Seeing that Chu Xun was so angry, Jiang Batian became even more unscrupulous: "Huh! You talk too much nonsense, just die!" Jiang Batian raised the spear in his hand and hit Chu Xun with a blow.

Although Chu Xun didn't know which martial skill Jiang Batian used, he didn't dare to underestimate him, so he quickly drew the sword behind his back and went up to him.

Seeing that Chu Xun actually used his long sword to fight against him, Jiang Batian burst into laughter. At the same time, he exerted force on his wrist, and the spear swirled in the air, stabbing at Chu Xun's chest.

Chu Xun quickly dodged and raised his sword at the same time.


The two of you came and went, and the battle was exhilarating. After two rounds, Jiang Batian was already at a disadvantage.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be really capable, but don't get carried away, I will let you taste what life is better than death!"

Jiang Batian yelled, raised the spear in his hand, and stabbed towards Chu Xun. At the same time, a golden light burst out from the spear, stabbing Chu Xun's chest instantly.

Chu Xun only felt a pain in his chest, and then a burning sensation spread from his wound.

Immediately, a hot current flowed all over his body along his wound, and his internal organs also trembled.

He felt as if he was surrounded by a raging flame, and that flame was burning his internal organs, even his tendons, bones, and blood.

Chu Xun hastily exercised his kung fu to resist, dispelling the scorching feeling.

And Jiang Batian was horrified when he saw that Chu Xun broke through his offensive so easily.

At this time, Chu Xun saw that the battlefield had become a mess, and the Fenglan City Army on his side and the Yan State Army on the enemy's side were already fighting fiercely.

So, Chu Xun swung his long sword again, and rushed towards Jiang Batian aggressively.

Seeing Chu Xun approaching, Jiang Batian quickly dodged and launched a fierce attack at the same time.

The two clashed fiercely again, and the fight was inextricably close, and it was hard to tell the winner. In the end, both fell into the ring.

Although Chu Xun was knocked back a few steps, he still stood firm and steady.

Chu Xun's strength did have an advantage at the beginning of the battle, but it's a pity that Jiang Batian's strength is not weak, and he also possesses some special martial arts, which made Chu Xun fall into a hard fight.

Jiang Batian saw that Chu Xun was still standing, so he raised the long sword in his hand again and continued to attack Chu Xun.

Chu Xun swung the long sword again to resist Jiang Batian's offensive, and at the same time used some defensive martial arts to defend and counterattack.

Although Jiang Batian was a little surprised by Chu Xun's defensive ability, he was still unafraid and continued to attack Chu Xun.

Chu Xun saw that Jiang Batian's attack was getting stronger and stronger, and the attack was much more fierce than before, and he was gradually exhausted.

At this time, Chu Xun suddenly thought that he had a treasure, which could increase his strength.

Thinking of this, Chu Xun took out the treasure.

This treasure was found by Chu Xun in the mysterious Black Mountain Range. This treasure is extremely powerful, but Chu Xun's current strength cannot completely control it.

Chu Xun knew that going on like this would not work, he had to make a quick decision, otherwise he would lose sooner or later.

Therefore, Chu Xun took out the treasure.


As soon as the treasure was taken out, it instantly magnified to hundreds of feet, exuding dazzling light, and a huge coercion was released instantly, which changed the entire battle situation.

"This... what is this thing? It's so powerful!"

"What is this guy holding in his hand? It seems to be more powerful than the previous one."

"Could it be the legendary artifact?"

"What kind of treasure would that be!"

When everyone saw Chu Xun take out a strange thing, they were so surprised that they even forgot that they were in the middle of the battlefield.

Chu Xun saw that the coercion of the treasure in his hand instantly increased, while Jiang Batian on the opposite side had been forced to the edge of the battlefield, so he began to urge the treasure.

Immediately, a huge black vortex appeared in the air, absorbed the treasure, and then slowly shrunk, turning into a black short sword, which then returned to the size of a palm and fell into Chu Xun's hands.


Chu Xun saw that Jiang Batian on the opposite side was almost unable to hold on anymore, so he quickly launched a fierce attack and stabbed the black dagger in his hand towards Jiang Batian.

Jiang Batian was shocked when he saw Chu Xun making such a fierce attack, and hurriedly used lightness kung fu to escape from here.

Chu Xun was furious when he saw Jiang Batian wanted to run away, so he also chased after him.

The two ran wildly on the battlefield, and soon passed through a valley.

At this time, Chu Xun finally caught up with Jiang Batian. He swung the black dagger in his hand and slashed at Jiang Batian.

Jiang Batian hurriedly dodged, but Chu Xun's dagger was so fast that Jiang Batian had no time to dodge, and watched helplessly as the black dagger in Chu Xun's hand sliced ​​towards his head.

Jiang Batian felt the danger of death, and hurriedly tried to avoid the fatal blow.

However, he miscalculated, no matter how fast he was, he was no match for the dagger in Chu Xun's hand, so the dagger still hit his left arm.

Immediately, Jiang Batian felt a cold pain. He knew that his left arm had been broken, but he still held back the pain and fled away into the distance.

Seeing Jiang Batian fleeing, Chu Xun hurriedly performed lightness kung fu and chased after him.

Jiang Batian felt that Chu Xun was chasing after him, and hurriedly quickened his pace.

The two of them kept shuttling and running in the mountains and forests.

Finally, Chu Xun caught up with Jiang Batian, and the two confronted again.

At this time, both of them had the idea of ​​going all out, so both of them used all the unique skills they had learned to attack each other fiercely.

At this time, the two of them had bloodshot eyes, and neither of them would admit defeat.

The two of you made one move and the other wanted to kill each other, but their attacks couldn't cause any harm to each other.

Jiang Batian's attack left only faint traces on the opponent's body-protecting qi, and it was impossible to break through the blocking of the body-protecting qi.

Chu Xun's attack only left shallow marks on Jiang Batian's body, and could not cause fatal damage to Jiang Batian.

The two of you come and go, and they are evenly matched, and neither can do anything to the other.

They fought for a long time, and finally, Chu Xun found that the opponent had reached the end of his battle.

Jiang Batian was almost unable to hold on anymore, and Chu Xun found that Jiang Batian's internal organs seemed to be severely damaged, and he might die at any time.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Batian was unable to continue fighting, so Chu Xun wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue and kill the opponent.

Jiang Batian saw that Chu Xun was going to take advantage of the victory to chase him, so he didn't care so much, so he ran away desperately.

Seeing Chu Xun chasing after him closely, Jiang Batian didn't dare to slow down, and on the way to escape, he kept spurting blood along the way.

Jiang Batian knew in his heart that he might die.

Although he is in the fifth-rank realm, he is only in the early stage after all, while Chu Xun on the opposite side is already in the fifth-rank peak realm. The gap is very large, and Jiang Batian knows in his heart that his life is in danger.

But even so, Jiang Batian was still unwilling to do so, but he really had no choice.

He knew that he might fall down here tonight.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling extremely sad and indignant.

Chu Xun saw that Jiang Batian had been seriously injured and spit out a lot of blood under his pursuit, he was secretly happy, and thought: Jiang Batian, aren't you very powerful?Then I will kill you first!

At this time, the treasure in Chu Xun's hand emitted a thick black mist, covering Chu Xun.

The black mist quickly condensed together, and finally turned into a huge sword. This sword exuded a cold aura and a strong murderous aura.


At this moment, the black giant sword suddenly shot a beam of black light forward, smashing a big tree into pieces.

The big tree turned into dust in the black light.

Chu Xun's black giant sword pierced into the sky, making bursts of noise.

When Jiang Batian saw this scene, his face turned pale with fright, and his soul flew away.

When the huge sword was about to cut his own head, Jiang Batian finally couldn't hold on, and immediately knelt down in front of Chu Xun, begging for mercy: "Don't kill me! Please spare me!"

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