Chu Xun never thought that wearing shoes would give off a feeling of excitement.

Since he put on the "Treading Cloud" straw sandals, he fell in love with traveling, climbing, and running.

The mountainside on the second floor is a level 8 monster.

Not surprisingly, the top of the mountain should be a level 9 monster.

A level 8 monster with a name similar to the Spirit Grass Eudemon.

Spirit insects and phantom beasts.

It seems that they are all phantom beasts?

The Spirit Insect Phantom Beast looks like an oversized caterpillar.

That size is almost catching up with Samo.

Other than that, nothing special.

The means of attack is to spit dark green juice.

Whether it is poisonous or not is unknown.

In addition, the spirit insect and phantom beast also has the ability to transform into a clone, which can transform into two phantoms and attack together with the main body.

This may be the "illusion ability" of the spirit insect and phantom beast, just like the "illusion" of the spirit grass phantom beast.

This bug should be a phantom?

However, in the face of absolute strength, all bells and whistles are just clouds.

But Chu Xun did not kill all these bugs...

Because one bug can spit out three green juices at the same time, it is really annoying.

Hide, please.

Don't hide, dirty!

After killing five and touching the corpse for 15 points of spirit, Chu Xun directly floated into the air and walked up the stairs.

On the top of the mountain, level 9 monsters are still Eudemons.

Spirit Ginseng Phantom Beast.

Just like the ginseng doll in the picture book.

However, this doll is a bit fat and cute.

However, the "magic ability" of this spiritual ginseng phantom beast is a bit unbearable to look directly at.

When the enemy is found, the three-foot cute baby will transform into a nine-foot muscular man to attack!

However, the small face remains the same, it is still the round, chubby and cute face of the ginseng doll...

It's hot!

However, Chu Xun found that this monster was easy to kill.

Because my attack speed and movement speed are very fast, I can kill the spirit ginseng phantom beast before it has time to react and transform!

Although there is no difference before and after the transformation, they are all beheaded...

But the effort involved is different.

The ox knife can chop beef or cut vegetables.

Chopping meat and cutting vegetables require different energy.

The untransformed spirit ginseng phantom beast is chopping vegetables.

If you change your body, you will become chopping meat.


Chu Xun discovered that his two skills of ice blade and electric arc can also instantly kill the spirit ginseng phantom beast before transformation!

Maybe it's because the spirit attribute has soared to 160?

In any case, the efficiency of killing monsters has been greatly improved.

With an electric arc in his left hand and an ice blade in his right, Chu Xun transformed himself into a mage who cultivated both lightning and ice, and directly swept away all the spiritual ginseng and phantom beasts on the top of the mountain!

At this level, touch the corpse to gain 15 strength attributes.

Equip it and get a Tier 2 Tassel Spear.

There is also a black iron level prop blind box.

[Prop Blind Box·Black Iron]


The blind box of props can open all kinds of strange props.

On the local channel, Chu Xun often sees people showing off.

What kind of double experience talisman, attribute double pill, girlfriend experience card, golden gun does not pour medicine, etc...

It's a pity that I never got those props.

He doesn't even know how to get the props...

Of course, now I know.

The blind box was opened.

Unfortunately, props cannot be traded.

Otherwise, I would have enjoyed it in advance!

Blind box of props, open!

[Successfully opened the blind box, congratulations on getting the Tier 3 item—a mercenary contract! 】

It's Tier 3 again!


This abominable luck that is nowhere but always present!

The mercenary contract is really what a contract looks like - three sheets of A4 paper.

It's just plain paper!

Each one is filled with incomprehensible ghost symbols.

[Mercenary Contract: A three-day employment contract.After use, a mercenary will be hired for free for three days. 】

It looks like an inexplicable prop.

However, the word "free" is for him to decide...

Give it a try!

Chu Xun chose to use it with great interest.

Three sheets of A4 paper, atomized, rising, and then turned into colorful rays of light.

Wait until the light fades away...

A man dressed in a modern military uniform with a straight figure appeared in the light.

Wearing a beret, holding a heavy machine gun, carrying a Peraud, and hanging grenades on his waist.

It's a crooked nut full of muscles.

When the light completely faded away, the man's eyes became brighter.

The moment he saw Chu Xun, he saluted with his backhand, raised his leg and stomped the ground, and shouted loudly, "Corporal James, the five-star general, I've seen you sir!"

Chu Xun: Σ(°△°|||)! ! !

Isn't this a joke?

The system is also playing tricks?

Chu Xun raised his eyes, ready to activate the pupil of true seeing habitually, but found that he could see the detailed information of the mercenary in front of him.

[Name]: Five-star general James Corporal [mercenary]

[race]: human

[Level]: Novice level 11

【Strength】: 100

[Agility]: 30

【Spirit】: 9

[Talent]: Eye of Sniper [e]

【Learned】: Fire Dragon [Level 3], Armor-piercing Bullet [Level 2], Explosive Flame Bullet [Level 1], Silent Bullet [Level 1]

【Strength】: 28★

Does this really have gun skills?

Chu Xun has never encountered or heard of firearms talents and skills, and what he invaded is a world full of martial arts and immortal cultivation...

Instinctively thought that there would be no technology-related things.

But this mercenary, and the supporting skills...

Thinking about it this way, the invasion of all mankind cannot do without those great gods and scientists of mathematics, physics and chemistry.

So, is it possible to look forward to the collision of hot weapons and magical artifacts, the confrontation of magical magic and nuclear express?


Still have to become stronger!

Otherwise, when the bosses develop the nuclear peace messenger and the intercontinental express...

If it is affected, it may not survive!

Turn your eyes back to the...five-star general Corporal James...

This is not only a meme, but also the name of the guy in front of him.

The surname is corporal, the first name is five-star general, and the middle name is James.


Chu Xun doesn't know what the middle name of Wai Guoren means, anyway, the name is very thoughtful!

Just by looking at the name, one can see the hope of his parents for their son to become a dragon.

You can also see the evil taste of the system!

A 28-star combat power can completely wipe out most of the monsters in Novice Village!

If someone else got this prop, it must be a right-hand man.

But for Chu Xun, it was just icing on the cake.

"James, huh?"

"Please call me a five-star general, sir!" The mercenary puffed up his chest again, straightened his posture, and replied without squinting.

Chu Xun nodded, and led James straight to the third floor.

Level 10 monster area, just to test the strength of this mercenary.

If you can kill level 10 monsters alone, that would be the best!

That way, you can maximize the spawning speed.

If not...

Then he can only find an area where he can solo, and hang up like Luo Ying's avatar.

Level 9 area is the top of the second floor and the foot of the third floor.

Further up is the mountainside.

It should be a level 10 area.

However, there is nothing on the mountainside!

Chu Xun could only continue up the mountain.

As it gradually climbed up, the surrounding rocks began to gradually turn red.

Body temperature is rising.

The surrounding air began to distort due to the increase in temperature.

When he was about to reach the top of the mountain, Chu Xun saw that the rocks had become "sandwiched".

It is like magma inside.

Ascending to the top of the mountain, the heat wave is coming!

Vast, endless!

On the ground, there are crimson flame patterns.

The stone steps that continue to go up are gone!

Chu Xun realized that this should be the end of the lonely peak.

The boss must be here!

Just thinking about it, the mountain shook suddenly.

Afterwards, Chu Xun saw that in the middle of the mountain top, on the largest flame pattern, there were stones and magma rising and gradually piling up.

In the end, they converged into a human form!

"hold head high!--"

A roar.

The heat wave is surging!

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