"Yes, this woman is the one I want to inquire about. I know that Leiling Valley has a very powerful intelligence system, so this disciple came here to ask the suzerain's opinion." Chu Xun said.

"I see, but this woman named Jiang Huanhuan is not simple, you'd better not provoke her, after all, this woman's background is very complicated." Li Xuan said.

Hearing this, Chu Xun couldn't help being startled, he never thought that Li Xuan would say such a thing to himself, what is Jiang Huanhuan's identity, and even the Sect Master of Lei Linggu is so afraid?

"Sect Master, what do you mean?" Chu Xun asked curiously.

Li Xuan smiled slightly: "This woman's background is very profound, and she is also a ninth-rank master. I advise you not to provoke her."

After Chu Xun heard this, his face paled a lot, and his heart was even more shocked.

When I got along with Jiang Huanhuan, I didn't even notice that he had such a high level.

"How is it possible?" Chu Xun said in shock.

"How is it impossible? You may not have noticed that there is a huge amount of energy hidden in her body!" Li Xuan said.

Chu Xun nodded, he had indeed discovered it before.

Although he didn't know what the energy hidden in Jiang Huanhuan's body was, he could feel a terrifying aura emanating from her body, which seemed to be like a giant beast.

Li Xuan said: "This is a kind of energy in her body. This kind of energy is very weird. It can make people crazy in an instant."

"You should be able to feel where her aura comes from, right? Her strength is very tyrannical, and you can't compete with it. I suggest you stay away from her."

"Thank you, suzerain, for reminding me." Chu Xun said respectfully.

However, even though he said this, he still didn't give up looking for Jiang Huanhuan. After all, she was his savior, and he couldn't give up on her no matter what.

"Well, you have nothing else to go first." Li Xuan waved his hand and said.

"The disciple retire."

Chu Xun bowed and saluted, then turned and walked outside.

After Chu Xun left, Li Xuan also left the hall and returned to his room.

After returning to the room, he sat up cross-legged.

Immediately, Li Xuan began to practice the exercises.

In Li Xuan's dantian, there was a black energy crystal nucleus, and that black energy crystal nucleus was flickering, as if it was burning with a raging flame.

Li Xuan closed his eyes tightly and sat cross-legged, as if he was practicing.

At this time, Li Xuan's body emitted a faint golden light. This golden light was very weak, but it gave people a feeling of infinite majesty.

And as Li Xuan operated the exercises, the golden light on Li Xuan's body also gradually disappeared, as if it had been drained dry.

Soon, Li Xuan's body glowed with life again, as if he had stepped out of the brink of death.

Li Xuan maintained a clear consciousness this time. He knew that if his own strength was not too low, he would definitely be able to enter the state of emptiness, and then he would be able to enter the Hades.

At this moment, he has already felt that his strength is not enough to enter the state of reincarnation, and he can only slowly improve his strength in the underworld.

And he must improve his strength as soon as possible, because his enemies are getting stronger and stronger during this period, and he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

With the passage of time, Li Xuan's strength was finally stabilized at the peak of the seventh rank, and continued to grow, finally breaking through to the early eighth rank.

After breaking through to the early stage of the eighth rank, Li Xuan also stopped practicing, because he could no longer feel any growth.

At the beginning of the eighth rank, for Li Xuan, it was just a small realm.

For other monks at the peak of the seventh rank, it was difficult for them to break through to the eighth rank, but Li Xuan did it easily, and broke through to this realm within half a year.

This is Li Xuan's special ability, and Li Xuan is not going to tell others about this ability.

He believes that all this has something to do with his mysterious blood.

Although he didn't know exactly how this ability came about, he knew that he would definitely find the reason and the answer.

As Li Xuan broke through to the golden core stage, his physical strength became stronger. He believed that he could now compete with ordinary eighth-rank monks.

This is a qualitative change, a leap forward.

And in the past six months, Li Xuan has also been constantly consolidating his foundation, and at the same time absorbing spiritual sources, which is of great help to him.

Li Xuan didn't know where his cultivation had reached. He only knew that his strength had improved a lot within a year, but he couldn't estimate his current combat strength.

Li Xuan couldn't help feeling a little doubt in his heart, he didn't know how much strength he had, because he didn't know what kind of means he had to kill the enemy, which made him very worried.

There are many doubts in Li Xuan's heart. He wants to solve these doubts, but he still can't sort out these questions.

Li Xuan was not impatient, because he had time to wait, to wait for a suitable opportunity to find the answers to these questions.

Afterwards, he came to the main hall of the trial ground.

At this time, the mysterious man was still lying there in a deep sleep, showing no signs of waking up.

Li Xuan looked at him and couldn't help sighing. It seemed that he had to find a way to wake him up, and he couldn't let him continue to sleep.


On the other side, after Chu Xun came out, he found Bu Xiling.

Back then, it could be said that it was Bu Xiling who introduced him to Leiling Valley, and he could be regarded as his senior sister.

After meeting Chu Xun, Bu Xiling was also very happy, so she pulled him and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to meet the other brothers!"

Afterwards, she brought Chu Xun to a small square where many disciples of Lei Linggu were practicing.

At this time, Chu Xun also saw that among these people, there was actually a person who was exercising swordsmanship with another person.

And this person is still a young man, wearing purple clothes, with long hair fluttering, and a smile on his handsome face, looking gentle and elegant.

Chu Xun recognized that person, he was his senior brother, and Li Yuanxuan, the number one genius of the younger generation in the entire Leiling Valley.

Li Yuanxuan is the most famous one in Thunder Valley. He has a strong martial arts talent and is also very intelligent.

Not only is he amazingly talented in martial arts, but he is also a genius among geniuses in swordsmanship, it can almost be said that he exists at the level of a master in swordsmanship.

And his age is only about 20 years old, but he has already reached a very high level.

His current cultivation base is already at the peak of the sixth rank, and he can break through to the realm of the seventh rank and become a real master just a little bit away, so that he can gain a foothold in Railing Valley.

Bu Xiling continued to ask: "Do you know what his name is? His name is Li Yuanxuan. He is also a young hero in Leiling Valley, and his talent in Leiling Valley is also very outstanding, so you can learn from him. .”

Listening to Bu Xiling's words, Chu Xun nodded slightly, "Yes, I see."

"I'm going back first, and I'll be back in a while!" Bu Xiling said to him with a smile, and then ran forward, quickly disappearing from Chu Xun's eyes.

Seeing her disappear from sight, Chu Xun also retracted his gaze.

He also walked back a few steps, walked towards Li Yuanxuan, watched his sword skills and moves, and silently comprehended them there.

And Li Yuanxuan also noticed that someone came to watch him practice sword, so he stopped his movements and turned to look at that person.

He also saw who it was, and nodded with a smile.

And Chu Xun also nodded, as a greeting.

Afterwards, Li Yuanxuan turned around and continued practicing his sword.

Chu Xun also continued to read.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was evening.

Many disciples also went back to rest, while Li Yuanxuan continued to practice sword in the room on the side.

He also has a small courtyard, which is very remote in the Thunder Valley, because no one knows about practicing swords here.

Chu Xun was also invited by Li Yuanxuan because he met Li Yuanxuan on the way.

"Junior Brother Chu, I haven't seen your strength yet, why don't we come and learn from each other?" Suddenly, Li Yuanxuan said to Chu Xun.

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