Chu Xun burst out laughing, this Nie Shan is really young and frivolous.

"It's nice to be young!" Chu Xun couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Afterwards, they casually hunted some prey in the woods, and came back to roast and eat.

Although this Nie Shan has a cold personality, he is good at cooking.

After resting for a long time, Chu Xun originally wanted to ask Nie Shan to go together, but this Nie Shan seemed to be a bit withdrawn, so he directly rejected Chu Xun.

And Chu Xun also knew that their two goals were fundamentally different.

Chu Xun was looking for the spiritual source along the treasure map, while Nie Shan was going into the mountains to seek revenge on the monster that hurt him.

So, he didn't force it anymore, and found a direction by himself, followed the route of the treasure map, and continued to walk deep into the Black Mountain Range.

In this black mountain range, there are black stones and jungles everywhere, which looks extremely strange, and it seems that a few monsters can jump out of any place to attack them.

Chu Xun raised his vigilance and did not dare to be careless.

He kept looking for the direction and walked deep into the mountains.

This mountain range is actually composed of countless giant rocks, and it looks like a monster with teeth and claws from the outside.

But the further you go inward, the more you discover the vastness of this mountain range.

In the mountains, there are many huge caves, the openings of which are [-] meters wide, enough for two cars to pass through in parallel.

Outside these giant caves, there are also dense trees.

Generally speaking, giant trees should be the strongest, but there are many sharp barbs on these dense trees.

Moreover, there are also some strange creatures here. They have hideous appearances, huge bodies, a pair of huge wings, and they fly as fast as lightning.

Once hit by them, they will definitely be knocked into the air, and the injured person will never survive. Even a cultivator can only be killed instantly when touched by this kind of creature.

However, although these monsters are powerful, they do not have any advantage on the mountain peaks in the valley, because there are too many monsters on the mountain peaks.

Moreover, there are many huge birds on many mountain peaks, they will swoop down to attack those monsters, shoot them down, or catch them to death with their sharp claws.

Soon, a dark cave appeared in front of Chu Xun. The cave was so dark that you couldn't see what it was like inside.

However, Chu Xun knew that there must be danger inside.

Therefore, he did not enter the cave immediately, but stayed outside the cave door.

Chu Xun raised his arm, and a blue light burst out from his palm. With a light wave of his right hand, light suddenly rose around the cave.

Under the shining light, Chu Xun found several stone tablets in the cave.

There are many words on these steles, like some kind of formation.

These formations looked very complicated, and very mysterious, Chu Xun was a little dazzled.

Regardless of these, he continued to look inside.

In the middle of the cave, there is a black door, which is closed tightly without any gap.

Chu Xun looked carefully, but found that the door was not closed, but was wrapped by a transparent energy.

Chu Xun stretched out his hand, wanting to push the door open, but when he first touched the energy, he immediately bounced away without being blocked.

It seems that this energy is very terrifying.

Chu Xun frowned, this situation made him feel a little tricky, but since he had come here, there was no turning back, so he continued to walk inside.

The further you go inside, the smell of blood fills the air.

A skeleton lay inside, the body charred.

Half of his head was eaten, and the remaining half was still dripping with bright red blood, which looked extremely miserable.

Chu Xun's footsteps stopped. Seeing a corpse on the ground, he couldn't help showing disgust, and then continued to walk forward.

In this cave, Chu Xun saw a huge skeleton.

The skeleton stand is full of spears, and he is fully dressed in battle armor and holds a long sword.

Chu Xun looked a little horrified.

Next to the skeleton stand stood a long sword, stained with blood.

After careful observation, Chu Xun confirmed that there was no mark on the long sword, and it didn't look sharp.

However, the killing spirit on this sword is indeed extremely strong.

From the looks of it, it should be a weapon used by a butcher, but the killing aura on this weapon is much stronger.

When Chu Xun saw the skeleton, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Has there been a battle here?"

"What's going on? Is this a relic from the ancient times?"

"However, the strength of these ancient strongmen is too weak. They would die in this kind of place, and the long spears in their hands are all extraordinary weapons."

Thinking of this, Chu Xun took another look at the long sword on the ground, and then continued to walk inside.

He is not afraid of the things here, everything here is sealed, he has no fear at all.

What he is most worried about now is that he will encounter some other things, and the strength of these things will definitely not be much worse than those monsters he encountered before.

He must be careful not to be careless at all.

Chu Xun continued to walk in.

Along the way, Chu Xun saw many corpses, but he ignored them and continued walking inside.

He found that the further he went inside, the lower the temperature in the air, and his body felt a little cold, and there were many poisonous snakes and spiders crawling past around him.

In the eyes of these poisonous snakes, there is a faint green light, as if they are staring at their prey, making people feel extremely cold all over.

A smile appeared on Chu Xun's face unconsciously: "The place where there are poisonous insects is probably not far from those treasures!"

After all, he continued to walk forward, and he found that the poisonous snake here would not take the initiative to hurt him, but would take the initiative to avoid it.

The more you go inside, the more and more poisonous snakes and spiders there are.

After Chu Xun saw this scene, he was even more surprised, because he felt that these poisonous snakes and spiders were not as ordinary as he had encountered before, but highly poisonous.

Chu Xun's face not only showed no expression of fear, but an expression of excitement.

"It is indeed an ancient relic handed down from ancient times. It is really interesting. Looking at these poisonous snakes and spiders, they are all extremely poisonous. It seems that the poison is much stronger than the ones I have encountered before."

Chu Xun said to himself, after finishing speaking, he speeded up and walked into the cave.

When he walked about 3000 feet away, he suddenly stopped.

At this time, Chu Xun found that his sight had been blocked by the end of the cave. There was no light or sound here.

Chu Xun frowned slightly. He felt that his spiritual consciousness was restricted by something and could not be expanded at all.

He sensed the surrounding environment and found no changes.

Here, it is still exactly the same as other places, except for the darkness, there is nothing.

Chu Xun continued to walk inside, but no matter how fast he walked, he still couldn't get out of the cave.

This feeling is very strange, this cave seems to have no end, he tried again and again to move forward, but all failed.

He could only stop and rest for a while to recover his divine sense.

After walking for a while, he saw a branch of a towering tree covered with various fruits.

Each of these fruits is like a night pearl, crystal clear and emitting a bright light.

Under the moonlight, it looked extraordinarily attractive, and people couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, wishing to eat these delicacies immediately.

This big tree is full of fruits. It seems that there are at least tens of thousands of fruits here. Chu Xun was very shocked.

Chu Xun stayed here for about 20 minutes. He found that there was no danger around him, and he gradually relaxed his vigilance.

The spiritual power here is more abundant than before, and it also contains incomparably rich life force, which is much purer than before.

The power of life here is completely a treasure house of aura.

Moreover, it is the treasure house of spiritual energy in ancient times. These life forces may be left over by a certain powerful person in ancient times.

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