be like a dragon crossing the river, flat-footed, and headed straight towards Wenyuan County without any hesitation.

Wherever Li Hu passed, all the enemies who stood in front of him were cut off by him.

And the soldiers behind him followed closely behind, like a stream of iron, moving forward indomitably.

Under their charge, the Wenyuan County soldiers had no resistance at all. All the soldiers they met along the way, regardless of gender, were stabbed to death by him, and there was no possibility of survival at all.

Li Hu ran wildly, beheaded all the way, and finally arrived outside the gate of Wenyuan County in a burst of chaos.

At this time, the army and horses in Wenyuan County were already in a mess, at a loss.

Li Hu didn't talk nonsense, he directly took out a long knife, and slashed down with a sharp knife. Suddenly, a bloody arm splashed out.



"Help! Help!"

A panicked shout resounded on the city wall.

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