The Blood Demon Tiger became even angrier after being hit so hard.

However, its anger had no effect. Chu Xun had already killed the zombie general, and the killing was done swiftly without any suspense.

The blood demon tiger let out an angry howl, then turned around and rushed towards Chu Xun.


Immediately afterwards, the Blood Demon Tiger roared again, and then rushed towards Chu Xun, opening its mouth wide and biting towards Chu Xun.

At this time, Chu Xun had already refined the blood and blood essence of the zombie general, and at this time, his strength had skyrocketed to the peak of the fifth rank.

His combat prowess is also extraordinary.

Chu Xun snorted coldly, and immediately stabbed the dagger in his hand.


The dagger collided with the big mouth of the blood demon tiger, making a sound like gold and iron clanging, and sparks splashed in all directions, making a piercing sound.


The blood demon tiger let out a loud roar, and then kicked Chu Xun violently.

Chu Xun was kicked backwards and fell to the ground.

However, at this moment, a terrifying aura erupted from Chu Xun's body, and he became extremely fierce.


At this time, Chu Xun stood up abruptly, his muscles swelled and became abnormally strong, and the dagger in his hand stabbed at the blood demon tiger.


When the Blood Demon Tiger saw Chu Xun stabbing him, its two big feet also kicked fiercely, collided with Chu Xun's dagger, and immediately made an extremely dull sound and emitted a burst of extremely dazzling sparks.

Immediately afterwards, two huge forces surged in the air, making ear-piercing whistling sounds.

At this time, the Blood Demon Tiger's feet kicked Chu Xun fiercely, making a loud roar, and Chu Xun's figure was thrown backwards by the shock.


Chu Xun was shocked back, he vomited blood, and slammed into a big tree fiercely, let out a scream, and his body fell into the hole of the big tree.

At this time, the Blood Demon Tiger let out an angry roar, and then, his claws grabbed Chu Xun's body, and pulled Chu Xun out of the tree hole.


Chu Xun's body was pulled out of the tree hole by the blood demon tiger, and then fell to the ground fiercely, and immediately spit out a big mouthful of blood again, his face was as pale as paper.

At this time, he felt that his internal organs seemed to have been displaced, and there was a sharp pain in his chest.


Chu Xun cursed secretly, his eyes full of resentment.

"You forced me!" Chu Xun said viciously, and then directly activated the power of destiny.

With the blessing of the power of destiny, Chu Xun's cultivation suddenly skyrocketed. He held a seven-star dagger, and with a charming figure, he rushed directly to the blood demon tiger.

The blood demon tiger saw Chu Xun's cultivation base soaring, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, but at this moment, it was too late to escape.

With a violent momentum, the seven-star dagger directly pierced the head of the blood demon tiger, killing it immediately.

After finishing these two guys, Chu Xun suddenly turned around and looked at the wolf king.

However, the wolf king had left at some point, which made Chu Xun heave a sigh of relief.

After resting for a while, Chu Xun took out the treasure map and looked at it carefully.

After distinguishing for a long time, Chu Xun was pleasantly surprised to find that he was already at the location where the treasure was hidden.

Chu Xun stood up abruptly, then searched around, and finally found a cave in an inconspicuous corner.

"Hey." Chu Xun couldn't help laughing, and then walked towards the cave.

Inside this cave, there were countless spiritual stones and spiritual sources, Chu Xun put them all away without any hesitation.

I have escaped death on this journey of treasure hunting, and these treasures are worthy of me.

After collecting the treasure, Chu Xun didn't want to stay here any longer, so he immediately went back the same way, preparing to return to Wenyuan County, not knowing what's going on there now.

And Chu Xun's worry was not unreasonable.

Wenyuan County was captured by him just now, and it was not stable at all. If he didn't sit in the town himself, something might happen.

The fact is indeed true, just as he thought, Wenyuan County is now under attack.

A fifth-rank master named Tang Lie is leading an army of one hundred thousand to violently attack Wenyuan County.

This Tang Lie, from Zhaoyi County, is also Tang Xin's younger brother. He came this time to avenge Tang Xin.

Standing on the city wall at this time, Li Hu looked at the mighty army of the other side, feeling very resentful in his heart.

"This Tang Lie really has the guts to attack our Wenyuan County!" He said coldly, then he clenched his spear tightly and rushed directly to the enemy army under the city wall.

At this time, under the city wall, the Zhaoyi Army was engaged in a fierce scuffle with the Wenyuan Army.


"The whole army strikes!"


With a burst of screams, dozens of corpses fell to the ground.

These corpses belonged to Wen Yuan's soldiers.

At this moment, Wen Yuan's army has been fighting with the opponent for several days. Although they haven't lost many soldiers and horses, they have also been wounded and disabled.

"General, there are too many enemy troops, I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on for long?" A soldier of the Wenyuan Army said to Li Hu.

Li Hu was very annoyed when he heard the words of this Wen Yuan army soldier.

These are all soldiers trained by him. If he dies here like this, how will he establish prestige in front of these soldiers in the future.

He snorted coldly: "What are you still thinking about at this time? Now I order, attack at full speed!"

Hearing the order, these Wenyuan Army soldiers had no choice but to bite the bullet and rushed to the enemy in front.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A series of arrow feathers shot at these Wenyuan Army officers and soldiers, and blood was scattered all over the entire city gate.

However, the soldiers of the Wenyuan Army were not vegetarians either. They drew out their swords one after another and fought back bravely, finally resisting all the arrow rain from the opponent.


At this time, another general was shot and fell in blood.

"Damn it!" Li Hu roared angrily, with deep grief in his eyes.

He knew that if he continued, the 10,000+ people under him would definitely be lost, but in order to ensure his prestige, he could only endure the grief and continue to attack.

This time the attack was even more tragic than the previous ones, and many soldiers of the Wenyuan Army were cut to the ground by the opponent.

But at this time, the soldiers of the Wenyuan Army were all red-eyed. Even though they were cut down in a pool of blood, they still gritted their teeth and continued to get up, brandishing their weapons, and continued to attack the opponent.

"Puff puff!"

A dense rain of arrows came, and many soldiers of the Wenyuan Army were shot to the ground, but at this time, many soldiers of the Zhaoyi Army were also beheaded to the ground, becoming victims of the war.

"Damn it, it's all you trash, you can't even handle such a little brat, what's the use of keeping you?"

Seeing this, Li Hu cursed angrily, then waved the long spear in his hand, and led the remaining [-] Wenyuan troops to rush towards the opponent.

He decided to personally lead the [-] Wenyuan troops to die together with these enemy troops. In this case, at least his reputation would not be affected in any way.

But at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly entered his ears.

"Li Hu, you bastard, take your life!"

This voice was Tang Lie's voice.

Li Hu looked up, and saw Tang Lie appearing out of nowhere, leading a dozen people and killing him.

And at the moment, these people are wearing face scarves, so they can't see their faces clearly.

But Li Hu knew that these people must have caused him to lose so many brothers. The anger in his heart suddenly burned more and more vigorously, and he roared:

"You bastards, get out, I'm going to kill you bastards with my own hands today!"

After all, Li Hu waved the weapon in his hand and rushed towards these enemy troops with three thousand Wenyuan troops.

The battle between the two sides under the city gate kicked off again.

But this time, the soldiers on both sides did not retain their strength any longer, and each of them broke out with the strongest strength, swearing to the death to defend the honor of Wenyuan County, vowing to guard Wenyuan County and protect their homeland.




The two sides fell into battle again, and the screams of killing continued to erupt.

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