In the chat channel, at some point, Chu Xun was talked about.

In other words, Chu Xun's enthusiasm in the chat box has not diminished, and the discussion enthusiasm with Ayina is basically the same...

But now, the heat of its discussion has directly dominated the screen.

Some people said that he was wearing a battle wolf armor and holding a thousand-ox sword in his hand. They guessed that the reason why God Chu was so powerful might be some kind of inheritance?

Some people said that he stepped on the frost and walked in the air, so he must be the owner of the sss-level talent, so he is more attractive than Feng Qingjiang!

Some people said that he had the honor to talk with the God of Chu. He was very approachable and affectionate. He built a new tomb for his best friend, worthy of the name of the God of Chu.

Some people say that he has two pets, one looks like a Samoyed, but it must not be that simple; there is also a tumor-tailed gecko, which must be hidden!

Some people said that he recognized the horse God Chu was riding on. It was a level 7 trial monster, Blast Pony!A boss who can tame level 7 monsters, God Chu is really awesome!

Someone said that he recognized the skin on God Chu's pony as the skin of a level 10 Frost Iron Bull!Is the God of Chu already capable of beheading level 10 monsters?

The legend of Chu Xun began to spread in the chat channel.

Because of Chu Xun's enthusiasm and people's envy and yearning for Blast Pony in the trading house, a mount store was born.

Make an appointment for a blast pony.

Anyone who makes an appointment must pay a deposit - ores, equipment, skills, and wild fruits that can be exchanged for high-quality long swords, etc.

After paying the deposit, the shopkeeper will lead a team to subdue a wind pony for the buyer.

Then, deliver the goods with one hand and pay with the other.

The final payment is sky-high - high-level equipment or high-level skills.

If the final payment cannot be made, Xiaoma will sell it to someone else, and the deposit will not be refunded.

When the initiator of this trend, Chu Xun, saw this transaction, he even felt that he had seen a way to make a fortune!

It's a pity that Chu Xun still wants to touch the corpse to become stronger and fight for the first place than turning his head back to catch the wind pony.

Level 3 monster named Lightning Sable, lightning attribute.

Touching the corpse contributed to Chu Xun's level 3 "Arc" skill.

After use, the fingertips are filled with electric light, emitting an arc.

The effect of the skill looks pretty good.

But with Feng Qingjiang Zhuyu in front, Chu Xun didn't feel how good this skill was...

In the level 3 monster area, there are not as many people as in the level [-] and level [-] areas.

Relying on his hearing and eyesight, Chu Xun easily avoided the crowds and teams that spawned monsters and upgraded them. Chu Xun touched enough corpses of five lightning minks.

Then dodge people!

Level 4 monster, Snow Rabbit.

After touching the corpse five times, he got 10 points of agility.

Level 5 monster, Red Deer on Fire.

It looks like a fire monster.

And Chu Xun once again brushed past the fire attribute skills, only touched 15 points of the spirit attribute.

So far, there is only one e-level talent for skills related to fire attributes, friction to make fire...

well!There are 5 fire element affinity!

Of course, the affinity of the wind element is already 6 points, and he doesn't have a skill related to the wind element...

The path of a mage is really too difficult!

After leaving the level 5 monster area, we came to the foot of the lonely peak.

From a distance, the lone peak is steep and steep, straight into the sky.

When I looked closely, I realized that Gufeng was actually a very stable mountain.

The stone steps spiral up like a giant dragon, making the steep rock wall a wide and safe path.

Chu Xun knew that the high-level monster must be on this mountain!

Just as he was about to climb up the stairs, the familiar electronic sound sounded in his ears again.

[Matching mode has been activated, Novice Village 2333 has entered the matching sequence! 】


again? !

Surprised, Chu Xun turned excited.

Isn't this here to give yourself attributes and treasure boxes?

Chu Xun climbed to the peak immediately.

Get ready to find monsters of level 7 and 8 quickly, touch the corpses quickly, and then go to the high-level monster area in order to deal with the upcoming competition in time.

Village 2333 was also surprised by the sudden electronic sound.

The chat channel is full of discussions.

Everyone is shocked at the speed of this match...

Just finished playing with Bangzi, how many hours has it been?

Also too fast!

However, 2333 Village won because of the last competition...

Now the confidence is full, and everyone in the chat channel is saying that with Chu Xun, Feng Qingjiang and Ayina, they are not at all cowardly.


【Successful match! 】

[Match object: Xinshou Village No. 10468! 】

[Open the competition channel!The two villages can have friendly exchanges on this channel! 】

[Random competition mode, please wait...]

Match, still fast.

The competition channel, Village No. 10468, is full of enthusiasm for communication.

Before the 2333 village could react, the competition channel had broken through the "99+" information prompt.

Amitba Singh from 10468 village: "Friends from 2333 village, which country are you from?"

Salman Sharma from village 10468: "Thank God Shiva for blessing us just to win the next game! Friends from village 2333, I hope this competition will not affect our friendship!"

10468 Village Katrina Shah: "I pray in the name of the saint, I ask Parvati to bless us and win this competition!"

Whether it is the name or the speech, the channel is filled with a strong smell of curry.

Most people in the 2333 village recognized it immediately, and the opposite was the village of Curry Country.

Although, on Earth, the relationship between the two countries is not very good...

But at this moment, the people in Village 2333 felt the goodwill from Village 10468.

Therefore, it is natural to treat each other with courtesy.


When the opponent learned that 2333 Village was from China, the painting style of the competition channel changed instantly!

"It turned out to be the Kingdom of Cathay! Sigh, I thought it would match a decent opponent..."

"Yes, they are too weak! They are not worthy to be our opponents!"

"How can a group of sick people compare with us who have drank the holy water of the Ganges since birth?"

"Brahma has already set his destiny! China will always be the weak! He lagged behind us on the earth, and now in another world, his destiny will still not change!"

"The people of Cathay are not even as good as our untouchables - Dalits!"

Thick malice rushed over.

The people in 2333 village were caught off guard.

Can this make it?

The villagers of 2333 Village, who came back to their senses, burst into high-strength combat power in an instant.

A powerful counterattack with effective mouth guns!

On the competition channel, scolding and wars broke out everywhere.

[Competition mode is randomly completed-race competition! 】

[The two sides of the competition will start a level competition! 】

[The highest level of the two villages is both level 6, and the first person in the village to reach level 7 will win this competition! 】

[Winner, all attributes of the whole village +10!Xinshou Village map resource +25%!The overall attribute of the trial monster is -15%! 】

[The loser, all attributes of the whole village -10!Novice Village Map Resources -25%!The overall attribute of the trial monster is +15%! 】

【Contest, start now! 】

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