Moreover, scarlet liquid was flowing from the corner of its mouth, and it stared fiercely at Shi Han, as if it was ready to pounce at any time.

When Shi Han saw this weird guy, he was terrified and backed away repeatedly.

It's a pity that he has no way to retreat, he has been forced to the edge of the pit by the white tiger, and he has no hope of escaping.

He knew that this guy would definitely tear him apart, but this time, he had no way to protect others, he could only watch the monster approaching him bit by bit.

The goal of the white tiger is very simple, he just wants to eat Shi Han.

Of course, Shi Han also knew this.

At this moment, Shi Han recalled many things in the past, especially the scene of his hard training.

I have a good talent, and I am a good seedling of cultivation, and since I started to practice, I have been very diligent.

Now, how could he casually die in the mouth of this beast? !

Thinking of this, Shi Han's eyes burst into fierce light, he picked up the long sword again, roared, and rushed towards the white tiger again.


The white tiger also roared, and ran towards Shi Han at a very fast speed. In the blink of an eye, it came to Shi Han, opened its mouth wide, exposed its white teeth, and bit towards Shi Han.


Shi Han was terrified, but he didn't give up, instead he rushed towards the white tiger again.

He knew that at a time like this, he must not be afraid. If he was afraid, then there was really no hope of survival.

Therefore, even in the face of death, he still has no fear at all.


The sword in Shi Han's hand collided with the teeth of the white tiger.

Shi Han felt a huge force coming, his feet were lifted off the ground directly, and the sword in his hand was also blown away by that force.

His body was spinning in the air, and finally fell to the ground, his whole body became wobbly.

It's not over yet, Shi Han felt severe pain in his chest, and a fishy and sweet air surged up in his throat.

A painful expression flashed across his face, but he still suppressed the pain in his heart, stood up again, and prepared to attack the white tiger again.

The white tiger seemed to have seen through Shi Han's intentions, it roared again, and rushed towards Shi Han, Shi Han had no room to dodge at all, so he had to bite the bullet and rush forward.

The next moment, Shi Han's body flew upside down again, rolled a few times in the air, and finally landed on the ground, spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood.

This time, the speed of the white tiger became even faster. It took a step forward and came to Shi Han, opened its mouth wide, and bit down on Shi Han again.

Shi Han had no way to dodge or resist. His hands firmly grasped his clothes, and with all his strength, he finally kept his body in the air without continuing to fall.

The teeth of the white tiger were getting closer and closer to Shi Han, and Shi Han's pupils gradually became dilated. Just a little bit, Shi Han failed completely.

At a critical moment, Shi Han suddenly felt a strange force.

This force was so powerful that it made Shi Han's eyes clear in an instant, and he finally avoided the sharp claw of the white tiger.

At this time, the white tiger's eyeballs were rounded, as if it was unbelievable, because it had made a mistake just now.

The result of the mistake was that it was sent flying again, crashed into the wall next to it, dented the solid wall, and all the blue bricks on the wall fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Shi Han laughed, then slowly got up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and walked towards the white tiger step by step.

There was fear in the white tiger's eyes, it seemed a little scared, because this kind of power was too terrifying.

However, the hunger in the stomach quickly dispelled the tiger's fear, and now it just wants to fill its stomach!

Afterwards, the white tiger pounced on Shi Han again. This time, Shi Han didn't dare to confront the opponent head-on, so he hurriedly dodged to the side.


With a muffled sound, the white tiger slapped the nearby stone wall.

This palm unexpectedly made a deep palm print on the stone wall.

As for the white tiger itself, there was nothing wrong with it, its body just swayed slightly, and then stood firm.

Shi Han looked terrified.

At this time, Shi Han suddenly heard a gust of wind, a look of fear flashed across his face, and he immediately looked up at the white tiger.

He saw a long tail galloping towards him from a distance, with a fierce wind, whipping towards him.

It was a tail that was several feet long, and Shi Han's body couldn't dodge it at all, but the tail was even faster, and it came to Shi Han in an instant.

Shi Han exhausted all his strength, and with a flash of his body, he narrowly avoided the tiger's attack.

However, when he looked around again, he found that the white tiger had long since fled without a trace.

This made Shi Han feel puzzled, is this guy really afraid of himself?

Or is this a conspiracy by the other party, in order to let yourself relax your vigilance, and then give yourself a fatal blow when you relax your vigilance?

But that's not possible, is it?Although its IQ is high, it is not so high.

Shi Han carefully observed the surrounding area and made sure that there were no traces of the white tiger around, so he walked back slowly.

And at this moment, the white tiger suddenly appeared in front of Shi Han, and rushed towards Shi Han again.

Shi Han dodged to the side again, narrowly dodging the blow of the white tiger, but Shi Han was also scarred and wounded all over his body.


Shi Han panted heavily.

His eyes were fixed on the white tiger, but he was worried.

Because he knew that his strength was suppressed again, and if he didn't try to solve it, he might die here, so his heart was full of anxiety and anger.


The white tiger rushed towards Shi Han again.

Shi Han avoided it again.

This time, the white tiger's attack became much more ferocious, its speed increased a lot, and its strength seemed to be much stronger than before.

For a while, Shi Han was being chased by the white tiger, so he could only dodge and had no chance to fight back.

Shi Han knew that it might be difficult for him to win, but he was not willing to lose like this, he knew that he had to win this battle.

Because if you lose, the only thing that greets you is death!

At this time, he looked back at his companions, there were probably only a dozen of them left, and all the others had already been buried in the belly of the beast.

But Shi Han didn't have the heart to care about them anymore, his current life or death was still unknown.

The white tiger paced back and forth, as if it was still looking for an opportunity to attack.

Shi Han's face was cold, and the sword in his hand was gripped even tighter.

The white tiger's eyes flashed cruelly, as if it was ready to pounce on the enemy at any time.

Shi Han gritted his teeth, concentrated his last energy on the tip of the sword, and prepared to strike desperately.

Suddenly, the white tiger's speed increased, and he had already arrived in front of Shi Han in the blink of an eye.

There was a wry smile on Shi Han's face, it seemed that he was doomed to be doomed today.

The white tiger raised its paw and slapped Shi Han down.

But at this critical moment, Shi Han suddenly felt a stabbing pain from his back, as if something had been inserted into his back.

But Shi Han didn't care about the pain, and stabbed the white tiger's stomach with the sword in his hand.

This time, although he was stabbed in the stomach of the white tiger, it didn't make the white tiger lose his fighting power.

The white tiger roared, opened its mouth and spit out a ball of fire towards Shi Han.

But Shi Han hurriedly dodged, the flame ball brushed Shi Han's shoulder, and burned a piece of Shi Han's flesh, but fortunately, he didn't burn Shi Han to death.

Taking advantage of this time, Shi Han quickly took out a elixir from his bosom and swallowed it, and then circulated the true energy in his body to heal the wound quickly.

Seeing that Shi Han was still alive, the white tiger became even more angry.

The white tiger continued to run towards Shi Han, but this time Shi Han did not run away, but stood up straight, waiting for the opponent to approach.

There was a trace of disdain in its eyes, it seemed to despise Shi Han's behavior very much, but it didn't stop chasing Shi Han.


The white tiger hit the wall, and the whole wall trembled.

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