Now Chu Xun and Shi Han were even more excited.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Xun suddenly shouted: "Kill!"

"Kill!" Shi Han also yelled, and then rushed towards the giant lizard.

Shi Han's speed was very fast, he had rushed in front of the monitor lizard in the blink of an eye, and slashed fiercely on the monitor lizard's head with his sword.


Shi Han's sword slashed the monitor lizard's head fiercely, and Shi Han chopped off the monitor lizard's head immediately. The monitor lizard let out a cry of pain, and then fell to the ground with a bang, without any movement.

Seeing the giant lizard lying on the ground, Chu Xun and Shi Han exchanged glances.

They didn't dare to relax, because they didn't know if there would be more monsters in this beast pit.

Moreover, those people who came here with Shi Han at the beginning have all been killed by monsters, and the dead bodies are everywhere, the scene is very terrifying.

At this time, Chu Xun suddenly realized that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell where he would not retreat.

Suddenly, he raised his head and found that Shen Lang, who was standing on the high platform, had disappeared.

However, at the next moment, Chu Xun felt a powerful coercion coming from midair.

Both Chu Xun and Shi Han shrank their pupils, and then saw a figure drifting down, and that person was Shen Lang.

"Hahaha!" As soon as Shen Lang fell into the beast pit, he laughed arrogantly, "You two guys, it's really interesting! Next, let me meet you in person!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Lang flashed fiercely, rushed directly to Chu Xun and Shi Han, and punched them at a very fast speed.

Neither Chu Xun nor Shi Han dared to be careless, they concentrated their minds and began to fight with Shen Lang.

In this battle, neither Chu Xun nor Shi Han dared to despise Shen Lang too much, because Shen Lang's strength was a bit beyond their expectations.

Moreover, both Chu Xun and Shi Han felt that Shen Lang's power was very strange, and his boxing skills were also very strange, they were a little confused.

Both Chu Xun and Shi Han's strengths are pretty good. Although they haven't reached the sixth-rank realm, they are not far behind.

The two of them teamed up, it was not easy for Shen Lang to beat them.

But what surprised them was that Shen Lang didn't seem to intend to fight them head-on at all, but kept dodging and then attacking.

"Does he have some kind of conspiracy? No, it should be impossible, he can't do this!" Chu Xun and Shi Han thought to themselves.


A muffled sound came out, and Shen Lang punched Chu Xun on the shoulder, then sent Chu Xun flying several feet away, and fell to the ground.

As soon as Chu Xun landed on the ground, he felt a surge of energy and blood, blood overflowed from his mouth and nose, and a thread of blood flowed out from his eyes, showing that his condition at this time was very bad.

"This guy is so strong, how can I beat him!" Chu Xun thought to himself.

Not only Chu Xun, but also Shi Han's situation is not easy.

At the same time that Shen Lang punched Chu Xun, Shi Han was also slapped heavily on the chest, spit out a mouthful of blood, and was shocked to fly backwards.

Finally, he hit a giant tree and slid to the ground.

"Cough cough!"

Shi Han sat up with difficulty, then wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

His face also became a little pale.

"This guy is so strong, we are no match for him!" Chu Xun said looking at Shi Han.

Chu Xun was very depressed, because he found that there are really people beyond people in this world, and there is a sky beyond the sky, and his own cultivation is far from enough at present.

Shi Han smiled wryly, he knew that the two of them were no match for Shen Lang at all, and there was no possibility of even escaping.

"This person's strength is beyond our expectations!" Shi Han said.

Chu Xun nodded. Although he was not reconciled, he had to admit that neither of them was Shen Lang's opponent, and they couldn't even resist Shen Lang's move.

"Fight with him!" Chu Xun would never be intimidated by a strong man, he shouted loudly, and rushed towards Shen Lang again.

Chu Xun knew that he was not Shen Lang's opponent, so he decided to strike first.

He slapped it with his palm again, and at the same time swung the long sword in the other hand.

This time Chu Xun's offensive was very fierce, and he brought out endless wind and cloud colors as soon as he made a move, beheading Shen Lang like thousands of sharp knives.

All this happened so fast that even Shen Lang had no time to react.

But Shen Lang was experienced in many battles after all, he was well aware of the weakness of this kind of offensive, so he ignored Chu Xun's offensive at all, and went directly to meet Chu Xun.

With a loud "Boom", Chu Xun's attack directly collided with Shen Lang's attack.

Suddenly, the entire space was torn apart.

Terrifying energy fluctuations instantly spread in all directions.

And at this moment, Shen Lang threw out both fists and hit Chu Xun's body fiercely.


Chu Xun let out a scream, and then flew back backwards.

Shen Lang followed closely behind, and disappeared in a flash.

This process looks slow, but it is actually very fast.

Shen Lang's attack was like lightning, and he came straight to Chu Xun.

"Pfft!" sounded.

A fist mark was punched on Chu Xun's chest.

But Chu Xun was extraordinary after all. Even though he was injured, he still kept his composure. He didn't fall down immediately, but continued to persevere, and then launched an attack again.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A few seconds later, Chu Xun punched out again.

But this time, Chu Xun's offensive was not as sharp as before.

"Bang bang bang!"

Within a few breaths, Chu Xun received five or six punches in a row.


Another blood mist shot out.

This time, it was Chu Xun's shoulder that was pierced by Shen Lang's right fist!

Chu Xun's body tilted, almost falling to the ground, and the wound on his shoulder was getting bigger and bigger, bright red blood flowed down, staining Chu Xun's clothes red.

At this time, Shi Han's figure also moved, he stood in front of Chu Xun, and punched Shen Lang.


Shen Lang's fist collided with Shi Han's fist, and bursts of energy splashed out.

The expressions of Chu Xun and Shi Han both changed slightly.

Shi Han's fist was shattered by the shock, and blood flowed out, while Chu Xun also had several wounds pierced by Shen Lang.

However, the physical bodies of the two of them are too strong, so even if they are injured, nothing will happen.

"How high is this guy's cultivation, and how powerful he is!" Shi Han sighed secretly in his heart.

Chu Xun took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and stood up, a pair of eyes bursting with flames.

Their goal is only Shi Han, and Shen Lang is too much of a threat to them, they must kill Shen Lang!

Otherwise, they will definitely die here!

At this time, Shen Lang appeared again.

He didn't attack Chu Xun and Shi Han with his fists, but stepped forward and appeared behind the two of them, with Thunder Fury already in his hand, ready to give them a fatal blow.

Chu Xun and Shi Han frowned at the same time.


With a flicker, the two escaped Shen Lang's attack again.

This time, Shen Lang did not chase after them, but stood opposite them.

"Hmph, kid, do you think we'll lose just by relying on this little trick?" Chu Xun said, with a wave of both fists, two more heavy punches came out.

Chu Xun's two heavy punches were very fast, and he appeared in front of Shen Lang almost in the blink of an eye.

But this time, Shen Lang was faster than them.

With a shake of his arm, two purple lightning lights erupted in an instant, turning into a giant thunder knife, and struck on their fists, deflecting their fists.

"Bang bang bang!"

With three loud bangs, both Chu Xun and Shi Han were pushed back several meters before they stabilized themselves.

"It's amazing!" Shi Han couldn't help exclaiming.

Chu Xun was also very surprised. He didn't expect that after exerting all his strength, he couldn't even make a move.

That Shen Lang didn't use all his strength at all, just shattered his fist with just one fist, making his fist lose consciousness!

This Shen Lang's strength is really against the sky!

Shi Han and Chu Xun felt a sense of crisis at the same time.

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